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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I don't really hate anyone. The only ones I'm not crazy about... (not counting SpotPass characters)

    Miriel - some of the supports I've seen are kinda funny, but overall she bores me

    Laurent - same as his mother :/

    Gregor - I want to like him, but for some reason I haven't really warmed up to him

    Noire - HATE her voice, and like someone else said it makes me uncomfortable that her being abused is played for comedy... but she is a great unit, especially with Donny for a dad!

    Kellam - I'm never really into the knight characters, for some reason, except for Gatrie I suppose

    Say'ri - didn't use her, came in at a random time without much incentive to be used, imo

    Stahl - prefer to use Sully over him (how can people not like Sully?!)

    Frederick - benched as soon as possible, maybe I'm just prejudiced against Jeigan characters (save Titania), though I've heard he's quite good

    Virion - I like him as a character, and I usually really like archers/snipers... just not in this game

    Still on my first playthrough so maybe my opinions will change!

  2. Hey all -new at the forums, been coming to the site for a while though. laugh.gif

    I honestly think the most likely to get a remake (at least right now) is FE6. After the success of Awakening it's pretty much a safe bet that whatever the next FE is will be well-received, even if it is "just a remake." But why not ensure that even more by finally introducing Roy to non-Japanese fans? He's already pretty popular and for those who haven't played the ROM or the Japanese release, Roy would be a very attractive piece of marketing for his Smash Bros fans who might still not have gotten into the series, Awakening "newcomers" who likely know of him, and everyone who played FE7 but not FE6 and are still wondering wtf that ending was about!

    Granted, I haven't played FE1-5 so I may be biased here, but there's no denying FE6 could use a remake! The story, imo, is good as it is, but it has the potential to be awesome, especially as a direct sequel. Since it was originally released before its prequel, connections between the two were quite limited, but I think that with a remake IS could do a lot more fun stuff with characters, locations, scenarios, etc. taking into account things that came up in FE7 that maybe could be incorporated a little more into FE6's story to spice it up a little. One example I can think of is Lyn. Totally absent from FE6, but with a remake that could change.

    I do think the idea of combining FE7/6 into one "multi-generation" game would be awesome, and I'm not sure if it'd be as difficult to do as some people seem to think. The only tricky thing would be what happens to the 1st gen characters when we start Roy's story. Maaaaybe one way to deal with that would be to implement third tier classes that are unlocked at the start of the second campaign? So, for example, in the events retelling Blazing Sword's story we would have first tier classes promoting to second tier by the endgame. At the start of Roy's story, the new units and the enemies would be mid to high level first tier units (with adjusted stats of course), so as we got some 1st-gen units back they wouldn't be ridiculously overpowered nor randomly unpromoted. Re-classing might have to be a bit more limited than in Awakening if this were the case, though... And obviously we wouldn't get all first-gen characters back to use in the story, though they'd probably remain available for multiplayer stuff. As for the amount of characters/chapters, I'm sure a lot of things could be cut without too much consequence.

    Bottom line though, whether it's done as a combo of FE7/6 or just FE6 I just really want to see this happen tongue.gif

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