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Super Mecha Death Christ

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Everything posted by Super Mecha Death Christ

  1. Man, somebody needs a sever beating for not telling me about this project. Good stuff, TheEnd!
  2. Good good. This is more for those who aren't aware of this epic fight. And damn, you guys reply fast. I can see this place can grow really big.
  3. Some of you might be wondering why I used this name. It was just to sort of disguise myself, but Eli blabbed so the jig is up. I used this to honor the most epic fight on the internet. This video should explain where I got the name. The rules doesn't say anything about language, so I'll give you a word of warning. There's adult language in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jvZbAWGQZQ...feature=related
  4. Honestly, I don't want to be a part of that party. I'm damn fine with missing that party. Anyway, let's get back to some more of my thoughts. They could help you guys grow as well. You see, I'm Terranigma Freak. I used to hang out with a bunch of Terranigma fans during the early days of the internet. That community was very small. Even at FESS's infancy, the Terranigma board never got that big. What's interesting is people barely talk about Terranigma on that forum. And honestly, who cares. We all know the game like the back of our hands. There was nothing to discuss unless some newbie comes and brings up a question. People hung out cause they enjoyed it. What's missing is the massive fanfare like FE has now. I really didn't care what people talked about, but just enjoy the thought of hanging around people with the same hobby. For me, FESS was like a real life SimCity. I plant the seeds, and watch it grow. I tried to occasionally nudge it in the right direction. Maybe I didn't nudge them hard enough. I should take some of the blame for not wanting to waste time bickering. I just didn't see it being worth wasting my breath on.
  5. Even better, just get both. You know it's possible, right?
  6. What? I see your point. How is that worth bitching about in the first place? What's the difference where you hang out? They can easily make new memories and bonds on this forum. One of the things that pissed me off about the FE community in general is the fighting amongst each other. Of course I'm not Jesus so there's nothing I can do about that.
  7. Ok, but what were the SF members bitching about in the first place? What kind of change are you talking about?
  8. What's this bitching you speak of? I only browsed through the 9 page thread. What were they bitching about? Oh and Jyosua, you might want to point some of them at this post. I'll post more thoughts later.
  9. I really wasn't planning on posting. Gunlord told me about it and I didn't really care. Nothing lasts forever. Then I figured what the hell, might as well leave the Busman with a few words of encouragement, so I decided to turn on my AIM and see if he's there. I didn't find Bus, but I did find the root admin of Serenes Forest: Whateverthehellhecallshimselfhere. I had a little talk with him and decided to take a look. I mean, it wouldn't hurt. I read the posts and actually felt sorry for some of you -- does not include those who never had a history at FESS. A couple of things you guys never saw was that it didn't matter where you hang out at or that FESS is going down. If you guys enjoy hanging out together, then you would all stick together and just agree on a place to move to. This is a nice forum. A forum is just a computer program, but whatever bonds you've made -- even through the internet -- still very real. You may not be able to save the forums, but if you guys enjoy hanging out, then it doesn't matter where you do it. Agree on an existing place, and move there. Problem solved. Serenes Forest isn't a stranger to FESS. I'm sure Vince understands and would love to see his forum grow. As for Fire Emblem interest dying, so what? It's just a common interest. I figured people who reminisce about the good old days don't just include Fire Emblem. When I first set up the forums, it was for people to have a place to look for information, but it also serves as a place to hang out with others. If people need help with Fire Emblem, they know where to go. If people just want to hang out and talk about things other than Fire Emblem, go right ahead. Fire Emblem is Fire Emblem, hanging out at an FE forum doesn't mean that's all you can/should talk about. If nobody uses those sections, that's fine by me. I can still enjoy hanging out with others in the other section. It's the members that make the forum great. Hey Vince and Whateverthehellhecallshimselfhere, are guys going to ban people even though they come here just to hang out like the old days whether they want to talk about FE or not? What you guys should have done is think about whether you and everyone else wants to remain a close knit community rather than worry about what can or can't be done. I really didn't read all 9 pages because most of those posts are way too long, but I don't recall anyone suggesting that. If you'd like, you can still have a great time here just like the old days. Here, let me hand you guys are barfing bag if you managed to read through all of that. I wrote this at a rather inconvenient time so I've left out a lot of things. I might be back with more.
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