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Posts posted by Fleurette

  1. In order to satiate my immense curiosity, does Morgan get different art if he/she becomes a Manakete or Taguel?

    (Pointed ears, Bunny ears, etc.)

    Or is just the sprite that's changed?

    I think I'd find it pretty awkward if Morgan was a Manakete, but didn't have any defining features proving it.

    I mean, the positive side is that she'd look like a regular tactician/mage and then suddenly transform and be all "IMMA DRAGON RAA" resulting in the soiled pants of my enemies, but still.

  2. There are no secret shops. All shops are on the world map; you unlock a new one after every chapter you complete. The random traveling merchant items sort of correspond to secret shop-like items, I guess, but you don't need them for these.

    You can buy the regular versions anytime after Ch12 and the upgrades versions anytime after Ch23. You get extras of the regular versions from bosses in the couple of chapters before Ch12, although if you excessively use Panne or Nowi before that point, you can end up getting them briefly stuck without a weapon until you get the second copies. Of course, once you've reached Ch12, that's never going to be a problem anymore.

    Aahh, awesome.

    Thank you!

  3. Morgan's parent supports are generic.

    Well that's depressing.

    I figured being the daughter of the "Divine Dragon Priestess" and an iconic FE character, you'd get a better support than "Did you always have that face?"

    That's so depressing. :c

    I bet Morgan doesn't even get the cute pointed ears when she's a Manakete either. : [

  4. After a lot of thinking, I may have a secondary plan.

    I think It would be fun to include all of the transforming characters in my family in some way.

    Chrom X MU (My OTP, deal with it. I like this family.)

    Frederick X Panne (Seriously, Fred's fear of her feral form is sooo endearing.)

    Nowi X Vaike (Vaike actually has a soft side, and blonde Nn!)

    Lucina X Chambray (Because I love Lucina and I love Chambray and my word is law.)

    Morgan X Nn (Serious child X Morgan. 'Nuff said.)

    Then when I recruit Tiki she can just hangout and support with Lucina, Nn, and my Avatar. (She may not get married, but three supports should leave her feeling less lonely.)

    I actually like this idea a little better than my Ylissean royal family idea.

    I've always liked the transformers..

    What do you guys think?

  5. Though one could also say that her influence, which was not in the bad future's version of these events, aids the Avatar in keeping true to himself and his friends. The power of her love is more powerful than evil!

    You guys almost make me want to pair Chrom with Sumia and keep Lucina all to myself..

    Decisions decisions.

  6. Is there a limit on the number of support conversations one can have?

    Like in sacred stones, a person could only have five conversations.

    What with the children and all, you'd think there would be a higher limit, but is there any limit at all?

  7. Forgot that IS allows cousin pairings...still wouldn't do.

    Or you know reclass the girls as a brides...just saiyan...

    Mmmh.. I dunno.

    I really like the idea of Morgan X Serena, even if we don't have the support yet.

    I bet it's cute, Serena is so tough and serious and Morgan is so.. not.

    I guess Lucina and Eudes is a little weird.

    Are there limits on how many times a person can support?

    Perhaps I'll just have Lucina support with everybody in her immediate family. (Chrom, MU, Morgan.)

  8. Oh if we're doing children then

    Lucina x Jerome-(Much like everyone else, Mask x Mask)

    Cynthia x Azure-(Womanizer x Hero, this'll be fun)

    Selena x Brady-(Sele-Brad aliance!)

    Morgan x Eudes-(I think they're cute together)

    Noire x Loran-(Let's see how Loran handles Ms. Dual-Personality)

    Degel x Chambray (Dunno, everyone kinda shoves Nn and Chambray together, so I went a little left field.)


    I'm probably going to have Lucina marry Eudes.

    I think I want Morgan to marry Serena or Cynthia, mostly because I like the idea of the Prince of Ylisse's bride being tied to the Pegasus Knights in some way.

    Oh my god I'm too picky.

  9. I know, that's why Cordelia's my waifu. "It's alright, Naui's here for you Cordelia"

    Personally my marriage spread goes:

    Naui (Avatar) x Cordelia-My main choice waifu (Tharja and Olivia tied for second)

    Chrom x Sumia-Because Sumia and Cordelia are friends and Chrom and I are friends. It all works out!

    Lissa x Donnel-Princess and the Village boy, it's like opposite of Beauty and the Beast (Because Donnel is a helluva unit)

    Sully x Vaike-Dunno why, I just think they look good together. Plus Blonde Degel!

    Mariabelle x Gaius-Their support sold me with their past interactions.

