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Everything posted by Enaeius

  1. Seeing as there's quite a bit of demand for Krom x Soiree, here you go. Time to see whether or not Krom will survive the awesomeness that is Soiree. [spoiler=Soiree x Krom C]Krom: Well, if it isn't Soiree. Soiree: Ah, Krom. Krom: What are you doing by yourself? Liz and the others are preparing the army food over there. Soiree: Yeah, I know. I'm just about to start working on the fire. Krom: So they've left you on fire duty? I guess even they can be really cold-hearted, huh. Soiree: Ha ha, it's not that. It's just that I was never any good at domestic stuff like cooking and sewing. I was the one who proposed doing that rather having to deal with cooking. Krom: Ah, is that so? Now that you mention it, you... you've always been like that. Soiree: Feminine things were never my strong suit. Oh well, I'll just keep doing the things that I can do. Krom: Ha Ha, well, that should be no trouble for you. Alright then, being a fellow flop at cooking and sewing, would you like me to give you a hand? Soiree: Krom, you're a lifesaver... Thanks! [spoiler=Soiree x Krom B]Krom: Oh, Soiree. Soiree: Yo, Krom. Krom: What's with all the packages?... That's quite a pile you've stacked up there but, are you alright? Soiree: Oh, there's no need to worry. I just thought I'd tidy up the tent, is all. Krom: I see... That'll certainly be helpful but... you work too hard. Don't push yourself so much. If you try to carry too much at once, you will drop them, you know? Soiree: Ha Ha Ha... There's no way that'll happen to me. After all, this is just another part of my training. Krom: Huh? Tidying up is... training? Soiree: Yup. By carrying heavy stuff like that around, your arms, legs... every muscle from your head to your toes will be worked, not to mention that getting strong muscles using this training is much faster than with other exercises. Besides, in order to not drop anything like you mentioned earlier, you'd also get to work on your balance and equilibrium. Krom: I get it... You get to train while tidying things up so you basically kill two birds with one stone. That's definitely very effective. Soiree: Isn't it just? There are all sorts of chances for training in everyday life. Krom: Then I would love to see the results of all that training. It's been a while so how'd you like sparring together sometime? Soiree: That's fine with me. Keep in mind, I have gotten stronger. So you'd better be ready, Krom! [spoiler=Soiree x Krom A]Krom: Taaa! Yaaa!! [Clang] Soiree: Heyaaa!! Hiii!!! [Another Clang] Krom: Hah... hah... *Pant* Y, You're good... Soiree! The power behind your attacks has improved. And each strike covers quite the range... It feels as though I'll be sent flying if I get hit by one of them. Soiree: Hah... hah... it's an honor to be complemented by you, Krom. But, you're also very impressive. I can't find a single opening in your offense or defense. You've obviously never missed a day of training. Krom: Yeah. Training everyday without fail is the shortest path to victory. That's what I've always been taught, you know. Soiree: Yeah, ever since we were kids, right?... I miss those days. Krom: Yeah, I remember us sword fighting with each other a lot back then. Soiree: ...Definitely. Back then, we'd all just play together without thinking twice about whether we're boys or girls. We'd leave our neighborhoods and just sneak off to play in the fields. Our parents would get so upset when they'd catch us. Heh... such wonderful memories. ... Alright, this looks like a good spot to take a break. Krom: Sure, let's. ... Anyway, your strength would put that of any man to shame. I thought I'd gotten quite a bit stronger but it looks like I haven't reached your level yet. Soiree: Haha, well, it's all because I can't afford to lose to you. With you as my rival, I can continue to improve. Krom: ... Neither of us has changed a bit, huh. Even when we're both adults, the woman I still hang out with the most is you, Soiree. Soiree: Hm... Well, the other girls have all matured and grown into proper ladies.It seems like I'm the only one who's been left behind. Krom: Soiree... At the very least, I think that the current you is great. Times like this when we're competing and talking with each other are really valuable to me. Somehow, having a childhood friend to talk with so openly without any reservations is a real relief. Soiree: Eh.. R, really? Haha... If you're happy with that, I guess life as a manly woman isn't too bad. Krom: Yeah. You're best just the way you are, Soiree. Soiree: Is that so... Thanks, Krom. [spoiler=Soiree x Krom S] Soiree: Ah... there you are, Krom. Krom: What's up, Soiree? You were looking for me? If you want to practice, any time's fine with me. Soiree: Ah, no. Actually, today, it's... not about training. Krom: Ok. Then... what is it? Soiree: About that... a couple of days ago, you said that the time you spent me was important to you. What... What did you mean by that? Krom: Huh? What did I mean? ... Now that you mention it. ... Oh, I see. I'd say it's just something I blurted out spontaneously. That I didn't want you to change and that I wanted you to stay as you are. S, Sorry... I'm sorry for saying such a weird thing. Soiree: ...I see. I'm grateful that you feel this way. That you recognize and accept me just the way I am... Krom: Of course I do... Soiree? Soiree: ... But that's... that's you seeing me as just "Soiree", one of the guys, not as a woman... Krom: Eh...? As a woman? Soiree: T, That's right! Don't just say it back! Even like this, I'm still a woman, you know!? I, I mean, I know that I'm not feminine at all... I can't cook. I can't clean. I can't even do the laundry but... Krom... Could you tell me again? What... do you think of me? Krom: Soiree, just what are you getting at...? Soiree: ...Ah, Ah...! Actually... I... like... you. As a woman, I like the man you are. Krom: ...! Soiree: That's why I want you to please tell me. As a man, what do you think of me? Krom: You mean you want to be my wife? Soiree: I, Idiot! Don't just say it out right like that!!! I've never said anything like that before, so I'm really embarrassed!!! Krom: Yeah... I get it.... Well, why not? Soiree: Eh!? Krom: Like I said, you and me getting together? Honestly, I did once think of you as one of the guys but I figured that your style was actually fine with me. Soiree: Then... you accept me? As a woman? Krom: Yeah. Soiree: J, Just like that...? Krom: Well, I like you too so I don't have any problem with that. There's no law that says that my lifetime partner has to be able do the housework. ... But, being with me is not at all easy. I am responsible for a whole country, after all. It's quite the responsibility and, if you are to be my wife, you'll have to bear half of it... Is that alright with you? Soiree: Of course it is! That's no problem at all! I'll definitely help you out! Krom: Ha ha ha, how reliable! ... Then let's make a vow. The two of us will be together and support one another all our lives. Here, please take this. Soiree: T... This is, a ring, isn't it? And it has the Iris family crest on it... Isn't this really valuable? Krom: Yeah... Apparently, my parents had this made for me when I was born. I've always carried it around me. And, once I found a partner for me, I was to give it to her. So... that's why I'm giving it to you. Soiree: Krom... Thank you, I'll treasure it. Krom: Ha Ha Ha... This really is embarrassing. Alright! I'm counting on you from now on, Soiree! Soiree: ...Yeah! Me too, Krom! I'll do my very best!
