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Posts posted by Fleurette

  1. But that's EXACTLY what you wanted from him.

    Honestly, he didn't value his life until you support with him.

    So I'm guessing that he turns into a respectable human being that has something to live for after you get hitched with him.

    His entire motivation of being alone, unloved, and having a horrible life clawing his way to the top that you learned by reading his FE BACKGROUND website backstory (obviously only in Japanese... for now. Maybe you guys will get that one of these days from a certain group. *cough* *cough*) which really let you appreciate him as a villain character in the first part. You can see WHY he turned into such an asshat.

    Now considering you get hitched with him, that pretty much says "Even if you had a hard life, you have the right to be happy too."

    Aaawe, I think he deserves to get married when you put it like that.

    Omg OTP.

  2. (Gangrel)

    So.. Is he a good husband?

    I'm sort of interested in getting hitched with him, just in case he doesn't turn out to be a total ass.

    I always thought he was sort of cute, don't judge me, his little goatee.. <3

    Anyways, to those who married Gangrel: Is he a good Husband and Father? Does he REALLY want to restore Plegia?

  3. After reading a lot of the supports for Tiki, I feel like I should go for Nowi..

    I don't feel like Tiki could ever love anybody as much as Marth, and I do agree, she does come off as slightly condescending, especially towards Nah.

    I think I much prefer Nowi's attitude.

  4. what

    ITT people take advantage of a mentally disabled girl

    Aahaha, Umm.. It's not like that!

    I just think that she's really cute and sweet, and that her kind heart is still there.

    I like the idea of taking care of her, especially when she doesn't even get supports with Lissa or Chrom. (Which is bullshit, I don't care if she's a spotpass character)

  5. Sooo.. In another file, I'd like to marry one of the Manakete characters, and I'm not sure who.

    I'm not marrying Nah because I think it's REALLY creepy marrying the child characters, even if they are your age, I just... No.

    So.. Nowi or Tiki? I like them both a lot.

    Nowi gets a LOT of hate, but I think she's totally adorable, outfit included.

    She's so cute, and playful, but she still KNOWS that she's like 1000, and has her serious moments.

    Plus she's a good mommy.

    But then there's Tiki, she's totally gorgeous and super sweet.

    Also like.. a veteran character, and such.

    I like the strange drama between them as well.

    You're the avatar of Grima, she's the avatar of Naga, etc.


    Who do you guys prefer?

    Give me some reasons and make me love one more than the other.


  6. Yep, Emmeryn's ending with the Avatar will be the generic Avatar ending (There's not even differences between the two genders other than pronouns, same with Morgan), except Emmeryn in as the wife/husband name

    That.. is so lame.

    I want Emmeryn to have a GOOD ending.


  7. I think Avatar's endings are generic but I have no idea. Maybe certain units paired with him/her change the ending?

    His/her endings are generic yeah, but doesn't the partner also get a special paired ending?


  8. Personally, I'd prefer that she at least SOMEWHAT recover in the Avatar's hands.

    Well, yes.. That would be a bit nice.

    I'd like for her, Chrom, and Lissa to have a nice sibling thing going on after the war too.

    Makes me sad that she hardly remembers them.

  9. Well, since her normal ending has her never recovering, I have no idea.

    I don't mind if she never recovers, so long as it's something cute like "And Avatar took care of her and loved her fklgjkljgldf"

    Something nice, to make me feel like she's in good hands.

  10. *This is all assumption based on what I know from the jp versions*

    What's sad is that with the other extra spotpass characters, you get to learn more about them. You see why they did what they did, and how they're going to atone for it. You find out more about their character and personality. With Emmeryn, you don't. They just shoehorn her back in with plot device #326.


    But hey, at least they've demoted her mental state severely? x'D

  11. I personally thought Emmeryn's role in the story was extremely well done. Bringing her back the way they explain it is pretty baffling to me.

    I know, it sort of bothers me a bit too.

    Especially when Chrom and Gangrel both mention her corpse.

    So.. I dunno..

    I really loved her though, so given the chance to marry her, I'm pretty down.

  12. Gangrel's chapter came out a few days ago, how long do you think it'll take for Emm's chapter?

    I'd really like to marry her on a male file.

    I don't think that she deserves to be alone, especially if Chrom and Lissa are both getting married..

    Somebody needs to take care of her! Especially in her cute mentally disabled state.

    I just want to hug her and fkjdgfkljglkjlkgfd.

    Anybody else waitin' on Emm?

  13. Along the lines of, "If your going to try and kill yourself, do it fighting a god."


    I actually wouldn't mind too much.

    I had a lot of respect for Gangrel before I played the game, because I was under the assumption that he was a "redeemed" villain and not so bad in the end, but it seems like he's still a rotten douche either way. :-/

  14. Since his Paralogue is out, does anybody know what Gangrel's endings are?

    (Unpaired, and paired)

    I'd like to know if he actually keeps his word and goes back to make Plegia a better place.

    I'd really appreciate if marrying him ushered in a new era of peace, especially for such a crappy country.

    I'm curious, anybody know?

  15. Does anybody else think that the child characters are far more interesting than the 1st gen characters?

    Perhaps it's the whole "surviving in a post apocalyptic world" thing, but I find the children to be sooo much more interesting and fun to use / pair up.

    I'm consdering only using Chrom, My Avatar, and the kids. o__o;

    What do you guys think?



  16. Because I'd really love to have a blonde Owain, I've nailed down two men for Lissa.

    Vaike, or Libra.

    I love them both so much for different reasons but..

    I can't really decide who deserves her.

    I know I'm always asking you guys to give me your opinions because I'm a tool but I'd love for some good responses again!

    Give me some reasons as for why each guy deserves Lissa.


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