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Everything posted by BaKaDaNaa

  1. Out of curiosity, is the LP dead? It's been more than three weeks since last video, might as well ask.
  2. Nosferatu seems like a really broken spell. I guess that's at least one good reason to use Dark Magic!
  3. I find it weird that there is no video to be found on the tube or something. I mean, people usually record stuff.
  4. IGN's Review: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/30/fire-emblem-awakening-review
  5. I'm sorry but I've got another question : how do I get Chrom to marry Olivia? /!\ Spoiler /!\ (I'm not sure how to mask spoilers :S) Coz' Olivia is recruited in chapter 11, and Chrom's forced marriage happens at the end of this very same chapter. So how is it possible? Can you increase the support without going through the support conversations menu? /!\ Spoiler /!\ Thanks again!
  6. Even though my previous question remains unanswered, I have another one for you guys! If a unit like a Battle Cleric or a Trickster just healed someone (while having a weapon in their inventory) and an ennemy attacks them, will they attack back like in FE9, or will the staff be considered as equipped and the unit will just take the damage and do nothing? Thanks!
  7. Hi everyone! I just wanted to ask, is Donnel worth using? I'd like to at list marry him to someone to have the child inherit the Good Growths skill which is awesome, but apart from that, is he a good unit? His base stats seem horrible, but maybe his growths make up for it... Do they? It seems to me that he would make a fine hero, but I don't know, I've been told that he sucked. If I end up using him, do you recommand reaching lvl 15 before reclasssing, or do it as soon as I get a change seal? Thanks!
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