  2. To continue the parent/child support trend, this time it's Azure and his mother! [spoiler=Azure x Olivia C]Olivia: Azure... Where are you going at this time of night...? Azure: Wha..! Mom...!! Umm... I'm about to go flirting... and stuff.~ Olivia: That's a lie... The only ones strolling around at the dead of night are the Fallen...Where are you really going...? Azure: ... Actually... Olivia: Are you... going to practice your dancing? Azure: Eh!? How did you... olivia: Somebody saw you dancing deep in the forest... That's why... I thought maybe... Azure: Eh!? Somebody saw me!? Even though I thought nobody would ever find out!! ... I, I'm so embarrassed!! They must have thought that I sucked...! Olivia: No, not at all. They said that it was wonderful. So much so that they couldn't take their eyes off you... Azure: That's even more embarrassing!! I haven't even gotten used to be being praised! And besides, they couldn't take their eyes off me, right? That means they kept watching for a while, doesn't it? Oh... I can't do it anymore... I can't practice in peace anymore... Olivia: Umm... In that case, why don't we practice together? I'm very good at finding spots where other people won't see me. Besides... going out all alone in the dead of night is dangerous, so.... Azure: W... with you, Mom!? But won't you be embarrassed if someone saw you practicing? Olivia: I'll be fine if it's you, Azure. W, We're... mother and son, after all, right? So, let's... Azure: Uh... I'm sorry... Even though you... Olivia: Um... What's wrong? It's too embarrassing for you, after all? Azure: Umm... It's not just that... Olivia: Not just that...? What do you mean...? Azure: A, Anyway, I can't do it! That's the end of this conversation!! Well, I'll go back to the tent now, Mom! Olivia: Ah...! [spoiler=Azure x Olivia B]Azure: ....... Hm. So today it's over here, huh... Heave-ho...! Olivia: Eeek! A, Azure!? W... What a coincidence...! Azure: What kind of coincidence is that when you're hiding in this really suspicious box! Umm, Mom. Stop trying to sneak around just to get a glimpse of my dancing! I saw you hiding on top of that tree, under that bridge, trying to look like a rock by covering yourself with that really weird cloth...! And you really freaked me out when you just popped out of that waterfall all of sudden!? Olivia: B, But... I want to see it too. Even though I'm your mother, I never once got to see your dance... That somebody else got to see it by accident while I haven't is really frustrating... Azure: Sorry, Mom. But it'd be really embarrassing for someone to see me during practice... You're also a really shy person so you can understand where I'm coming from, right? Olivia: Yes... B, But... A truly shy person wouldn't keep flirting with girls every day...! Azure: Heh... That's a good point. But isn't it because of you that I'm able to talk with girls like that, Mom? Olivia: Huh? I... Is that so? Azure: Yes, it is. When I was a kid, I was just as shy as Mom. To try and fix that, I asked Mom about it and she said "The best way for boys to be brave is to talk to girls...!" Olivia: The, The future me said that...!? Azure: Yeah. You said that a friend of yours had told you that a long time ago.... Anyway, I went ahead and tried it out. It went surprisingly well so... Olivia: It's become a habit now...? Azure: That's right. That's why my fondness for girls is thanks to you, Mom ~. Olivia: I, I'm sorry... Azure: You don't have to apologize for that. If I want to impress people with my dancing, they also have to think I'm charming or it'd be no good. That I keep failing at flirting just proves that I've still got a ways to go. It's all become a kind of training for my dancing, so don't you think it's like hitting two birds with one stone, Mom? Olivia: Huh... I get it... In that case, good for you... Azure: You're not worried anymore? Alright then, it's time for lunch so I'll go back now. Olivia: Heh heh... So my future self is the reason behind Azure's flirting... Oh, in the end, I didn't get to see his dance today...! That I failed again even after going to the trouble of preparing this box... It's really embarrassing ~ ...! [spoiler=Azure x Olivia A]Azure: ...Alright. This dance turned out really well, if I do say so myself. Olivia: It was a marvelous dance, Azure. Azure: Eh...!? Olivia: But your rotation needs a little work... Also, if you pay more attention to your fingertips around the second half, I think the dance will be even better... Azure: Mom... ... Were you hiding somewhere again? Olivia: No. Today, it really was just a coincidence that I saw you. But... thanks to that, I finally got to see your dance... You changed the choreography in the second half a bit but I thought that change was the best part of the dance... Did the future me teach you that...? Azure: ....... Olivia: Azure? Azure: ... That's right. This is the last dance my future mother taught me. The reason that the second half's choreography is different is because... She died before she could teach me that part... Olivia: ...Oh... Azure: Jeez... Just when I thought up this really great choreography to surprise you with, you had to see it before it was finished... Olivia: I... I'm really sorry...! Without knowing any of that... I, I just selfishly...! Azure: ...No, it's fine. Actually... I've always wanted to hear what you thought about it. You see, I would always practice in front of Mom's grave and just wonder, if she could see me now, what would she think? Would she say that this movement is a little slow, or would she praise me for that part... I would imagine the voice of my lost mother... That's why... I'm so glad... right now... Olivia: Ah...! P, please don't cry...! M, my future self is dead but... the present me... will always be with you. I'll be close by, I'll see your dances and we can go out together all the time. Until you're alright again, I, I'll do anything so... So... please smile... Azure: ....... .... Yup. ..... Thanks, Mom. Olivia: N, no , it's fine...! Azure: I'm sorry about not showing you my dance until now... Once I've completely finished this dance, then... I'd really like you to teach me the dance's actual choreography that my future mother was unable to teach me. Olivia: Yes...!
  3. I stand corrected. Though, in my defense, I just wanted to use something that would rhyme with Azure's "skirt chaser" but couldn't really find any woman-fearing synonyms that worked.
  4. Here's yet another parent/child support. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the woman hater and his son, the skirt chaser. Ronku and Azure! [spoiler=Azure x Ronku C]Azure: Aw, Dad. I was just about to go on a tea date with a girl. Why did you have to come and stop me? Ronku: Because the army is about to march off. It can't be helped. It's your fault for focusing all your effort on flirting instead of keeping track of the time. Azure: Yup, I guess so. Sorry about that. Alright, let's do our best today! Ronku: .......... Azure: Hmm? What's wrong, Dad? Is there something on my face? Ronku: ...Were you always like this, even when you were still in the future? Azure: Like what? Ronku: For someone who came from a future of total despair, you have very few worries... Whereas Lucina has a strong sense of duty and the resolve to follow through on it, I don't see the slightest bit of that in you... Azure: Eh! What's up with that! I do have a proper mission, you know! Ronku: Oh? And what's that? Azure: But of course, my mission is to be popular with all the ladies! Ronku: Be popular with the ladies, you say...? THAT's your mission? That's the mission you came all the way to the past for? Azure: Come on, Dad. ... It's embarrassing so please don't talk about my mission with such a loud voice. Ronku: Don't blush like that... It's disgusting. Azure: That's a terrible thing to say, Dad. Especially when you like it so much when Mom blushes. Ronku: ... ... That's a completely different story. Phew... talking with you is exhausting. I'll be on my way now. [Ronku leaves] Azure: ....... ..Heh. I