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Esau of Isaac

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About Esau of Isaac

  • Birthday 06/09/1989


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  • Location
    San Diego, California

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. (Lack of) carbs be kicking my ass ;u;

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      When you first start on much lower-carb diets you often go through the low-carb flu as your body adjusts by entering a state known as ketosis. It usually manifests as a few days of lack of energy. It pays off though because when you're in ketosis your hunger drive goes way down.

    2. Junkhead


      ooohhhhhhhh, that makes an awful lot of sense. Well, almost.

      I've been feeling really down and sort of depressed, lately. I've probably been eating more carbs than before, even...

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