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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Binding Blade

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I can't draw ;_; Noah, the Genderbend of Nah. I feel like I'm not making any progress....
  2. Oooh, Is there a Template of this? I might try doing it too :3
  3. Here I bring some of my old art to keep this more active. ELeSA (4/6/2014) Yes, it IS a pun, Sad Rotom freeze is the only Ice-Electric Aikurou [Requested] (4/13/2014) I love how I drew the milotic ;A; This was also requested, a pun that I missed :( Junpei (4/9/2014) I couldn't have missed this one, /ever/ Hana [OC] (5/4/2014) Yay for something actually creative for once. but even yet I suck at it :( Also, I'm working on this I'm horrible at faces and Cloth folds ;A; someone, please, halp ;_;
  4. Thanks! I undestand now! and yeah it looks like it saves time! Bu I donno how to draw muscles correctly ye- OH GOD THAT DK D:
  5. Woah your anatomy is really good! And your humor sense is great as well too! I'm in love with that fight scene, specially how the background fits the bodies, also dat Jigglypuff lol So, question, Regarding the Zero suit drawings, You do draw a colored outline first and then paint in a layer OVER it, right? Because it does look better than Actual outlines.
  6. yeah, I kinda suck at Cloth folds :( And Yeah Lilina isn't very good, but her shading in her right part of her clothing is because of the Book (That is emmiting a lighter light lol) Btw, i have Improoved in shading, Pierrot was made 2 months after the FE ones so I have inproved in there, but I can't draw faces. In fact, 60% of the drawings I do get scrapped because I can't draw faces right. And tutorials really aren't helping with prespective that much, Cloth folds is another problem too. But yeah I accept any kind of tutorial/criticism in here! I'm here to improve and make friends after all :)
  7. and more importantly, less precious Growths in defense
  8. woah lol You are not sincerely hoping to beat Lunatic+ easily without a Defense Asset, are you? BTW, chapter 2 is easy if barbarians don't have hawkeye, and the rest doesn't have Luna+. Never go in if there is something stupid like a Mercenary with Luna+ and Vantage+ or barbarians with Hawkeye and Luna+ Oh yeah, btw, Avatar needs to be overleveled so your first chapters aren't OMG I NEED A MIRACLE, well, sort of. But it's still necesary in order for you to progress more easily
  9. Hello! This is my own galery! This is actually I thing a focus on most of my time on, but I have very few pieces because I fail at being good at drawing faces and/or Cloth folds and they end up scrapped ;_; I Accept requests, art trades, switcheroos, etc. the only thing I will refuse is being asked to draw something with sexual content and such lol BTW, here is all of the FE art I have drawn up to this date: Roy (3/17/2014): This was actually a Miracle or something, I did almost everything right and I was proud of it c: Lilina (23/3/2014): This one wasn't so good, guess why :c Nah (3/26/2014): I love wordplay, ten points to the one who knows what is the wordplay lol And here is my most recent art, even through it's not FE related: Pierrot/Doppleganger Arle (Puyo Puyo~n) (5/25/2014): So yeah, here is everything for now, critisism is appreciated! And tutorials too because if I draw a good face it must to be a miracle...
  10. Sorry if I came here with an unrelated topic but I just heard the music for when someone dies. I THOUGHT NOBODY KNEW DARK CLOUD 2. I'm definitely trying this hack ASAP :D
  11. Could you upload the match?
  12. Fire emblem was the only reason for me to learn english back when I didn't used internet so yeah, pretty much it teached me a lot of words ^I know your pain
  13. Fire emblem awakening: Take a drink everytime you reclass the avatar Take a drink everytime you bring a good weapon and end up not using it in the battle Take a drink everytime Morgan is interested on something. Fire emblem 7: Take a drink everytime Eliwood is betrayed Take a drink everytime Lyn does nothing useful on each chapter Take two drinks everytime Ninian and Nils switch places
  14. I heard FE9 Maniac mode is easy because Ike can solo it but don't quote me on that, also I agree with FE6 Hard mode. Another really hard mode is FE13's Lunatic+, (Even when that's luck mode lol) because the early chapters are a pain. FE11 and FE12's Lunatic' modes seems to be hell themselves, I think those are the hardest
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