don't have any worries, huh... Dad sure says some pretty harsh stuff... [spoiler=Azure x Ronku B]Azure: Ow ow ow...Well, this is bad... I can't go back like this... Ronku: What's wrong, Azure? Azure: Whaa! D, Dad!? Umm... I just saw a really cute chick, that's all! Ronku: ...You're lying. It's obvious that you're just trying to hide the fact that you're hurt. Let's see, you're injured around here. [Ronku's poke of DOOM!] Azure: OWW...! OWWWOWW!! OWW...!! Jeez, you're really rough, Dad... Ronku: Hey...! That's a pretty nasty wound. Why didn't you just come out and say it from the start? Azure: Meh. It'd be really bad if a girl so me being that uncool. Ronku: ...Get a grip already!! Azure: Dad...? Ronku: Even at a time like this, you're still talking about girls!? Don't get carried away with this nonsense! Why did you really come to this time!? Even while Lucina is fighting so desperately, you're just... ... Frankly, it looks like I've misjudged you. You don't even know what this thing called "war" is, do you? Azure: ...... Don't talk like you know everything... The one who doesn't know anything is you, Dad...! Ronku: What the..? Azure: If I really just wanted to be popular with girls, I wouldn't have come all the way to this time. I wouldn't have kept fighting everyday... Day in, day out, all the while wondering if I'll be dead come tomorrow!! Ronku: ... Azure? Azure: Even I still had expectations to live up to in the future. Because I fought the Fallen everyday. Even though I'm shouldering everyone's hopes and expectations, I can never show any weaknesses. In that world... Even though we're all suffering, I alone can't afford to show any weakness. Even with you gone, even with Mom dead, I had to be alright... I had no choice other than to keep fighting all while smiling and acting like nothing was wrong...!! Ronku: ...... Azure: Dad, you said that I had too few worries, but... Even now... to not feel suffering or agony is impossible for me. However, I don't want to show that... No, I can't show any of that, is all. If that offends you then I apologize... Sorry, Dad. Ronku: ... No, it's fine... Azure: And also... thanks for worrying so much about me. I'll go get this injury healed right away... [Azure leaves] Ronku: ...... [spoiler=Azure x Ronku A]Ronku: Azure, I'd like a word with you. Azure: Oh, Dad! Look, look. The wound from that time. It's been healed. Ronku: Oh... thank goodness. Azure: Yeah, sorry about worrying you like that. Ronku: I'm sorry too for saying all those inconsiderate things back then. Even though you were fighting all this time, I didn't understand any of that and I just... Azure: Oh, you're still upset about that. It's fine, I was wrong too. Ronku: But... Azure: ...Smile, Dad. Ronku: ? Azure: If you keep me making such a meek face, you'll get depressed. Come on, smile. Smi~le. Ronku: Geh, Ha ha ha...! S, Stop tickling me...! Azure: Ha ha ha! As I thought, you have a great smile, Dad. I've always wanted you to smile. After all, I came here to get back a world where everybody can smile. Ronku: ... So that's your real mission? Azure: That's right. Sorry about lying about it before. But...I've decided to tell you all about that, Dad. Ronku: Is that so.. That's great. I'm all ears. Azure: But if I talk about that, I'll probably get gloomy, right? You wouldn't know it looking at me but I get depressed really quickly. I'm also really pessimistic and cry a lot. Especially when I blunder while trying to pick up a girl, my eyes just get teary, you know. Ronku: ... Azure. You don't have to try so hard to make me smile. Azure: That wasn't about me trying to get a smile out of you, Dad. I really do like girls! Ronku: Heh... That's all well and good but... Hmm? Liking girls is a good thing...? ...Anyway. I'll also reclaim a world where you don't have to act tough. I'll protect you in place of the me who died in the future. That's why... whenever you're in pain, you can rely on me. Azure: ...Dad... .... Thank you! To think that you thought about me that much...! Ronku: Wha...! Don't hang on to my head like that... it hurts...! Azure: But, I never thought you'd say anything like that, Dad... I'll also protect you, Dad. This time for sure, I won't let you die. So... never leave me behind again... Ronku: ... Yeah.
  5. Agreed. Guess I've still got some work to do. Thanks for the help, TheEnd.
  6. Yeah. As it turns out, Vake has a bit of an ego problem. Definitely not what I expected. He only refers to himself as "Ore-sama" and nothing else, just like Victorian royalty. This is especially pompous of him considering that the actual royals like Krom and Liz don't use it.
  7. EDIT: Seeing as the "royal we" doesn't really reflect Vake's talking style, here's the new version. Like TheEnd had mentioned, it's supposed to be a gangster-like style of speaking so that's what I'm trying to go for here. I'll leave the royal we version up for the lulz; it was rather hilarious those who liked it but I'll also include the modified one. Here you go. [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake] [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake C]Vake: Krom! Krom, where are you! Tiamo: Vake. Vake: Oh, over there! Tiamo: No. Will you just settle down already and stop chasing Lord Krom? Vake: Krom and I are eternal rivals! Who's chasing after whom ain't important! Tiamo: What you're really doing isn't chasing him! You're just being a nuisance to him! Vake: I'm being a nuisance? Doesn't he accept my challenge every time? Tiamo: Lord Krom isn't the type to run away from a challenge so there's no helping that. That's why, for Lord Krom's sake, I think... Vake: He hasn't asked you to do anything about it, right? Then it ain't really any of your business. Tiamo: Hmph... ... Fine. If you want to fight that badly, I'll be your opponent. Vake: Huh? You? Tiamo: You'll have to beat me first if you want to fight Lord Krom! Vake: Haha, ain't that interesting? Guess it would be good to measure myself against someone other than Krom every once in a while. Come! [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake B]Vake: Damn that Krom... Just a little bit more and I'd have won! Tiamo: No matter how much you're beaten, you just don't give up, do you? I really do admire that tenacity of yours. But to just keep on challenging Lord Krom's sword with a disadvantageous weapon like the axe is just... Vake: I don't bother with details like weapon compatability or logic. If I had tried to stick to the smart way of doing things, then I'd never be able to catch up to people like you or Krom... Yours truly will do things our own way. And win! Tiamo: ... Do you really want to win? Vake: Hm? Tiamo: I understood when I saw that last fight. You have a knack for fighting. But strangely enough, you're so focused on your own fighting style that you neglect the basics of combat, which is why you end up losing. Vake: What the!? Tiamo: And as you fight with the axe, you don't know any other fighting tactics except charging from the front, do you? I can give you some pointers if you want. So, what will it be? Vake: ...Will I really be able to beat Krom with that training? Tiamo: That is up to you. However, I can vouch for its effectiveness. Vake: Alright, let's try it then! Tiamo: Just keep in mind, I won't take it easy on you. Vake: That's just fine! Let's go! [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake A] Tiamo: Phew... For now, let's take a break. Vake: *Panting*... I ... ain't done... yet. *Wheeze* Tiamo: No use acting tough. You're barely able to breathe. Resting is also an important part of your training. Vake: In... In that case, I'll rest up a bit. Phew... I'm exhausted. Tiamo: Hehehe... But it's amazing. I knew you had talent but to be able to improve this much in such a short time... Vake: Well, I just had to work one or two of the basics and the rest just came naturally. Buy... If you hadn't taught me all that, I'd probably have never come this far. Let me express my gratitude; thank you. Tiamo: My, how frank. That's unusual. Vake: I'll have