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Posts posted by rinshiiya

  1. I only use the Falchion with him.

    The only time I made him use lances/a different weapon entirely was when I wanted his lance rank to go up & when I class changed him to a Demon Fighter today.

    But he's a Great Lord again so.... I'm back to Falchion-only-Krom, lol

  2. I chose the MU-let's-kill-Grima-&-myself-in-one-shot-because-I'm-an-awesome-selfless-hero Ending.

    I spoiled every inch of this game for myself before it was released but when it came to endings, I made a B-line in the opposite direction. If I was going to spoil anything for myself, it was everything BUT the endings. So when the 'The End' came up on the screen & the Epilogue thing didn't include my waifu Lucina & myself, I almost flipped the couch I was sitting on. But of course, I pressed the A button & waited to see what would happen next & then.... the tears.

    I HAVE NEVER CRIED SO MUCH DURING A VIDEO GAME ENDING BEFORE that's right, Tales of the Abyss. Fire Emblem is still better than you when it comes to making me cry gahahah~

    But seriously, I think this Ending was the best in any FE game (of the 7 I've played anyway.) It was just really well done & the last cutscene. Gosh. I thought the mark of Gimle or whatever you want to call it disappearing from my hand was all that was going to be different, but when Krom opened his mouth & said 'Welcome back.' I had to actually put my 3DS down for a few seconds to catch my breath. heheh..

    But no, this game takes the cake........

    ........I'm sorry FE7. I'm still incredibly biased toward you..... but FE13 has claimed the spot of my favpurite FE game ; 3;

  3. I'm starting to feel like I'm the ONLY person who likes Severa.

    Actually, 'like' is an understatement. I LOVE Severa. After Lucina, she's my favourite character in the game.

    But at this point, I can't really say I dislike anyone. Maybe Miriel, though. She's kind of..... too smart for me. haha!!

  4. Even though I don't actually physically have it in my hands yet, my sister bought it for me at her work today.

    I cannot even begin to describe my emotions. To think that Toys R Us would have it when it doesn't even show up on the search engine of their website.


    GAAHH!! Toys R Us, let me love you after I show Krom my naked body that is. heeheehee

  5. I am so very happy with cast. So happy.

    I approve of all of these voice actors. (Especially Kirk Thornton if only Kirk voiced Ronku.... I WOULD LAUGH SO VERY HARD. GAHAHAH, JADE CURTISS, YOU LITTLE TROLL FACE YOU.)

    The only actors I don't approve of are Stephanie Sheh & Michelle Ruff.

    Just-- no.

    They're so overrated & annoying, I can't--

    Nope. |:

    But ohmaigod guys...

    wHERE IS JOHNNY YONG BOSCH?! /insert suspense music here.

    but no, seriously, thank Naga he's not in FE13. He's more overrated than Sheh & Ruff combined.

  6. I think it's fine to post this in this thread, but if not then feel free to shoot me (because this applies to the stupid country Canada).

    But I went into EBGames today (I live in Canada, Edmonton) & the worker told me that the 5th is when I should start checking stores for FE13, because that's when they'll most likely have some for the public.

    So I guess for people who live in Canada -- unless all of your city's pre-orders are taken care of with the early release -- we can start looking a day after the 4th.

    ....which, in my opinion, sucks a load of dead Kromnomz |:

  7. I just got some odd news...Apparently, when a friend of mine tried to see if Gamestop Incorporate (the higher ups I guess), they said they were told on the phone that the whole pushing back to the 8th only applies to the stores in Canada and the US will just sell their copies when they get them...At this point, I really just don't know and I'll wait and see what happens.


    I will kill over if I have to wait until the 8th....

    ...Damn it all, Canada!! Look at what you've done; breaking the street date like that.... Gaaah!! /rage flips computer desk.

  8. I am a female playing as the Female!MU because:

    1 - My sister hates 'self inserts' so I'm going to piss her off by naming my MU after myself. /troll face.

    2 - I want to marry Krom & his fabulous butt in those swimming trunks.

    3 - I want to marry every other male character because they're all so beautiful. Especially Azure♥.

    & then on my second playthrough I'll be Male!MU because, oh dear lawd.

    LUCINA. I have the biggest girl crush on her & I regret nothing.

  9. Oh dear Lord, I am going to swarm my 3DS with FE7 characters.






    Hentai Micaiah (maybe. I don't know if I want a Mary Sue invading my perfect game.)


    ALL THINGS FE7!! as I said above. Definitely Lord Hector. I need my baby on my 3DS as much as I do on every other gaming system I own. /pets invisible Hector plushie.

  10. /takes off glasses & rubs in between eyes.

    ughhh...... I'm fine with voice #2. Because I'm pretty sure it's Wendee Lee, who I think is AWESOME.

    ......1 & 3, on the other hand, sound like Michelle Ruff... someone who I despise as a voice actress.....

    In other words, there go my options for Female!MU voice. I'm stuck with #2. Not that that's a problem; like I said, I love Wendee Lee. I just wish I had more choices.....

    Oh well. Japanese dub, here I come!! (I already love the Japanese voice cast, so HAH. Stupid Michelle Ruff...)

  11. Yeah the DLC goes into the SD but I've heard a lot from gamefaqs that the full game + all DLC takes up about over 1 gig. :Ilyana:


    Well then, there go all of my apps. (It's not that a big a price to pay I guess. It's FE13, after all.)

    It's not like I plan on getting a bunch of DLC anyway. & I know the game takes up 8000+ blocks.... If worse comes to worst, I suppose I'll have to get the digital copy. lol~

    Thanks for the info though♥.

  12. Don't worry! You also have the eShop option if your SD isn't full. :Ilyana:

    Yeah, that's true. But after I download the game I probably won't have any room for DLCs ;~; (depending on how much space DLCs take up that is...wait DLCs are put on the SD card right? lmao~)

    I could always get a bigger SD card but... I'm not a fan of digital copies. I like having a cartridge & not a bunch of SD cards lying around with different games on them. lol~

  13. lol I headed out to EBGames in Edmonton today & they were already sold out.....

    .....I don't think I'm getting my hands on this game until LONG PAST the 4th...... because pre-orders opened up again in Canada a few hours ago, but they're closed again.......

    well, this is what I get for not pre-ordering when I could have. /sobs in a corner.

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