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  1. Ooh, probably should have mentioned that I'm absolutely enamored with Owain and Cynthia. The funny thing is, I usually pair up Sumia and Chrom, so it would be forbidden love (by certain standards, at least). I still ship them, even under those conditions. Justice Cabal for the win. Also, Sully and Stahl, in all of my games, have either leveled up to an A support or an S support. I guess that says a lot about how closely I associate the two.
  2. Oh, I wouldn't say it's all that hard. I just need to find out who in the female cast is most like Frederick...Phila?
  3. My headcanon is strongest with Vaike x Maribelle. Brady's speech, appearance, and complex over being physically frail have all lead me to believe that Vaike is the most likely to be the father of Brady. Vaike has an informal way of talking, a rough appearance, and a robust physique, which may have led Brady to think he was letting him down by not being stronger.
  4. I once had a dark idea for a possible son for a NON-DEAD Say'ri, but it was also kind of ridiculous for a number of reasons. Basically, he was a jolly Barbarian adopted by a tribe of woodsmen who ate the corpses of freshly killed animals, even horses and wyverns. His biological family was destroyed by the Grimleal to the point where he couldn't find any close relatives. He sometimes talked to his own stomach, as if the ghosts of the animals he ate would give him advice on what to do next. This behavior was explained by a tragic past that I don't feel comfortable writing about here, since it's overly melodramatic. Really, it wouldn't be relevant outside of an AU. I'm not sure why I put so much (silly) thought into it.
  5. Galina - Gregor's daughter. Myrmidon. Efficient, elegant, and eerie. Lacks a sense of humor. Thinks nothing of killing other human beings, saying "Is for good cause, die for important reason". Same broken speech patterns as her father, though this is just to make her enemies think she's less of a threat than she seems. Known to break bottles of alcohol on impulse. Wade - Vaike's son. Barbarian. A grim man who almost never smiles. Trains his ass off. Makes his friends and family train their asses off. When questioned, says that they will never be "good enough", not while there's still self-improvement to be achieved. Puts special attention on anti-ambush measures.
  6. "My girlfriend's cuter." "No, mine is!" "No, mine is!" "No, mine is!" "No, mine is!" "No, mine is!" Why must I find romance everywhere? Why can't I ever treat a friendship as just a friendship?
  7. Ayuda for Negamos, my Male MU. I would name her that because of a bunch of language stuff you probably don't want to hear about. Dymond for Christal, my Female MU. Obvious theme there.
  8. The really fun thing about this list is applying it to the pairings you've chosen. I was simultaneously amused and depressed at imagining how Donnel and Nowi would deal with raising Nah at such a young age.
  9. <Avatar> & Noire Noire & <Avatar> traveled with Tharja, perhaps to keep Noire's newborn self from being cursed. What is certain, though, is that Tharja spoke to her daughter and son-in-law with an undeniable bitterness. Her behavior softened with time. <Avatar> & Gregor After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess, but <Avatar> would have none of it. After a successful and complex plot to keep her husband's vices in check, the two went on to live a peaceful and productive life.
  10. "Who do you think I am? I'm Nowi, not the Divine Voice, Tiki! I'M MYSELF! NOWI THE DRAGON!" https://soundcloud.c...ver-after-shoko
  11. Libra x Sully. Wasn't really feeling the chemistry with that one.
  12. Kjelle and Walhart. I'm not kidding. Lucina and Kjelle's supports have Kjelle looking down on the weaker members of the army, and I genuinely want to know how she would react to Walhart, whose philosophy matches up eerily well with her opinions and actions.
  13. I think Cynthia is the most adorable character in the game, probably because of her baby face. Wanna pinch those chubby cheeks of hers~ She's going to have to smarten up, though. A gullible hero's a dead hero! She has the vision, but not all of the means.
  14. MU x Tiki Out of all the women in this game, I find Tiki the most fascinating. Chrom x Sumia This was one of the "leftover" pairings, to be honest. Lissa x Ricken Frederick x Cordelia: Workaholics unite! Sully x Stahl: They're the Red and Green Cavaliers of this game, so I kind of think of them as a package deal. Virion or Gregor x Cherche: Storyline reasons for Virion, shared maturity for Gregor. Vaike x Maribelle: Miriel x Gaius: Again, I paired the leftovers. Kellam x Olivia: One is rarely seen, the other gets pretty nervous when she's seen. It's a fun contrast. Donnel x Nowi: The idea of an ordinary farm boy marrying a girl who can turn into a dragon will never not be funny to me. Lon'qu x Panne: They're both pretty icy at first, but they'll warm up if you spend enough time with them. Tharja x Henry: They're both pretty messed up.
  15. I think it's because Stahl's supposed to be the Average Joe, according to Miriel. Sumia writes cheesy romance novels. Cordelia has a lot of input. Aversa is the mistress to a dictator. In reality, she's connected to a bunch of intelligence agencies, terrorist organizations, and opposing strongmen. Nah is a Magical Girl. I realize that's not actually a job, but think about it. Little girl turns into a powerful entity and fights the minions of an evil dragon who is worshiped as a god. Nowi is a retired Magical Girl who has since left that life behind, but she occasionally drops hints to Nah that she knows what she's up to.
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