you know that's I'm always direct. Tiamo: Is that so? Well, let's leave it at that. Vake: But... is that alright? Tiamo: What is? Vake: I am Krom's rival, remember? Ain't the fact that I've gotten stronger bad for Krom? Tiamo: It most certainly isn't. If you get stronger, Lord Krom will also get stronger in order to avoid losing. That's why this is for Lord Krom's sake. Vake: I see. Tiamo: Moreover, increasing your strength also raises that of this army. There is no downside to this. Vake: Ehhh, you thought this far ahead? You'll put Rufure to shame. Tiamo: Umm... Thinking like this is pretty normal actually. Though I guess it would appear impressive for someone like who just blindly fights without so much as a single thought. Vake: What did you...! Tiamo: My, looks like you got quite a bit of energy back. And it looks like your breathing is back to normal. Then do you want to continue? Vake: Yeah! Tiamo: I'll keep going at you without holding anything back! Vake: Of course! Until the day I show Krom what's what, I'll count on you for training! [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake S]Vake: *Panting* ... Did you see that? I landed a hit on Krom. Well, he did land a hit on me too so it's a tie but, it's all thanks to you. Tiamo: I saw it... Both of you were serious and really went at each other with everything you've got. Vake: Yeah, our weapons may not have been real but our fighting was. At any rate, it was because beating Krom's the only way for me to touch your heart. Tiamo: Huh... what's, that supposed to... Vake: Hey... Just give up on Krom. You know full well that it's not what he wants, right? Tiamo: Wha... What, what the, that's...! Vake: It pisses me off to see it. Your earnestness, your gallantry. ... Leave them for me. I'll properly look at you and give you what you deserve. Tiamo: Eeh? ... Wha, What are you... Saying something like that out of the blue... Vake: Turn your passion over to me. I'll accept all of it upfront and my love for you will be twice that much. That's why, please accept this. Tiamo: ...A ring? Then, you want to... Vake: I had it specially made for you. Your heart has been stuck on Krom for so long. That's why I wanted to take this chance and help you overcome that. Please marry me, Tiamo. Tiamo: Umm... I..., that is... y... Yes... Vake: Really! Thank you! I love you more than anyone else, Tiamo. Let's do our best to be happy! Tiamo: Hmph... you're really overbearing. We'll definitely be happy, right?... Because I believe in you. [spoiler=Royal We Version] [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake C]Vake: Krom! Krom, where are you?! Tiamo: Vake. Vake: Oh, over there! Tiamo: No. Will you just settle down already and stop chasing Lord Krom?! Vake: Yours truly and Krom are eternal rivals! Who's chasing after whom is not important! Tiamo: What you're really doing isn't chasing him! You're just being a nuisance to him! Vake: We're being a nuisance? Doesn't he accept our challenge every time? Tiamo: Lord Krom isn't the type to run away from a challenge so there's no helping that. That's why, for Lord Krom's sake, I think... Vake: He hasn't asked you to do anything about it, right? Then it's really none of your business. Tiamo: Hmph... ... Fine. If you want to fight that badly, I'll be your opponent. Vake: Huh? You? Tiamo: You'll have to beat me first if you want to fight Lord Krom! Vake: Haha, isn't that interesting? Guess it would be good to measure ourself against someone other than Krom every once in a while. Come! [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake B]Vake: Damn that Krom... Just a little bit more and We'd have won! Tiamo: No matter how much you're beaten, you just don't give up, do you? I really do admire that tenacity of yours. But to just keep on challenging Lord Krom's sword with a disadvantageous weapon like the axe is just... Vake: We don't bother with details like weapon compatibility or logic. If We tried to stick to the smart way of doing things, then We'd never be able to catch up to people like you or Krom... Yours truly will do things our own way. And win! Tiamo: ... Do you really want to win? Vake: Hm? Tiamo: I understood when I saw that last fight. You have a knack for fighting. But strangely enough, you're so focused on your own fighting style that you neglect the basics of combat, which is why you end up losing. Vake: What the!? Tiamo: And as you fight with the axe, you don't know any other tactics except charging from the front, do you? I can give you some pointers if you want. So, what will it be? Vake: ...Will We really be able to beat Krom with that training? Tiamo: That is up to you. However, I can vouch for its effectiveness. Vake: Alright, let's try it then! Tiamo: Just keep in mind, I won't take it easy on you. Vake: That's just fine! Let's go! [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake A]Tiamo: Phew... For now, let's take a break. Vake: *Panting*... We're ... not done... yet. *Wheeze* Tiamo: No use acting tough. You're barely able to breathe. Resting is also an important part of your training. Vake: If... If you feel so strongly about it, We'll rest up a bit. Phew... We're exhausted. Tiamo: Hehehe... But it's amazing. I knew you had talent but to be able to improve this much in such a short time... Vake: Well, We just had to work one or two of the basics and the rest just came naturally. However... If you hadn't taught us all that, We'd probably have never come this far. Let us express our gratitude; thank you. Tiamo: My, how frank. That's unusual. Vake: We'll have you know that's We're always frank. Tiamo: Is that so? Well, let's leave it at that. Vake: But... is that alright? Tiamo: What is? Vake: Yours truly is Krom's rival, right? Isn't the fact that We've gotten stronger bad for Krom? Tiamo: It most certainly isn't. If you get stronger, Lord Krom will also get stronger in order to avoid losing. That's why this is for Lord Krom's sake. Vake: We see. Tiamo: Moreover, increasing your strength also raises that of this army. There is no downside to this. Vake: Ehhh, you thought this far ahead? You'll put MU to shame. Tiamo: Umm... Thinking like this is pretty normal actually. Though I guess it would appear impressive for someone like who just blindly fights without so much as a single thought. Vake: What did you! Tiamo: My, looks like you got quite a bit of energy back. And it looks like your breathing is back to normal. Then do you want to continue? Vake: Yeah! Tiamo: I'll keep going at you without holding anything back! Vake: Of course! Until the day yours truly beats Krom, We'll count on you for training! [spoiler=Tiamo x Vake S]Vake: *Panting* ... Did you see that? We landed a hit on Krom. Well, he did land a hit on us too so it's a tie but, it's all thanks to you. Tiamo: I saw it... Both of you were serious and really went at each other with everything you've got. Vake: Yeah, our weapons may not have been real but our fighting was. At any rate, it was because beating Krom's the only way for us to touch your heart. Tiamo: Huh... what's, that supposed to... Vake: Hey... Just give up on Krom. You know full well that it's not what he wants, right? Tiamo: Wha... What, what the, that's...! Vake: It irritates us to see it. Your earnestness, your gallantry. ... Leave them for us. We will properly look at you and give you what you deserve. Tiamo: Eeh? ... Wha, What are you... Saying something like that out of the blue... Vake: Turn your passion over to us. We will accept all of it upfront and our love for you will be twice that much. That's why, please accept this. Tiamo: ...A ring? Then, you want to... Vake: We had it specially made for you. Your heart has been stuck on Krom for so long. That's why we wanted to take this chance and help you overcome that. Please marry us, Tiamo. Tiamo: Umm... I..., that is... y... Yes... Vake: Really! Thank you! We love you more than anyone else, Tiamo. Let's do our best to be happy! Tiamo: Hmph... you're really overbearing. We'll definitely be happy, right?... Because I believe in you.
