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Everything posted by Zera

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UebfYw7-CPQ
  2. Puzzles in Zelda games usually aren't hard, they're just designed to make you feel smart. That statue puzzle was one of the rare exceptions. Had nice music too.
  3. Oh, I know. How about a cliffhanger ending, like every Kingdom Hearts game?
  4. Maybe you'll get happy from a sad ending?
  5. Thank you so much for your response. Some of your comments I have never seen before, and I would like to inquire further on them. This comment is very interesting. I would think the variety of stages, enemies, terrain, weapons, etc., and the inherent depth of the mechanics would not be conducive to repetitive gameplay. So, what exactly became repetitive for you?
  6. Oh, well that's great. What was your experience like?
  7. I thought this topic was only about TP. As I stated, my favorite dungeon was Snowpeak Ruins. GamesRadar also likes it - http://www.gamesradar.com/the-top-7-winter-wonderlands/?page=2
  8. Oh, I see now. I didn't get it because it was just worded awkwardly.
  9. [spoiler=Box art] I don't see Collin anywhere...
  10. Ohohoho, that was a good chuckle. But seriously, Integrity, your sentence doesn't seem to have an end or meaning.
  11. Integrity, I think you should finish your incomplete sentence so it has meaning. Otherwise, people might respond with copy/pasted lines and gifs of raccoons facepalming.
  12. I never said your dislike of the Metroid Prime series was invalid. On the other hand, you said "First person is the wrong direction for Metroid", a statement contradicted by the vast majority of players and critics who loved it. You should have said "I don't think first person is the right direction for Metroid", expressing your opinion without stating a non-fact. I do not want people stating non-facts or opinions as facts in my topic. Did you visit the JP website? There's already some videos there, and even a world map. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kirby/images/a/a1/KPR_Display.png/revision/latest?cb=20160304023112&path-prefix=en The world themes look pretty interesting. Oh, BTW, you still didn't answer my question... just saying. Did you really play it?
  13. As I have already stated, I do not mind differing opinions. In fact, I enjoy learning and understanding new perspectives. My rules are a functional schema to keep this topic working as intended. Since I am the topic creator, this seems very fair to me. I want to promote a civil conduct such that if posters ask questions, they will be reasonably answered. I don't read Spanish...
  14. He didn't answer my question. All he gave was an explanation for why he wouldn't answer. I don't think most people would be satisfied with that, and it's my topic anyway. If fuccboi has nothing of value to contribute, he can simply leave.
  15. On the contrary. His reply was this - As you can see, fuccboi's response was wholly unsatisfactory, and it did not comply with the rules I made.
  16. Leave this topic. Your post is spam and unnecessary.
  17. At this, I'd say some of you guys are just plain toxic. Do you have no humility? To the end that no one will be harassed and everyone will leave this topic satisfied, I have created the following rules, and promise to follow them myself: Zera's Game Discussion Topic: Official Rules This is a topic for discussing whatever game(s) is in the title. Currently, it is Kirby: Planet Robobot. The goal of this topic is to create meaningful discussion that will hopefully yield interesting if not useful information. In order to keep this topic fruitful and provide a positive atmosphere, please adhere to the following rules: 1. It is required that your post be related to the game currently in the title. 2. Disrespect, harassment, negativity, etc. to another poster is not permitted. 3. Be polite. If someone asks a relevant question, answer it. 4. All valid opinions are allowed. "I dislike [game] because it sucks." is not a valid opinion because it does not support the assumption that "it sucks". Example of a valid opinion: "I dislike [game] because the levels are repetitive" 5. To comply with rule 4, explain the reasoning for your opinion. It was likely a cross of game design and personal perspective, and this information is potentially more interesting and valuable than the opinion itself.
  18. No, I do not have selective reading. If you would be so kind as to state what you're implying, that would be great.
  19. I added a new rule, for some extra clarity.
  20. I feel... the need... to push blocks... across ice... Oh, BTW, you should add a poll for "Favorite TP dungeon" to this topic for fun.
  21. Ocarina of Time Inside the Deku Tree Dodongo's Cavern Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly Forest Temple Fire Temple Ice Cavern (Mini-dungeon) Water Temple Bottom of the Well (Mini-dungeon) Gerudo's Training Ground (Mini-dungeon) Shadow Temple Spirit Temple Inside Ganon's Castle Total dungeons: 10.5 (9 dungeons and 3 mini-dungeons) Twilight Princess Forest Temple Goron Mines Lakebed Temple Arbiter's Grounds Snowpeak Ruins Temple of Time City in the Sky Palace of Twilight Hyrule Castle Total dungeons: 9 As you can see, there is slightly more dungeon in OoT. I'm surprised it hasn't been succeeded yet, but if the dungeons in TP are bigger I might be wrong.
  22. You're welcome, Integrity. Please enjoy the latest version of this topic. I think it's going to be grand. What are your thoughts on Meta Knightmare Returns? Meta Knightmare Ultra and Dededetour were great, but the speedrunning aspect was very inconvenient since you couldn't select levels, even though they're given separate times. I'd also like to see online leaderboards this time, because competing for the best times in the world would be a great hardcore challenge for Kirby veterans like myself. I'd also like to see a one-hit-point mode, but that's just me being hopeful.
  23. Speaking of Splatoon updates, I really hope one of the new weapons is a Carbon Roller with a Bubbler, because I use Carbon Roller exclusively as a "run away like a coward" weapon, so the Bubbler would really improve my strategy.
  24. Footage of the new copy abilities and robobot modes is already on the JP website - https://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/at3a/copy/index.html The Poison ability looks similar to the Water ability, but appears to be about spreading poison on the ground and in the air to to damage enemies even after the attack is complete. Doctor Kirby attacks by throwing pills and using beakers of chemicals. He also has a charge move that channels his inner Dr. Mario and fires a group of random pills in random directions.
  25. Zera's Game Discussion Topic: Official Rules This is a topic for discussing whatever game(s) is in the title. Currently, it is Kirby: Planet Robobot. The goal of this topic is to create meaningful discussion that will hopefully yield interesting if not useful information. In order to keep this topic fruitful and provide a positive atmosphere, please adhere to the following rules: 1. It is strongly recommended that your post be related to the game currently in the title. 2. Disrespect, insults, negativity, etc. to any other poster is not permitted. 3. Opinions are allowed if they contribute to discussion. "I dislike [game] because it sucks." and similar posts without detail have no value in discussion and are thus not permitted. 4. To comply with rule 3, simply explain why you have your opinion. This information is far more interesting and valuable than the opinion itself. 5. These new rules are in effect as of this post, and will not change until further notice. Thank you for your compliance, and have an enjoyable discussion.
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