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Robert Stewart

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Posts posted by Robert Stewart

  1. You aren't supposed to get as far as Erk.


    Well, right now when I start the map it has very few enemies on it, so it didn't take me long to get within his range. After that, he went to heal wounded enemies, and before I knew it he was within range of my units. I'll try again with the patch you just released...

    Edit: Is Erk supposed to move?

  2. The newest release won't even patch correctly on a Mac. I'm using Multipatch, by the way.

    Can you install Mono Runtime? If you can, then NUPS should work for you with no problem. Or at least I assume it should.

  3. In Raven's tale pt 2, visiting the house near the start shows a bit of dialogue between Eliwood and....somebody I don't recognize....and playing dialogue between Eliwood and Erik. Then I get a Hamerrene. Visiting it again results in a random villager talking about going against Ostia.

    Edit: Seizing the camp in Raven's Tale part two shows Priscilla's recruitment conversation from FE7(complete with her portrait). There's other bits of dialogue and portraits that seem wrong(like when you have Priscilla and Heath talk in Raven's tale part 2).

  4. Having fun with the new stuff so far. I have one bug I've found:


    I was able to visit the village the first time I played the map, but I restarted the map and got to the village at a different point. Tried going to the village with both Lyn and Natalie, but I couldn't visit it with either of them. I got into the other village just fine though. Though when I did, the gate for the village didn't appear.

    Also, not sure if this is a bug, but I couldn't enter the Armoury or Vendor.

  5. Did you have him re-mount after learning the skill dismounted and see if he had the skill then? It could be only available to certain characters while mounted, even when learned. Isn't that how Re-Move works?

    I think I tried that, but it didn't work. Too late to go back and check now, I restarted the chapter and am WAAAY past that point in the story now.

  6. So I recently started playing TearRing Saga, and I'm confused about something. The guide on SF says Narron should learn the skill Blazing wind as a level 12 Gold Knight. I promoted him at level 11, but now he's level 14 and still hasn't learned Blazing Wind. Am I missing something?

  7. So...is the current female soldier animations going to stay the way it is? Or is it a placeholder for something? Because having the recruit animation for the soldier class just feels kinda...wrong to me.

    Fairly nitpicky complaint in the end. Hack looks amazing, can't wait for a release.

  8. yes

    Oh, cool. Thanks for letting me know.

    It's just that I've seen that oracle_of_fire and now Dancer_A both have Wyvern Rider with axes, but I hadn't seen anyone release one for Wyvern Lords, so I was a bit confused.

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