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  1. Agro's post in Why does my mug look so short? was marked as the answer   
  2. Agro's post in Character-specific portrait sizes? was marked as the answer   
    Some portrait IDs are hardcoded to be raised, you're better off replacing another portrait ID or adding a new index and manually inserting it there.
  3. Agro's post in Where Would i find animations that i could use in a hack, while crediting the original creators was marked as the answer   
  4. Agro's post in Can the world map be any color? was marked as the answer   
    any color. to my knowledge it's still limited to 15 colours in total but someone may have figured out how to get it to use the full 64
  5. Agro's post in Moving units during cutscenes? was marked as the answer   
    From here:
    Which links to here:

  6. Agro's post in Finding death quotes was marked as the answer   
    they're probably done via events so just search for the text manually or use another text entry and change it in nightmare
  7. Agro's post in Pointers? was marked as the answer   
    that one is anything you want to be. it's any pointer that happens to be in free space. we generally recommend putting it somewhere between D00000 and E00000 or from 0x1000000 onwards
  8. Agro's post in Branched Promotion on FE7 Help was marked as the answer   
    Did you expand the class table? What's the address of the original?
  9. Agro's post in Placing boss quotes was marked as the answer   
    Yes, but you must attach it to the correct character and chapter with the Battle Quote Editor.
  10. Agro's post in [FE7] Why won't this song play? was marked as the answer   
    The .s file is missing a line designating which instrument to play. Sappy defaults to instrument 0 for these lines, but the game itself doesn't know what to do with this. Open the .s file in a text editor and add this line in to all the tracks:
    .byte VOICE , 0
  11. Agro's post in FEditor Advance not opening my ROM after closing it was marked as the answer   
    open your rom, save it, close it, reopen it
  12. Agro's post in [FE7] How do I figure out map change pointers for cutscene only maps? was marked as the answer   
    you can add any map change pointer, it doesn't actually matter. you could also change a map pointer to a map change pointer. map change pointers, map pointers and event pointers are all contained under the event references table so they're all interchangeable, if that makes sense. you might need to fiddle with the chapter data editor module afterwards though
    sorry I'm a bit drunk
  13. Agro's post in [FE7] Chapter Order and Character Forcer questions (Guide me) was marked as the answer   
    The order is the same as the order seen in the Chapter Data Editor.
    As for chapter order... seriously, just do whatever you want. It doesn't make a difference in the end. None of the chapters have any funny hardcoded business so you've got nothing to worry about.
  14. Agro's post in [FE8] Route specific characters? was marked as the answer   
    Should be fairly easy. All you'd need to do is disassemble the chapter events and remove the code that loads Saleh/Duessel etc. and remove any cutscene text that they have afterwards.
  15. Agro's post in [FE7] Music thing I found but don't understand was marked as the answer   
    paste it to an address that ends in 0, 4, 8 or C. A "word" is 4 bytes. Then when you insert a song with sappy, for "voice table offset" you input that address.
  16. Agro's post in Event assembler issue? was marked as the answer   
    Did you move any of the files, or extract the program from the RAR in some non-conventional way?
  17. Agro's post in Editing Title Screen was marked as the answer   
    Use GBAGE, open the ROM and go to those images. After exporting them it should become quite clear what the dimensions are. That text is also in 1368, I believe, not 1371.
    This tutorial covers how to find palettes.
  18. Agro's post in FEditor Adv text editor error was marked as the answer   
    FYI to everyone else, we answered this question on FEU so it's more or less solved.
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