  8. Well, let's take a look and see... Nono x Richt! [spoiler=Nono x Richt C]Krom: ...Luckily, no one was hurt but you have to be more careful from now on. Richt: I'm very sorry! I really am! I just used a little bit of fire and it spread so quickly and... Krom: Tell me the details later. For now, just be on standby. Richt: Yes, I understand... [Krom leaves] Richt: Phew...! Nono: Richt... Sorry. Because Nono dozed off and breathed some fire... Richt: It's fine. But in exchange, don't sleep while you're hugging your Dragonstone. I don't want you to burn me while I'm asleep. Nono: But... without it Nono, Nono can't sleep very well. Richt: Well... Then, until you fall asleep, I'll just sit by your side and read you a book. Nono: Really? Then, I'll probably be able to sleep! Richt: Alright. Then, we'll keep what just happened between the two of us. You promise? Nono: Yeah, it's a promise! Thank you, Richt! [spoiler=Nono x Richt B]Nono: ...Richt, are you still angry? Richt: No... I've calmed down now. Nono: Thank god. You were really loud so Nono was just surprised, you know? Richt: Sorry... I... Once I lose my temper, I can't really hold it back. Nono: Why did you grab at the townspeople? Richt: Those guys... they were saying bad stuff about Lord Krom. Lord Krom, none of them has any idea, how hard he is fighting for them! Nono: I see... Richt: That is, I know there are many different people and that it's no use getting mad at them. I know that I have to act more grown up but... Nono: Richt loves Big bro Krom so it's fine. Even Nono would get angry if the people she loves get hurt. Richt, it would have been fine if you had gotten even angrier! Richt: I... Is that so? Nono: Richt covered for Nono. You're a really nice and strong boy. Richt: Thanks... Nono. Nono: Sure. Do you want Nono to not tell anyone about what just happened? Richt: Yes, please. This way each of us has a secret. Nono: Eh, that's right. This kinda makes me happy. Having our very own secret, just the two of us. Richt: Yeah, it does. [spoiler=Nono x Richt A]Richt: That wedding was fun. We saw a lot of nice things. Nono: Yeah. The whole village was very loud. Richt: Yeah, they even gave people like us, who were just passing through, a lot of fruit. It was almost like a festival. Nono: A festival!? Nono loves festivals! It's really nice when there are a lo~oot of people and it's all busy and stuff! Richt: Is that so. You like it when there's a crowd. Nono: ... Nono, in the past there werern't any people around Nono. I was really, really lonely. That's why I love crowds! Richt: ...Then you're not lonely now, right? Nono: Yup! There are a lot of people here! Between Richt and Rufure and everyone else, there are a lot of people! But... Richt: But? Nono: But, someday everybody will be separated, right? Then, Nono will be lonely again... Richt: That won't happen! I know! When this war is over, let's go see many festivals! Nono: Festivals? Richt: Yeah. We'll invite everyone else and then go on a tour of all the festivals in the world. That way, it will definitely be fun. Nono: That sounds really fun! Nono wants to go to all the festivals in the world! Richt, it's a promise! Richt: Yeah, it's a promise! [spoiler=Nono x Richt S]Nono: Hey hey, what are we gonna play today? Richt: Let's see. Alright, how about this? One of us will put something in this bag and the other has to guess what it is. Nono: OK. Then, Richt, you start! Richt: OK. ... Here you go. Nono: Hmmm... it's hard, round and small... A dragonstone? Richt: You're the only one here who has a dragonstone. There's no way that's it, is there? Nono: That's true. Then... Ah, I got it! It's a ring! Richt: Yes, that's right. That's what's in the bag. Nono: Nono knows! We saw it at that wedding a while back, right? It's the symbol for the wedding vows, right? Richt: Yup. it's a really ancient ring and it has my family's crest engraved on it. Since you got the answer right, I'll give it to you, Nono. Nono: Hmmm... Then, you want to marry Nono. Richt: That's right. Let's get married, Nono. As I thought, I love Nono. Nono: But... Even when you become an adult, even when you become an old man, Nono will... Richt: Appearences have nothing to do with this. I love Nono for who she is on the inside. Will Nono also... love me even when I'm an old man? Nono: Yeah... I promise. Nono will always love Richt! Richt: Thank goodness. Nono, I love you...! Nono: Yeah! Nono lo~ooves Richt too!
  9. I actually share my birthday with Anna. That's very interesting.
  10. Ask and ye shall receive. Prepare for one of the stranger/funnier supports, everyone. Sariya x Noire! [spoiler=Sariya x Noire C]Sariya: Wait up... you... Noire: E, Eh!? Mother...! Is, is there something I can do for you...? Sariya: That battle... what was that about? Why did you get in my way...? Noire: Eh... But I had no intention... of getting in your way... Sariya: Then why... why were you moving exactly like me...? Was it some kind of curse...? Doing that, you were obviously in my way. Noire: Ah, th, that is... I mean... Um... Actually... Sariya: ... No matter. I can't deal with this... Noire: Uh.. Wait...! Umm, that is... a habit I picked up... Sariya: A habit...? What do you mean? Noire: My mother from the future... She was too busy with her research to teach me anything... Ah, but I understand that there was no helping that... My mother... She was frantically focused on shooting Dad's enemies... that's why she didn't have the time to bother with me... That's why... I wanted to help Mom out even if it was just a bit... So I would mimic Mom in order to learn about magic and sorcery... Sariya: So you were mimicking my movements because of that habit...? Noire: Yes... Sariya: Hnh... Noire: Ah...! B, but if you don't like it, I'll stop doing it so...! So if you want me to stop trying to cast weird curses, th, then...! Sariya: That's... a very interesting thing. And it has such promise... Heh fufufufufu...*Evil cackling* [insert evil soundtrack of your choice here] Noire: M, Mother...? [spoiler=Sariya x Noire B]Sariya: Why...? Why isn't it working...? Even though our movements are perfectly in sync, our spells are... Noire: Like I thought... it's no use... Sariya: Like you thought...? Noire: Umm, I... I've never once managed to cast a curse... My dark magic is useful in battle, of course, but... the curses my mother usually casts... No matter what I do, I can't cast them... Sariya: ...Why? You are copying me perfectly, right? Noire: That's... Even though I say I'm copying you, it's actually just copying your movements... Sariya: Just my movements... I can't understand why. I've been wondering about your story... Why... why didn't your mother teach you anything? If she was focusing on her research... then it would be all the more useful for her to have someone close by who could help her out. Noire: It, It's probably... because I was too young... Sariya: Such a reason... is nonsense. My sorcery training started immediately after my umbilical cord was cut. Noire: Eh!? Y, you started learning magic when you were that young...!? Sariya: ... No matter. From now on, I will dedicate myself to training you so that you could be my right hand. I won't accept "No" for an answer. Fufufu... Noire: Uh... I have a bad feeling about this but... if I could be of some use to Mom... Sariya: That's right... that's a good girl. [spoiler=Sariya x Noire A]Noire: Mom, I've gathered all the ingredients you need for the spell. With that... I should be able to cast curses too... If I do... then I'll be able to help Mom out even more... Sariya: ... ... Noire: Mother? Sariya: ... Let's stop this. Noire: Huh...? Sariya: Let's not teach you any curses. please put away these ingredients. Noire: W, why? Is it because I don't have any talent? Or am I really just a nuisance to you...? Sariya: Noire... you have the talent. Your latent magic is incredible. With just one charm, you'll be a whole different person... Your disposition to becoming a sorcerer is very impressive. And... I don't consider you a bother. Noire: T, Then why...? Sariya: It's... It's because I finally understand... my future self's feelings. Noire: My future mother's... feelings? Sariya: I don't want to teach curses... to my pure-hearted child who so strongly believes in her mother... A curse is a very dangerous thing. I'm sure that my future self also... felt the same way. Noire: ... I, I was loved...? My mother... really loved me... Sariya: ...Wasn't that the case? Even now I love you... so I'm sure that she also did too. Noire: *Sniff*... Mother... Sariya: I, I've said such absurd things. More importantly, I don't want to teach you curses but there are many other things I can teach you. Now... come along. Noire: Y, yes! Mom!
