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Elegant Dreamer

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Everything posted by Elegant Dreamer

  1. (Salutes) May his legend never die, may legacy live on
  2. I do like werewolves, but the way If/Fates depicted them . . . it's not my style, their werewolves look more like . . . were-yetis. Plus the whole 'eat humans' thing makes me nervous, so I'm going with Nishiki!
  3. I've been busy, so I haven't done all the research, but how can you recruit Flannel if the summary says he eats people?
  4. Oh, no, I trying to say, for example pick 6 women who as future children and 6 men who has future children, instead of having mostly women or men characters find out about future children. I must confess I haven't played Radiant Dawn. Sorry!
  5. In my small weird opinion, it is interesting that the children in "Awakening," are from female characters, whereas in "If/Fates," the children are from male characters. Why can't it be 50/50? I was looking forward to see if Camiela (probably spelled it wrong) has a kid. Maybe Professor Paradox and/or Doctor Who has the answer why some the characters from "If/Fats" looks like characters from "Awakening . . ."
  6. Hello. I apologize if someone already brought this up, and I missed it. I tried putting this up on another post, but it didn't work. If I am, doing something wrong, I apologize. Just the three of the four main characters have a color in their names, correct? Does anybody else think the color is correlated to the Four Mythic Beasts in mythology? You know: Red Phoenix, Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Black Turtle? Maybe. Or maybe it's just me. Thank you.
  7. I'm confused about the . . . um . . . Nohrian . . . were-yeti. Did it says 'eats people?' How are you going to recruit someone whose going to eat some of your army? However, this is just my small weird opinion; I apologize if I was offense.
  8. That makes sense! Thank you! By the way, love your Sain confession picture!
  9. Wait, I'm still confused about some thing: If Sumeragi died when 'Avatar' is kidnapped, how were Takumi and Sakura born? Unless I missed something, which probably did.
  10. I'm kind of confused why they changed Harold to Arthur. I mean, they're giving us a name already in English! Keep it! It's a gift! Maybe they had to change Marx because of a . . . certain Marx in Russia . . . so change to be P. C.? Maybe . . . Too bad Marx was more influence by the Marx Brothers otherwise, it would have stayed the same. They probably changed Joker's name to not to get confused with DC Comics' Joker. Plus, Jakob (with that spelling) seems sexier to me, but that's just me. This is just my small weird opinion. Thank you for your time and patience.
  11. Okay, since no one has opinion on the main characters' names, so maybe it's just me.
  12. Hi. Replaying the game," and I was wondering if there anyplace that describable the best place in the storyline to play some of the DLCs. For example, would it be smart to wait until after chapter 8 to do the first "Champions of Yore?" Thank you for your time and patience.
  13. Hello. I apologize if someone already brought this up, and I missed it. Just the three of the four main characters have a color in their names, correct? Does anybody else think the color is correlated to the Four Mythic Beasts in mythology? You know: Red Phoenix, Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Black Turtle? Maybe. Or maybe it's just me. Thank you.
  14. Thank you very much everyone for your help!
  15. Hello again. I just have a few questions and I apologize if they sound stupid; I just want to be sure on a couple of issues. If you start a new game, do you need to repurchase the DLC contents? Can you wait to do a Child's Sidequest? For example, a Child's Sidequest appear, but you would like to finish a Chapter before you start the Sidequest. I just want to be certain how long they remain. Thank you for your time and patience.
  16. Okay. Thanks for the replies. Just got the game today and I am having fun! My Mom wanted to help me create my character and we did it together. Her only complains were that the clothes and eye coloring need to be enplaned. I wanted to pair my character with Stahl first, but once I heard Chrom's voice actor I was won over! Maybe next play through. Thank you.
  17. Thanks for sharing your opinion, but just out of curiosity, why do you consider an army with every possible skill 'broken?' Just curious. Thanks again. I have played the first Fire Emblem released in the United States and the Sacred Stones.
  18. Thanks Kon! That's really helpful and it makes a lots of sense to me! Thanks for sharing your opinion as well!
  19. Thank you for the kind welcome! If you have a chance, check out my topic on the board and maybe can give me some suggestions. Thanks again.

  20. Thank you, but Chrom's Archie, I apoligze, but I do not understand what are you saying.
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