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Le Communard

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Posts posted by Le Communard

  1. It's a pretty album, although I'm not sure how much I really have to say about it--I'm not very good with insturmental music. It was nice to sort of get swept up in the music and not really think about anything praticular. Like most soft insurmental music, it inspiried a vague sort of meloncholy which is condusive to contemplation. I liked it.

    It seemed to me to really be a medidation on the sea, not so much as a object in the natural world, but more as a cultural object--hence the refrences to blind Captains and Moorish slaves. It's tapping into the emotions that we assosiate with these stories of Journeys by boat (the parting, the ill-starred adventure, the mutiny), and trying to paint a picture of them in sound.

    I'm looking forward to the next one.

  2. Well, I've never played the boardgames, but I've been a longtime fan of ASoIaF, so I voted for the Targaryen's based on the books. Barring R + L = J, Dany is the legitimate Queen of Westeros, and the only person who if they won wouldn't leave the realm an utter mess. I've never been a big fan of the Starks--sure, they're sympathetic characters, but they're firmly entrenched in a feudal Old Order and a threat to the realm. As for the Baretheons, I can only say that those brothers deserve each other. I could (and have) talk about this for hours, though.

    As for boardgames, I've never really had people to play the with, so the longest I've ever done was probably a 7 or 8 hour run-though of the Lord of the Rings game with all the expansions. Or perhaps the time I played the Arkham Horror with 8 investigators...

  3. Well, I'm impressed with SF's appreciation of the lost art of the Album. Sitting down and actually listening to music is such a rare thing these days--something worth encouraging even if I don't necessarily love everything. We live in such a music saturated world, listening has become such meaningless act, really appreciating it is something I think we need to work to recapture.

    If that's the case, I think I can pitch in too. Of course, I think I'm sort of the real hipster here in the sense that I listen to music that no one else of my generation does (Indy is so... mainstream), but it should be fun none the less.

  4. VI and III were my childhood. The best hands down. Some love for IV, V, and VII too, but I wasn't a particularly big fan of either I or II (the content was too thin after having been weened on later generations), VII (didn't do that whole PS2 thing), or IX (it felt tired).

  5. If it hadn't been him it would have been me. Why was I yoked with the image of a character who has no Heroic qualities? It would have been better to have avoided the stratification of the memberbase by badges altogether.

    I agree. Stratified member badges encourage petty divisiveness and snap judgement--putting people into boxes instead of using your brain. They're just an arbitrary symbol that create false association among people who usually have little in common. Also, tying it to post count turns it into a major status symbol, especially if "more posts = more badass" and that just doesn't end well. We should either have just one as simply an aesthetic thing, or no badges at all.

  6. I'm in an interdisciplinary program, so I technically don't have a major (it's an "Emphasis"), but mine is in Political Theory, Media Studies, and Science Fiction Studies. I read Science Fiction, especially Science Fiction in New Media, for its political narrative, and I also focus on how our culture in general builds political Ideology. Picasso says that Art is the lie that shows us the truth--well, Entertainment is the lie that creates the truth, as it were (as anyone who has ever read cracked.com has probably realized <_<).

  7. I've always been a fan of theater: I'm attracted to the physicality of the stage and the sort of space that it creates. I've done some acting myself as well (in fact, I was just recently in a student produced stage reading, which was pretty fun), but I've never had patience for all the finicky details, so I wasn't really cut out for it. My favorite plays are probably Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Waiting for Godot, and Angels in America.

  8. Comrades, I have terrible news. The General is dead—our revolution has come to an end But the people will rise again! History is on our side! WE WILL BURY THEM!

    …yeah, if you’ve been paying any attention at all to my threads, I tried staging a fake Communist takeover for April fools day, something that I’ve always wanted to try at least once. I guess it didn’t go that well, but I never really suspected anything otherwise. I know I’ve sworn off elaborate jokes in the past, but this was an old fantasy, and this was the probably the only time I was going to be able to make it happen.

    Good night, and good luck.

  9. Attention Rootless Cosmopolitans! We have received complaints about this institution of so-called "Higher Learning"--actually nothing more than a wretched hive of scum and Capitalism. Such dissent has no place in our new order. We must be fully committed to the ideals of Communism, joined together in right thought encouraged by proper Party discipline. I am afraid I must apprehend all the staff here, and transport them to our reeducation centers! We must be pure!

    Why, Fabio! You are here again as well. I see, your father wants you to oversee this operation as well. Very well. All Hail the Revolution and the General!

  10. Ahh, Fabio, you have returned. And with Raoul as well. Was your mission greeted with success? Excellent! Another toast to us! You both understand what a great victory this is for us? Dissent must be crushed without second though. I have, heard, however, that there have been some holdout elements persisting in the camps. This is unacceptable. Even the caged snake is a snake. Remember that, Fabio…

    Ahh, Raoul yes, I know this concerns you. You were always the sensitive one—you used to give you mother so much joy, you know you were her favorite. Elena! How her eyes would light up whenever you entered the room! But you must be strong, Raoul—you are my son like Fabio, and will rule as his second come my passing. You must not let your emotionalism get in the way of sound leadership. How to you think I ever won at Mardingrad? It was not though pity, Raoul.

    Also, Fabio, come here. I have also heard there are certain... cosmopolitan intellectuals... preaching against our new order. I want you to deal with these personally as well. Now hurry--you know I have little patience!

  11. I'll do it for two packets of dairylea dunkers and a kitkat chunky, Soon I shall be ready to sell dairy produce on the black market

    Comrade Comissar! We have apprehended this man who was attempting to operate a den of Capitalist sedition! Take him out back? Of course, Comrade! All Hail the Revolution and the General!




    Well I never! I was just trying to create business oportunities and employment positions for the people!

    However if this is how it's going to be, then this I believe means war, comrade.

    ...and we've captured his accomplice as well.

  12. Will my picking up that crossbeam directly contribute to an increase in the importing and selling of Haze brand merchandise?

    Quiet Bourgeois dog! Your disgusting consumerism has no place in the Peoples future! You live only at the sufferance of the General, so don't test his patience, because you have already tested mine...

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