  11. Thanks, Vincent. That's very high praise, coming from you. I agree. And as it turned out, you were right. Krom x Mariabel, everyone! [spoiler=Krom x Mariabel C]Mariabel: Oh my, Sir Krom. Krom: Mariabel? Mariabel: So you were by yourself in a place like this. Today's a little chilly; would you like me to prepare you some hot tea? Krom: Oh, yes. Please do. Sorry for making you look out for me like this. Mariabel: Not at all. Looking out for you and the rest of the royal family is to be expected from us nobles. Krom: I, Is that so... But do you look after yourself as well, Mariabel? Both the royal family and the nobles alike... Our constant companion has always been combat. The instant you stop looking after yourself, you could easily be inflicted by wounds or exhaustion. Mariabel: ...Sir Krom... Krom: You're tired too, right? When you feel like you want to rest, do it. Mariabel: Ah... Sir Krom. As always, you're very attentive to the people around you. My sincerest thanks for this kindness. Krom: No, no, there is really no need for such intense gratitude... Well... Anyway, you go relax. Mariabel: Yes... Then after serving your tea, I will go get some rest. Krom: Oh... That would be great. Mariabel: Sir Krom... If you get the time, please allow me to come speak with you again. Krom: Yeah, of course. [spoiler=Krom x Mariabel B]Mariabel: Hmph... The list of suspects just keeps on getting bigger. Krom: ...Mariabel, what's wrong? Suspects...? This sounds like a pretty dangerous matter. Mariabel: ...Oh my, Sir Krom. This is quite the embarrassing topic... Krom: What's this piece of paper? You keep looking at it and groaning... Mariabel: Umm, you see... That is, this is a list of the men who have approached Liz. I shall use these highly classified documents to catch all the men who have been enchanted by Liz's charm and make sure that they don't go anywhere near her. Krom: Y, you...! You have this kind of information...? Mariabel: Yes, of course I do. Liz is Sir Krom's younger sister and the second princess of the Holy Kingdom of Iris. She is also my best friend. No matter who they are, I will allow no one to get near her. Krom: ...But I've also been together with Liz many times. Is that alright? Mariabel: But of course. Sir Krom is Liz's older brother and a truly noble individual. Krom: I, I wouldn't really say all that but... Anyway, I'm relieved that I won't be reprimanded. If possible, I would like you to forgive the other guys on that list as well. After all, they were just being friendly and talking with Liz, right? Mariabel: No, they might be comrades in the same army but I will not let them just casually approach Liz. Hmm, I suppose... I'd first have to interview them several times and, based on that review, I could think about it. Krom: Haha, you're just the same as ever, Mariabel. But having you nearby will relieve Liz. I'm counting on you. Mariabel: Yes! Please leave it up to me! I will most certainly be of use to Sir Krom! [spoiler=Krom x Mariabel A]Mariabel: Oh my, Sir Krom. How are you? Krom: Mariabel. Yeah, I'm fine. Mariabel: If there is something I can do to be of service to you, please tell me. Krom: Ah... Thanks for your constant consideration. But... just because I'm royalty doesn't mean you have to always go to such impossible lengths. Mariabel: Ah, no, please don't say such things! If it's for Sir Krom or Liz, I am fully prepared to risk my life! Krom: Risk your life... huh. I... I wouldn't want to push a comrade to do such unreasonable things... Mariabel: ...Sir Krom... Krom: ... By the way, you were kidnapped by Perezians before but.., according to the soldiers who were there, you rushed out to block the path of the Perezian troops who had just invaded our territory and tried to convince them to leave. As a result, you were abducted... Perhaps, Did you do that thinking that it was for Liz's sake or mine...? Mariabel: ...Um...That is, no... Y, yes. At the time, I believed that if I could send the Perezian troops from whence they came, Sir Krom and Liz wouldn't have to deal with that unnecessary worry. Once I thought that, my body just moved on its own. Even though the enemy was armed, I did such an unreasonable thing... Krom: As I thought, it really was something like that. However, Mariabel... please promise me. Promise that you will never do such a ridiculous thing again. Mariabel: Huh...? Krom: You are every bit as important to us, as we are to you. Mariabel: S, Sir Krom...! Yes! Thank you very much! From now on, I will never do such reckless things. I will not be a nuisance to Sir Krom...! Krom: ... That's not it, Mariabel. It's not about bothering me. I just... As a comrade, I worry about you. If something happened to you like before, what am I going to do? Me, Liz... everyone else, we'd all be grieved. Mariabel: Sir Krom...! I understand! I promise that I will restrain myself and take no more reckless actions! Krom: Yeah, don't do anything reckless by yourself. Walk together with us and help us out! [spoiler=Krom x Mariabel S]Mariabel: Sir Krom! I've got you your after tea dessert. Eating something sweet will help you vitalize you. Krom: Thank you, Mariabel. It's been a while so let's dig in. Ah! ... This is the dessert I've liked ever since I was a child!? ... How did you find out about it? Mariabel: Liz told me. Krom: I see. She definitely would know of it. Mariabel: That's Liz for you... She knows everything about her beloved brother... There's no way I could compete with that... Krom: What are you talking about, Mariabel? She's my baby sister. Mariabel: But... um... that is. At first, it was Liz and her friends near Sir Krom. Then a lot of ladies and noble women just keep getting closer and closer to you... Krom: Huh...? Well, I'm royalty, after all so that's to be expected. They're just following the courtesies and etiquette of nobility. Mariabel: No... that's not it. Um.. It's just that I keep looking for some way into Sir Krom's heart but... I just can't seem to find one... Krom: Eh... Y, you!! Is this really the right timing to say something like that!? Mariabel: ...Huh? ... ... AAAAH!!! What did I just do?! I accidentally just said everything in my heart?!!! I, I'm so embarrassed! Why won't the ground just open up and swallow mee!!!? Krom: H, Hey, Hey, Mariabel!! It's fine so just calm down!! Mariabel: Ha!! I, please accept my sincerest apologies! To say such improper things in front of Sir Krom, I... Krom: ... ... Mariabel: S... Sir Krom!? If it would please you, I would like to reiterate what I just said! Krom: ... Well, I think I've pretty much figured out what you want to say. But go ahead. Mariabel: Umm, that is... Actually, I yearn for you, Sir Krom... I've always been thinking about Sir Krom ever since we were just children... But since Sir Krom was always surrounded by noble ladies whose caliber I could never hope to match, I've kept those feelings sealed off until now. Krom: ... ... Mariabel: B, But now that, I, Mariabel...! As I thought, I really wanted to convey my feelings to you...! Krom: I, I've caused you a lot of heartache, haven't I... But, if that's the case, you should have said something sooner... I love you too, Mariabel. Mariabel: Eh? ... R, Really!? Krom: Yeah, I've always liked you, how you kept focusing on everyone around you even though it was crushing you. Mariabel: S, Sir Krom... Krom: Here... please accept this. Mariabel: Is that... a ring? It even has the Iris family crest? F, for me, something this precious...? Krom: Yeah... Apparently, my parents had this made for me when I was born. I've always carried it around me. And, once I found a partner for me, I was to give it to her. So... that's why I'm giving it to you. Mariabel: ...Thank you so very much, Sir Krom. I will treasure it...! Krom: Well then, it wouldn't do to not tell Liz about something like this. I wonder... what would she say? Mariabel: If it's her, then I'm sure she'll give us both her blessing, right? Krom: Haha, yeah, that's right.
