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Posts posted by Fleurette

  1. I'd like to know some decent skill set ups for the grand master class.

    I have an idea of what I'd like to do, but I'm not sure how viable it is?

    Okay so basically...






    Is that a good set up?

    What do you guys think about it?

    Do you have any personal set ups that work for you??

    Another build which is slightly more offensive that I was interested in would be replacing Aegis and Pavise with Astra and Sol?

    I think Astra still works with other skills, so all the more chance to activate Sol or Ignis, right?

    MODEDIT: hi don't doublepost

  2. At first it was Chrom, but his wedding is so rushed and I didn't have time to think about it so I paired him with Sumia.

    And then I figured Gangrel because he's a loveable jerk, but waiting for him might test my patience.

    Now I've got my eyes all over Libra and Gaius.

    Possibly even Basilio.


    I don't know who to marry anymore. u__u

  3. The sidequests should become available in intervals of two weeks from the game's release date, and once available, they will be unlocked after completing Chapter 25 on a given file.


    Waiting two weeks for my beloved Gangrel?

    Oh well..

    I guess I can just grind a lot so I can produce a crazy powerful Morgan~

  4. Sooo.. I guess the game hasn't been out for very long, but I've already started to assemble my street pass team!

    Now if any of you know me, or have read any of my posts, you'll learn quickly that I'm odd and picky about my Fire Emblem teams.

    This goes the same for my street pass team.

    My team name is Plegian Justice!

    It will consist of my Avatar, Tharja, Henry, Gangrel, Aversa, Noire, and Morgan~

    I've always had a soft spot for the antagonist countries, and the characters from them.

    So I suppose this works out perfectly.

    Yeah, I realize that I could have -way- more members on my roster, but this is a themed team, not a pro team.

    I just hope people come across it and think "Oh how clever."

    So what about you guys?

    Have any themed street pass teams that you think you'll try, or think would be cool?

    Please share your ideas~

  5. Dancer is a terrible class for combat with low bases and Olivia has a pretty bad growth rate for strength. She really gets a lot of benefit from reclassing to pick up the OP skills from her peg knight branches though, which will improve her capabilities as a dancer later on.

    Mh, I think I'll do that.

    I want her to be a tough little dancer.

  6. I've got a backstory for my first Avatar set up.

    Name : Robin

    Gender : Male

    Birthday : 01/01

    Asset : Health

    Flaw : Luck

    Robin's family were farmers. Robin himself was also a farmer. One day, his parents sent him to the local village to buy some stuff. On the way there, weird plot stuff happened, and he passed out. When he woke up, he had no memory of him farmer family, and he never saw them again. Oh, and the village he was going to randomly got set on fire by some bandits.

    I never said it was good.

    I laughed more than is socially acceptable.

    All you're missing is "And he met his friend Chrom and wife Village girl chan."


  7. Gender: Male

    Name: Lapin

    Birthday: 06/21

    Asset: SPD: Skl +2, Spd +4, Lck +2

    Flaw: DEF: Lck -1, Def -3, Res -1

    Lapin is a compassionate young man who harbors many talents. In his younger days, Lapin was an incredibly studious child. During the time spent with his mother, Lapin could always be found reading some form of literature, be it a fresh scroll to an old tome, it seemed like Lapin could never satiate his endless curiosity. One day while reading an old scripture that he had borrowed from the local library, Lapin had discovered a subject that piqued his interest to new heights: The Taguel. An interesting race of beings with animal-like features. Taguels possessed phenomenal agility, as well as the ability to transform into a beast of great strength. Lapin couldn't maintain his excitement, he dropped all of his previous projects and began obsessively researching anything and everything he could find about the Taguel race. Many days did pass, and Lapin had eventually come to the sad realization that he could never truly come in contact with a Taguel, as the race was a thing of the past. Discouraged, Lapin gave up on his research, and began studying new things, such as war. One day, Lapin and his mother were ambushed by a group of bandits. Fearing for the safety of her child, Lapin's mother distracted the ruffians, giving her son time to escape. Unfortunately, Lapin's mother was slain in the process. Traumatized from the death of his beloved mother, Lapin learned how to wield a sword so that he could set out on a journey to locate the bandits who had killed his mother, and exact his revenge. After becoming the tactician for Chrom and his Sheperds, Lapin was excited to finally put all of his knowledge to good use. One day while battling with the Grimleal, a religious cult situated in Plegia, Lapin had come across something he never thought he would never lay his eyes on: a Taguel. Her name was Panne, and she was positively gorgeous. Lapin had decided he would become close with her, at first out of curiosity from his previous studies, but that soon became more. She was a strong confident woman, who didn't let much bother her, despite being the last member of her race. As Lapin grew closer to Panne, he found that he could relate strongly with her. He saw her as more than just a Taguel, he saw her as the woman who he had fallen in love with. Eventually, Lapin proposed to Panne, vowing that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Panne was overjoyed, and confessed to Lapin that before she had met him, she was alone in the world. Their love flourished, and the two could never be happier. Panne gave birth to two children: Yarne and Morgan. Lapin was blessed with a healthy family of Taguels. Not only was his research fulfilled first hand, his heart was filled with the desire to protect those around him. His family.

    Yeah yeah, I'm totally lame.

    Lapin is french for Bunny.

    I'm so clever.

  8. It's completely fan pairing. It IS cute.

    I'd be more inclined to support this if I wasn't the one that married her she actually JOINED at the end of the last chapter and could let you build up support points and view the support conversations for development via skirmishes or DLC.

    Nope. "Chrom keeps away from every girl and seems like he's going for the generic village girl. Oh? He got a single support point with Olivia? HEY THEY GET MARRIED."

    I guess the fact that they get married so quickly is pretty convenient.

    I decided to marry Panne, so that I can have two Taguel babies.

    Bunny family! Yaaay~

  9. So.. You get Olivia in Chapter 11, and right after that Chrom gets married to the girl he has highest support with?

    Basically you stick Olivia with Chrom for the entire chapter and they get a C support and then get married??

    But then after that you can get them to B, A, and S?

    It's like.. they get married, and then he proposes way after that? (If you even bother to get them to S support.)

    Olivia's too shy, why would she marry a guy she hardly knows?

    Augh, somebody make this pairing make more sense for me so that I don't feel so inclined to give Chrom to Sumia.

  10. They're both good characters. The amount of stuff they pass down isn't all that important in the long run, because their children are still going to be great regardless of their parents. Nobody agrees with me about that.

    As for which one you should marry, I assume you've already decided who you plan to pair up besides them? Can you think of any other characters you'd like to pair either of the two with? If you have an alternative option set aside for one of the two, but not the other, you should probably marry the character you don't have another option for, and marry the other potential wife off to their other spouse.

    If nothing else, you could just flip a coin or use a random word selector. Or you could set up a poll and let that decide the winner.

    The last bit of advice I have is, if you haven't already, read the supports between the Avatar and the two, and see which of the two you like better based off of that.

    If I marry Olivia, Chrom gets Sumia, and Frederick gets Panne.

    If I marry Panne, Chrom gets Olivia, and Frederick gets Sumia.


    And Yarne and Inigo are both cute as fuck and would make great older brothers for my adorable little Morgan.

    Hnngngngg, Decisions..

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