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Esau of Isaac

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Status Replies posted by Esau of Isaac

  1. Happy birthday, you're getting close to 30.

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      NOOOOOOOOO ;___;

  2. "beaucoup bucks" holy fuck is that how it's spelled???

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      I too am amazed at the mangled language goulash that is English. :O

  3. "(don't use wrist or ankle weights ever)" SHAME ON YOU! Wrist weights (suggested 5-10 lbs) are used in x-rays of the acromioclavicular joints! Actually I have never seen that exam done...but still...!

  4. "(don't use wrist or ankle weights ever)" SHAME ON YOU! Wrist weights (suggested 5-10 lbs) are used in x-rays of the acromioclavicular joints! Actually I have never seen that exam done...but still...!

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Okay, Corollary to the Never Use Wrist And Ankle Weights Treaty: Only use wrist and ankle weights when you're shooting cool-ass x-rays at yourself.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I remember when I used to "have trouble getting my protons". Now I know everything. ;u;

  6. merry new year

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Merry happy new year!

  7. How's it going with teh whole thing.

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      teh whole thing is pretty stagnant. muh gurl is making me eat bad food every day ;__;

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Where are your precious carbs now. :smut:

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      I dunno. I can say with no doubt that after I got through the carb flu, pounds shed off like crazy because I only ate when I needed to rather than when I felt like it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. CREATINE, son

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      I still have that big ol tub I haven't even touched yet. o__o

  10. Where are your precious carbs now. :smut:

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      spoilers I have been slowly weening myself off my no-carb diet and while I'm making slower gains I am also eating delicious food occasionally. :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Thanks Esau. I'll ask you that favor when I get enough money. [:

  12. Thanks Esau. I'll ask you that favor when I get enough money. [:

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      I just checked, that translates to $75422.75 USD. o______o

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Did you ever do your game of thrones thing? I had a change of heart and now I want to play. Do you still need/can you still use players, or is it too late?

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Nope, I never did do it. Was waiting to get enough people. Lemme re-post in the topic then!

  14. sing me a birthday song

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Okay but in protest only the beginning of one http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Sst42jGAhD

  15. Bro, do you even LIFT.

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Whoops, didn't see this until just now. Yeah, it can effect growth. Guys do it in HS because they think getting beefy will get them chicks. Although to be fair I'm pretty sure being Beefy McLargeHuge helps a bit. :B

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. Bro, do you even LIFT.

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Nope! Or at least I haven't consistently since high school. I have a membership at a local gym, or at least I can activate the one that I bought, but I'm waiting for a friend to get money to join me.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. (Lack of) carbs be kicking my ass ;u;

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      When you first start on much lower-carb diets you often go through the low-carb flu as your body adjusts by entering a state known as ketosis. It usually manifests as a few days of lack of energy. It pays off though because when you're in ketosis your hunger drive goes way down.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. fuck it I'm cutting

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      That's good! Heavy weight lifting is the fastest way to make gains whether you're building muscle or losing fat.

      Keep an eye on carbs more than fats, though. If you eat too many that fat's not going anywhere even if you maintain a caloric deficit.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. fuck it I'm cutting

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Good luck! I am too, we can be cutting buddies!

      That sounds kind of morbid. :0

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. You look tired

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      I am very tired and have to get up in eight hours BETTER PLAY SOME VIDEOGAMES! :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Did you see my post about the Three Prisoners problem?

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Oh, yeah. I didn't get it though. I think I am misreading the scenario or something. >__>;

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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