  12. Well, this was a rather... interesting translation to work on. Donny's accent tripped things up a bit but I guess that's to be expected. By popular demand, here's Donny x Olivia! [spoiler=Donny x Olivia C]Donny: Losing love and home had left her distraught ~♪ And the White Heron princess now had naught ~♪ Olivia: So she surrendered body and mind to despair ~♪ And drifted aimlessly in the cold night air ~ ♪ Donny: Ah! M, Miss Olivia!? Olivia: Oh. I, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. It's my favorite song so I just started to sing along without thinking. Donny: Miss Olivia be knowin' this song too? Olivia: Yes... During my travels, I stopped at a mountain village where a lumberjack used to sing it and I would just listen. Donny: Really... That there song, it be a real sad song, don' it. Thinkin' 'bout the far off Black Raven prince, the White Heron princess looked all over the world, just to get another glimpse a' him... And then while the princess was gone, some bad fellers burnt her town to the ground and she up and fell into despair. Olivia: Umm... Donny, don't you know the rest of the song? Donny: Huh? Didn'cha just sing the last part, Miss Olivia? Olivia: No... There's still a little more left. Feeling pity for the despairing Heron princess, the great moon delivered her voice to the Raven prince. Upon hearing this, the prince and his companions defeated the villains and then he managed to reunite with the princess at the Heron forest once more... Then she was embraced by the prince and smiled warmly at the moon... The end. Donny: I, I sure didn' know that. Then it really weren't a sad song. Olivia: Yes... Donny: I see... Thanks a lot, Miss Olivia. I'm really startin' ta like this song! Olivia: Uh.. You, you're welcome...! [spoiler=Donny x Olivia B]Donny: Hey, Miss Olivia. The song 'bout the White Heron princess... Ain't it actually a sad song like I thought? Olivia: Huh... Why do you think so? Donny: In the end, the princess' hometown still be gone, don' it? Olivia: I... see. Well, at the very least the song doesn't say anything about it being restored. Donny: Then, even if'n she reunited with the prince, the princess still couldn' have been happy from the bottom of' her heart, right? Olivia: That's, true but... Ah...! Donny: Then, it's like I thought. I had hunch 'bout it, I did. Olivia: That... That really is true. Then the last smile was... Donny: Miss Olivia? Olivia: S, Sorry... It's just that when I heard your words, Donny, I realized something. The smile that I had always wondered about... Donny: The smile, Miss Olivia? Olivia: Actually... This song has some accompanying dance as well. I would become the White Heron princess and dance but... In that final scene, the princess smiled at the moon while the prince held her but... It was a really sad smile. I, it was a mystery to me. Why her smile was so sad even though she was being embraced by the prince... But, to think that it was something like that... Donny: It was because the feelin's of losin' her home were still wit' her... Olivia: Thank you, Donny. This time, you're the one who taught me something. With this, I feel I can properly perform this dance. I have to go practice. Donny: When the dance is finished, could I get to watch it? Olivia: Eh... y, yes, it's fine. If watching someone like me dance is fine with you... Donny: Thanks. It's a promise! [spoiler=Donny x Olivia A]Olivia: Umm... Donny. pl, please come over her for a second. Donny: Huh, wha's wrong? Olivia: U, Um... the song's dance, you said that you wanted to see it... Donny: Yeah! It's done!? A' wanna see, a' wanna see! Olivia: Then... Donny, could you please sing along...? Donny: Sure! Oh, but a' only know 'til the middle. Olivia: That's alright... I'll sing the parts you don't know. Donny: Ah' understand... Then... 'Twas a gentle night with a smiling moon ~ ♪ [Theatrical Blackout] Donny: At long last, meeting face to face ~ ♪ With the man of her dreams and held in his embrace ~ ♪ Olivia: The White Heron princess looked up at the sky ~ ♪ And with a smile on her lips, she closed her eyes... ~ ♪ Donny: ... ... ... Olivia: U, Um... How, how was it? Donny: Y, yeah... it was incredible. Ah' m so touched, I can' find the words to... *Sniff* Olivia: Eh...! Donny, are you crying...? Donny: W, well so aren't you, Miss Olivia. Olivia: I... It's because I had to become the White Heron princess to perform this dance. Donny: I, while ah' was watchin' you, the dance kept drawin' me in 'til I thought that Miss Olivia really was the princess... Olivia: Really?... I'm so glad. To think so much of my dancing... Donny: I, A' wanna see even more dances! Miss Olivia, a'really want you to dance for me again! Olivia:... Y, yes. Of course... After all, it's because of Donny that I can dance again...! [spoiler=Donny x Olivia S]Donny: ... ... ... Olivia: Donny. Donny: ... ... ... Olivia: Donny! Donny: Huh? Ah... Miss Olivia. Olivia: W... What's wrong...? You were dozing off but... Could it be, are you feeling ill...? Donny: Y, yeah... ah' keep seeing Miss Olivia's figure and it jus' won' go away. Olivia: Eh...! I, Is that so? Donny: Yup. A, Could I really be sick? Olivia: Ummm... I think it's probably... not a sickness. Donny: But, whenever ah' think of Miss Olivia's Heron princess, tears come out. That's why, um... no, I'm sorry. A' just went ahead and made somethin' like this... I just wanted to end the story. Yup. Olivia: Is that... a ring? Donny: Yeah... A' can't really compare to the Raven prince so I thought that if I gave the princess something like that, she could just laugh and make fun of it while she looked at the moon. Olivia: Donny is certainly not the Raven prince but... I'm sure that the Heron princess won't look at the moon and laugh about the ring. She would definitely gaze at the person who gave her the ring and smile happily at him. Donny: M, Miss Olivia... Olivia: Won't you... look at it again? I'll dance as the White Heron princess. But my partner won't be the Raven prince. He'll be the person standing in front of me now... Donny: After that... Olivia: The princess will accept her partner's ring with a smile of delight on her face... Donny: ... I, A'll sing with all my heart.
  13. Here's another one. This time it's Krom and Mark as his son. [spoiler=Krom x Mark C]Mark: Uhh, why can't I remember anything about Dad...? Even though I can remember Mom so well... Even though I remember how great a tactician she was and how I'd study with her... Why have I so completely forgotten Dad... Krom: What's wrong, Mark? Mark: Dad! Amazing, just as I was thinking about Dad...Is this fate!? The destiny of parent and child!? Oh, wait a minute. If I remember correctly, Mom used to say..."It's not fate, it's our bond!" or something like that...Anyway, Dad, us meeting here isn't fate; it's our bond! Krom: Huh... Is that so. Mark: Yes, it is! Bonds are wonderful. Even if we don't remember each other, our bonds still call out to one another. Oh, this is no time to admire them. I, I've been thinking about why I can't remember anything about you, Dad. If it's OK with you... Could you help me try to remember you? Krom: Yeah. Mark: That's great! Then I'll come again later when I have the time. It's a promise between men! Well, if you'll excuse me! Krom: He sure talks a lot... [spoiler=Krom x Mark B]Mark: Dad, do you have a minute? Krom: Yeah. Mark: Alright! Then, as promised, please help with the "recover my memories of Dad" mission.But now that I think about it, how do memories return anyway...I've already tried hitting my head many times...Staring hard at wobbling stuff didn't do much good either...Hey, Dad. What do you think I should do? Krom: ...Maybe you should try staring at my face or something? Mark: That's it!!! You're a genius, Dad! I must have gotten used to your face in the future so if I keep staring at your face, I might remember something. Hmm, yeah, this is a pretty good plan. As expected from the one who won over Mom, the genius strategist. Then, then please excuse me.. Staaaaaaaaaare..... ................................... ................................... It's no good!! I can't remember a thing! Ah... This feeling, it's like... when you stare at a letter too long and go "Eh? Is it really that letter?" or something like that. Did you use to have that face, Dad? {TN: Yes, he did say that. Mark is a really weird kid.} Krom: That's what we're trying to remind you of, right? Mark: That's right... I'm sorry. Even though you're helping me... But I won't give up! I'll definitely remember all about you, Dad! You'll see! Then, please help me out again, Dad! [spoiler=Krom x Mark A]Mark: Ha... Like I thought, today's a bust too... Even though I keep staring at Dad's face until I'm blue in the face...I'm pathetic, not being able to remember anything...Really... Why... *Sniff*... Uwaa... *Sniff* Krom: H, Hey! Why are you crying? Mark: B... Because... Because...! I... Even though I loved you just as much as I did Mom...! That I can't remember... it hurts...!! Even though Dad must have made a lot of memories with me... That I can't remember a single one of them.... Really... I'm really pathetic! Uwaaaa!!! Krom: Mark... Mark: Uwaa..! *Sniff* I cried a little too much, huh. Ugh.. My head hurts...! Aaah...! ....Huh!? Krom: What's wrong!? Mark: .... I... remember. I've really remembered something about Dad. It's only a little thing though. When Dad faced me, he gently smiled at me... and called my name... Hehe, his face looked a little older than the one I've been staring at all this time. ...Thank god. I really did remember something. Thank you, Dad. It's all thanks to you. With this, I feel a little bit more confident now! It might take a while but, someday, I'll get back all my memories of you. You'll see! Krom: Yeah. I'll help too. Mark: Yes, thank you very much!
