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Posts posted by Agro

  1. Looks like someone started where they weren't supposed to - with the bad ones.

    Seriously, Destiny Hero, I hate to say it, but your opinions are so unbelievably base and unfounded I have no idea where you get them from.

    Rebecca's pose makes her look like a slut.

    Doesn't that qualify as hot?

    Kent is much better, especially when mine is blessed.

    By this logic, every single character is good. Besides, Isadora is pretty, she has a much better story and a less bland personality than Kent.

    Rebecca is an ugly 10 year old girl who pops into the story with less character developement than anyone else.

    Tell you who has less character development than Rebecca? Canas. Canas is easily missed if you missed the Gaiden, not to mention your character won't even reply to him when you visit the village.

    While questioning your opinion is a stupid thing to do, I don't understand your logic and reasoning. What are you, like, eleven years old?

  2. As the title says, what video game music would you like to hear in a concert? Pick your top three songs you'd like.

    There's a hell of alot I'd like to hear, so I won't bother listing it, but how about you? What would you want?

    I ask this because there's an upcoming "proejct" of sorts I'm organising with someone that may well be going underway sometime soon. As such, I'd like to hear what the general public wants.

  3. Not "good" per se, but "useful" is more like it. But that's neither here nor there.

    I never use these. I always get stuck deciding on who gets it and then it goes to the back of my convoy to never be seen until the final chapter.

  4. Minerva: Great work, Dei, although I couldn't help but notice that her armour is almost.. overdetailed? Not sure if that's a bad thing or not (most likely not), but it sets it apart from other FE mugs.

    Photomanip: Looks great, except... how did you do it? XD. Also, bottom right tile doesn't seem to have enough distinction as a tile.

  5. As an extra note, your sprites (much like Magvel's, too, XD) have too much showing. Usually, on a female character, you can only see the very top of their breasts.

    As for the first one on your post, her hair doesn't flow naturally, and looks very stiff. Try giving it some form by either making it flow more or giving it waviness, etc.

  6. The physics of pegasi and wyverns (okay, maybe if their bones were hollow the wings would be big enough, but the shoulder muscles are too wimpy on the pegasus and a hollow-boned animal wouldn't be able to carry a human)

    Same with how bird laguz can carry people.

    How laguz gain weight when they transform.

    How Elincia can do an UBER HUGE CRITICAL HIT and not kill the target (Mercy skill)

    1. Pegasi use magic to fly by kicking their legs. (Can't remember who said it, I think Florina said that in her support conversation)

    2. Grab someone in your talons? Have them ride you? Who knows, Tibarn is huge.

    3. Um, that's pretty simple, since it is a magic transformation therefore allowing them to gain weight after they transform.

    4. Missed the vitals by a centimeter?

  7. That could be over kill.

    A lot of chapters + Large maps + Lover system + Thracia's hardness + HUGE amount of character in 2nd Gen (counting that we also get Thracia's characters) = ...Dead.

    Anyway, I'm torn between Monshou book 2, Seisen, and Thracia. But if I REALLY have to pick one...I think you already know my choice.

    No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant similar to Mother 1+2, or FFDoS: I&II. Two seperate games, one cartridge.

  8. That when a lance is used in the way that the Halberdiers use them (When they whack the opponent with it like a huge sword/baseball bat) it still makes a slashing sound.

    Hit with the sharp end? XD

    What doesn't make sense to me is Dew being 13 and having kids with people far older than he. Not to mention his stellar growths..

  9. I can't pick between Holy War and Thracia =X. Thracia is probably at the peak of "innovative" in the series, while Genealogy's plot and overall gameplay was really good. If anything... combine them both into a mega-game!

  10. 1. Yurius is a reincarnation of neither, but Manfroy showing him the Book possesses him with Loputousu (hence the dragon leaving his body after you defeat him).

    2. Alvis' father was Victor.

    3. 8 sounds right.

    5. They blame Sigurd for co-conspiring with his father to murder the King.

  11. You know, if you take the time to raise Rolf, he actually turns out better than Shinon. Anyway, Ilyana with 19 Speed at level 9 Sage is pretty good. I think mine had 20 at promotion into third tier (yes, I used her) so yours should gets a little bit more. She won't be doubling anything, but she'll certainly own in 4-F-3. Ilyana can be slightly fun to use, since she can deal lots of damage against the all-too-common armour knights.

  12. Tauroneo is The Three Brothers Grand-Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. In the Tauroneo-Rolf Support, Tauroneo says that Rolf looks like his son.

    2. In that same support, he says that his son was a cripple.

    3. In an info event Rolf's Mother states that their father was a cripple or atleast paralysed.

    4. Tauroneo at one point says that his wife dumped him and moved their family to Crimea.

    So that is why I am led to believe that...

    Tauroneo is The Three Brothers Grand-Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    While this is entirely plausible, I must note that #4 is null because your theory states that Tauroneo is their grandfather, not their father.

  13. You're not Magvel, are you? Your "works" certainly look like his...

    That aside, all of your mugs are pillow-shaded. This means that the shading job was rather shoddy, and is shaded around the edges, making it looked like a pillow. Observe the shading on FE mugs for a better idea on what I mean.

    All your female characters' breasts are also awkwardly shaded. They look like they're flat in the middle, and kind of... "wedge" out. If you want to learn how draw those properly, look at characters like Marisa for example on how to draw them properly.

    The first one posted had some really fat arms. They also have no muscle tone, making them look incredibly round and unnatural.

    The second last one's shoulders are much too thin for a guy.

    The last one posted has a face shape that is much to round, and the nose looks too squarish. The mouth is also badly shaded.

  14. Personally, I prefer the OST the FEP has to the game rip SNESMusic has, though the preference is opposite for FE5. FE4 rip have too many repeating tracks and neither Fire Emblem theme has the finale, IIRC, where as FE5 OST has the problem of most tracks being cut out too soon.

    The FE4 OST has the FE Theme finale.

  15. (Except for Mozart, who's one of the most overrated composers of all time!)

    That position belongs to Vivaldi (I hate Vivaldi, it's so.. repititive...).

    On the topic of abstraction and order, do you have any of your more regular pieces around? I'd like to listen to them, too.

  16. 2 Moar mugs. and Harvey, I've decided not to post art people pay for. It wouldn't be fair.



    Rock Lee


    I like how this one turned out. XD

    More soon. Hopefully....but this will probably be it for awhile.

    Some regular critiques:

    Neji's hair lacks proper shading, making it look less textured and more like a flat piece of plastic. His body is at the wrong angle compared to his head, and the clothing is pillow shaded. His shoulders slope unnaturally.

    Rock Lee has the same pillow shading issues. His hand is too small (specifically, his wrist), and his shirt is pillow shaded.

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