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Posts posted by PKLucas531

  1. kim did u ever read that holocaust book i told u about cuz the fact that u said ur teacher doesn't know it baffles me!!

    cuz your teacher said LUCK but hasn't heard of this book in which a psychologist who lived through it said that he needed PURPOSE and when the nazis burnt his psychological findings it gave him the purpose of surviving to rewrite it because no one else could and!! he said that he could tell when his in-mates were going to die because they had all mentioned having no purpose (caught word of their family in another camp dying, anything like that)!!!

  2. 14 hours ago, evanesce said:

    !! ok whew thx, i still wanna finish p101 first bc now i am re-invested tbh

    on saturday my friend comin over the same one from last week, we hang out outside of school like at least two times a week to watch idol producer and/or jam it’s v fun. she’s a rly rly good dancer so we learn choreographies together and i rly rly like singing so we also attempt karaoke

    on sunday i have to film something for my graphic design class, i’m rly mad that we’re delving into filmography in that class bc i rly don’t like working with video but the one good thing is that it makes me think abt cinematography choices first-hand and it makes me feel like haruki. experience is ok i guess

    o good yes it all came back to me watching p101

    wow how long have u been doin that is she a longtime friend or NEW BUD... gooning out w/ friends is always good

    lmao yes positives at least don't delay ur film for weeks because of a girl

  3. 6 minutes ago, evanesce said:

    damian i kno we already have to finish p101 at some point oops (i think i might be able to pop on this weekend, i do have plans though so idk for sure) but suju did something similar to seventeens irl otome game and if u don’t mind i want to watch it at some point bc it’s fun and it’s also super junior, i think it’s about 40 minutes

    p101 does come first though

    o it doesn't have to come first i am very down for other things

    what are ur plans are they fun good

  4. 2 hours ago, bling said:
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    i’ve written “hello ryeowook” and that’s it i’m already stuck BwpZKuH.png like what can you even say to a foreign celebrity who you have never met and never will meet, who’s changed your life more significantly than u can put into words. suju forced me into kpop and ryeowook was a rly big part of that

    i’m sure whatever i can think of he’s already heard before which is pretty pitiful, do u think it’d be better if i put it on giraffe stationary and draw happy gary all over




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