  14. Here we go. Ronku x Liz [spoiler=Ronku x Liz C]Liz: Ah, Mr. Ronku. Did my brother tell you about it? Ronku: Hnh. Liz: That's no good. No matter how much you hate women, you can't distance yourself from the one you're supposed to protect. Ronku: So there's information that an assassin is targeting you. Liz: Yup. Even though I haven't really done anything to be resented for... Ronku: If you're a member of the royal family, then there are plenty of reasons to attack you. We've no idea who could be hiding where... Whenever you feel that you're likely to be alone, call me. Liz: Yes, sir. How dependable. Heh. As long as Mr. Ronku is here, there'll be no problem no matter what kind of person shows up. Ronku: ...Letting down your guard is forbidden. Huh... But there should be someone here who can handle a bodyguard job, so why me of all people? Liz: Isn't it because you have a lot of time on your hands? Ronku: What the...!? Liz: Eep! It's... It's just a joke, a joke. I'm sure it's because you're incredibly powerful, Mr. Ronku. Because my brother recognized your skill, he assigned you to be my bodyguard. By royal decree! That's incredible, Mr. Ronku!! Ronku: ...Is that so? Liz: Yes, it is! Please take care of me. Alright then, let's shake on it. Ronku: .......... Liz: Don't make such an unpleasant face... Even I'd feel hurt by that. Are you really that bad at dealing with women? Ronku: Yeah. However... Because you're my charge. Guess I have to do something, don't I? Liz: Hehehe, and as thanks for being my bodyguard, should I cure your dislike of women? Ronku: Mind your own business. Liz: Alright. Well, I'm about to start training so could I ask you to please protect me? Ronku: ...Understood. [spoiler=Ronku x Liz B]Liz: Look, Mr. Ronku. It's the rainbow after the rain! Ronku: Don't come any closer. I can see it fine from here. Liz: Jeez. You're gonna protect me from this far away? Ronku: Don't worry. If something happens, I'll be there in a flash. Liz: Huh, over this distance? If it were me, my best would be only about this much.., Ronku: By the way, stop trying to casually get closer. Liz: Ahaha, you're sharp. You found me out. Aw, even though I want to get along better with Mr.Ronku. Ronku: ... I'll get closer too, as far as I can anyway. Liz: Really? Ronku: It is my mission... Besides, if something were to happen to you, everyone's morale would go down. Liz: You're exaggerating. Whatever happens to me won't affect everyone's morale either way. Ronku: I don't think so... Your smile vitalizes everything around you. Liz: I, Is that so?... Huh. Alright! Then if I smile, Mr. Ronku will be happy too? Ronku: ... Maybe. Liz: So you decide to dodge at the important part. That's fine, I'll be going over there. Ronku: Wait... I'm coming with you. Liz: Hey, I'm going to take a bath. No coming along. Ronku: ! ! ! ! !... Un, Understood. Ronku: But... the assassin hasn't shown himself yet. Is he being overly cautious, or perhaps...Could those siblings have... They probably haven't deceived me, right? [spoiler=Ronku x Liz A]Liz: Hey hey, Mr. Ronku. How about we try walking arm in arm? Ronku: No thanks. Liz: Embarrassed again... I wonder when you'll get used to it. Ronku: ! ! Liz: Eh... A, Are you angry? Ronku: Be quiet! My back... ugh... ! Liz: Aaaah!? Mr. Ronku! Mr. Ronku! Don't die! Ronku: Do you think I'd die from just being hit by an arrow! Liz: B..But you'll die if you get hit by a lot of them, right? We've gotta hide somehow...! Ronku: What...!? So these guys are the assassins. Liz, stay by my side! Liz: Y, yes...! Ronku: ... That's all of them. Liz: Mr. Ronku, are you alright?! I'll use my staff right away! Ronku: ... Are you hurt? Liz: I'm fine, thanks to Mr. Ronku. Ronku: Is that so... Thank god. Liz: Thank you... really. Mr. Ronku, you saved my life! Ronku: Yeah... Anyway, I guess that my bodyguard mission is complete. Just in case, I'll escort you back to the tent. Liz: U... Umm! Ronku: What. Liz: Mr. Ronku, now that your mission is over, we won't be walking together like this anymore, right? Ronku: I'd think there's no longer any reason to do so. Liz: ...... B... But, um...I'll be lonely, separating like that just when we've finally started to get along. Ronku: Huh... I don't recall getting along with you. Liz: That's right, isn't it... Ronku: ...... ... Well, talking like this every once in a while wouldn't be too bad. Liz: Really... !? Thank god! From now on, please look after me, Mr. Ronku! Ronku: Yeah... [spoiler=Ronku x Liz S]Liz: Mr. Ronku! I'm here to talk to you again! Ronku: ...Yeah. Liz: "Yeah"...! Can't you be more glad? A cute girl is dropping by everyday, you know? Ronku: So what. Would it be better if I just kept up a fake smile all day until you show up? Liz: ...No, that's no good either. Ronku: Then bear with it. Liz: Yes, sir. Jeez, no matter how much time passes, you're still cold... I'm lonely whenever Mr. Ronku isn't there with me. Because even though we've been together all that time, once the mission was over, we were separated. Mr. Ronku, aren't you lonely? ... Heh, there's no way you're lonely. After all, Mr. Ronku hates women. In fact, you'd have been relieved if I hadn't come, wouldn't you? Ronku: No... I'm overjoyed that you came by. Liz: Just as I thought... ... Ehhhhh!? D, d, Did... I just hear that right!? There's no way Mr. Ronku would be pleased that a woman just ... Ronku: You heard me right. I said that I'm overjoyed that you dropped by.... While you were by my side, my outlook had changed. Whenever your smile isn't nearby, I get lonely. Liz: E.. Eh!? Ronku: Liz, take this. Liz: A... A ring? Mr. Ronku... But what about your dislike of women!? Ronku: I'm still bad with other women. But... you are different. Even without the mission, I still want you by my side. If that's alright with you, please let me keep on protecting you from now on. Liz: Y... Yes! I want it! I, I want to always be with Mr. Ronku! From now on, stay by my side! Never, ever leave...! Ronku: ... Understood.
  15. It's an apology issued by Nintendo regarding a failure in its Sales Site.
  16. Hey there, MK. Great to see you here, man. How's it going? :D It goes fine, my good man. Luckily I already play Tales games so I guess I get to live. Yay for me.
  17. Greetings everyone. As you might suspect, I'm indeed the latest in the recent influx of FESS arrivals. How do you do?
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