    Miriel x Frederick-Miriel feels jealous when Frederick is around other women...Love it!

    Panne x Stahl-Stahl's trying to please her and she's not havin' any of that until the end. Stahl has to work for his girl!

    Nowi x Ricken-Had to put the two children together to make a child...plus Nowi loooooooooves~ Ricken

    Olivia x Lon'qu-the two shyest characters in the army making a womanizing son...hillarious!

    Tharja x Henry-Let the curse war begin!

    Cherche x Virion-Another past interaction because of master and servant.

    Hrmm.. Those are all pretty valid reasons.

    I think Chrom X MU is a really good pairing, it adds a lot of chemistry to the family.

    The good and evil bloodlines mixing, the betrayal of the family in the future of despair. (Morgan stays with Grima possessed MU)

    Morgan and Lucina have a really cute relationship.

    You can tell Lucina really cares about her father and her mother etc.

    Plus, Chrom X MU = Crazy powerful Lucina and Morgan.

  10. Well, if you don't want to marry Emmeryn, marrying Lucina or Chrom's other child will give you one less character in the Chrom family, but still enough to fill your party with Chrom family for all the main story chapters XD

    What's the limit??


  11. Well, a way to make that easier would be having a male Avatar to expand on Chrom's family XD

    Chromxwhoever -> Lucina & second child

    AvatarxEmmeryn -> Morgan

    Then you have Morgan, Lucina and the second child marry other children characters (If all are female, your choices are Azure, Bredy, Chambray, Laurent and Jerome), Lissa marries, has Wood, Wood marries another child as well (Serena, Nn and Noir are guaranteed not to be part of Chrom's family already)

    That should leave you with...13 members of Chrom's family, either by marriage or by blood, not including the parents of the children characters being related by their child's marriage. If you inclkude the parents, then it's up to 17, which is more characters than you can use on the final chapter XD

    I considered marrying Emmeryn for quite some time actually, but I don't know if I'm willing to wait for her spotpass chapter to be released..

    I'm pretty set on letting Frederick have Lissa.

    And I'm a pretty avid shipper of Chrom X MU.

    Not that I don't love Sumia, but I can just hear Tiamo/Cordelia's heart breaking the moment they get married. ;~;

    Personally I go by their support conversations and go from there so there is a level of care for my teams. Some were just because I felt a certain way like Tharja and Henry. I just went with whichever character I wanted to ship with my Avatar and then went from there.

    Gaius is a good choice for Maribelle, especially since they have a connection from the past (revealed through their support.) I would say Frederick too since he puts Maribelle through butler trainning, but you're sticking with Lissa x Frederick. Personally I loved Lissa with Donnel since their support is cute.

    I'm considering Gaius.

    He's pretty cute, and I do like that him and Maribelle are related from the past.

    Plus.. he's soooo cute.

    MODEDIT: yo don't doublepost

  12. Perhaps I'm a little bit too specific about my team builds in Fire Emblem, but I like to make sure that my characters are all related in some odd way. (In Sacred Stones, I only use people from Renais.)

    I'm pretty excited for Awakening, because my being anal pays off in the sense that I can now build nice big happy families.

    Are you guys planning on doing the same?

    My plan for Awakening is to make sure that all of my members are tied to the royal family of Ylisse in some way.

    Chrom will marry My Unit, and produce Lucina and Morgan. (Lucina and Morgan are the cutest siblings ever by the way.)

    Lissa is going to marry Frederick and produce Eudes. (Plus I actually like the idea of Lissa and Frederick. There's something I find really endearing about a princess and her knight)

    Then I may have Lucina marry Eudes, but I'm not sure yet mostly because I'm not sure if I want cousins getting married.

    My second plan is to have Maribelle marry somebody, and then have Brady marry Lucina.

    I'm not sure who I want to pair Maribelle with though...

    I suppose this post has turned into two questions!

    Do you like to make sure your teams are all related in some way? Do you just not care?

    Have any specific plans for Awakening?

    Also, who do you think goes well with Maribelle? (That isn't Chrom, Frederick, and MU.)

  13. I have this really strange love for Gangrel.

    I want to make the Plegian royal family respectable. u__u Plus Gangrel is freaking cute.

    I'm also really curious to see the MorganXGangrel father and son supports.


    If I make a boy..

    Probably Lissa or Emmeryn.

    I'd like to be in at least one of the royal families.

    I don't really like the idea of ChromXFMU, possibly because they show Chrom and Sumia holding a baby and I can't help but hear "CANONCANONCANON" In my head. ;~;

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