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Elegant Dreamer

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Everything posted by Elegant Dreamer

  1. First, thank you for answer the question. I was confuse if you use a Second Seal on a promoted class, if you can reclass into reclass promotions, if that makes sense. Wait, can you or can't you go back to the original class? I was under the impression that you can. Good thing I ask before I begin playing.
  2. Wow! Thank you everyone for your information! I really appreciate it! So I wouldn't worry that there should be a situation where I reclass a character before an important battle and found out I doomed everybody? Oh, I wonder if someone could help with this rumor I read: You can promote Cherche into a War Cleric without having her being a Cleric. True or False? Thank you again!
  3. Hello. I'm a new member here, but a long-time fan of Fire Emblem. My Mom is getting me "Fire Emblem: Awakening" as a late birthday present. I have some questions before I start playing the game. If the answer is somewhere on the forum, may you please point me in the right direction? I've been reading about reclassing, and it sounds fun, but there is a situation that I want to avoid. What happens if you reclassed a character and you want to go back to the original character's class because it might be helpful for an important battle ahead, but you're out of Second Seals? If that question's confusing, please let me know and I'll try to clear it up. Oh, is it possible to reclass every character? I'm also curious what's people's favorite order of reclassing. For example, did you reclass Stahl into an Archer or a Myrmidon first? This is for all the characters. Are there some characters that are better to promote first, then reclass? Again, for example, I've been reading that people like to promote Lissa to a Sage first, then reclass her to a Pegasus Knight/Dark Flier? Thank you for your time and patience.
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