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About AntasticTunes

  • Birthday 11/30/1998

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. This is usually not a topic I voice my opinion about (since it can easily get heated, and people tend to stick to very strong personal beliefs), but I do feel like they took one step forward and several steps back in Three Houses. I've written to Nintendo UK's customer support (since it was the only email to Nintendo I could find), but I'm not sure if it will really reach the right place for the feedback to be heard. Perhaps if enough people write to them, the poor customer support employee who doesn't really have a say in this matter could forward it higher up. My personal opinion (even if it isn't necessarily what people are debating right now) is that I don't see the problem with letting both Byleths S rank all characters if there are no child units, and the supports seem to be the exact same with changed pronouns anyways? I guess some people just have to get offended by the idea that some characters of the same sex can romance you? It's still the player's choice. I just don't buy the whole "but realism" argument. It isn't realistic for everyone to be able to fall in love with you either. And really, realism doesn't equal good game design, especially not if the realism is only there to hinder player freedom. For those who want pure realism, then the calendar system should play out in real time à la Animal Crossing too. I feel like most things that I agree with regarding the choices in this game have already been said, so I won't dwell too much about it. I really do think they missed the mark this time. When the first leaks came out, a lot of people were already prepared for an unequal ratio of female/male same-sex options. When the previews came out, the actual choices for Male Byleth were fairly questionable, and increased the disappointment. And finally, when the game came out it turns out that the real situation was actually worse, since the two more questionable choices weren't even romantic choices to begin with, making the ratio (which people were starting to accept) even more skewed. If it is bad enough to get me to write a lengthy post about it, and even attempt to contact Nintendo, then you know it is bad. I don't buy the whole "gays are entitled" thing either. You don't have to be LGBT to think that the situation in this game is baaaaaad for many reasons. Mostly just rambling and venting - this is not targeted at anyone specifically, but is more about how I feel about all the discussion I've read during pre-launch and afterwards.
  2. I am mostly concerned about how development is actually proceeding, and not so much about what they presented about the game so far. It definitely seems very different from past titles, but I feel like putting an emphasis on out-of-battle interactions (which the school seems to do) is a pretty good way to make a console FE more interesting. In that regard, it was actually something I wanted back when I was wishing for FE on Wii U. (Not necessarily a school environment, but at least some kind of battle camp or expanded Base feature) So back to what I am actually concerned about... this game was dropped just out of nowhere in a January Direct a few years ago. Was it 2017? And then we didn't hear about it until last year at E3 (!) where we got a trailer that was mostly cinematic with a few gameplay sections. You could tell that those gameplay sections were unfinished - as one example, IIRC Mercedes looked like a generic npc. Not too surprising maybe, since the game was obviously not finished at that point. We also got to know that the game wasn't ready for 2018 anymore. So after that it was silent for more than half a year again, and now it has been delayed again. I'm actually glad that it was delayed, and that we still got a release date. Something about the game just... looks a bit unpolished/unfinished to me, even in the latest trailer. So I'm just hoping that the delays are because the scale turned out a bit larger than they had anticipated, and not because they ran into problems while developing.
  3. Yeah, that's definitely a fair point. I was thinking that perhaps the range could be increased so that the skill would still be viable on a large map. Or perhaps it could be used as a faster Rescue to ferry infantry units across uncrossable terrain. But then I'm not too sure if it would turn into a warp-fest that way haha.
  4. I think that skills with effects like Guidance would be cool. I'm not sure if I would want skills to interact too much with stats in the mainline games though. (As in a lot of debuffs and buffs being thrown around everywhere)
  5. Thank you! I just listened to your arrangement, and it's really pretty! If I don't have time to record anything new, I'll definitely be singing along to it during my free time at least. Huge respect to you musically skilled people who are able to put out these awesome covers so quickly! <3
  6. Based on the small snippet of what I assume is the main theme, the soundtrack is going to be really nice! I am not sure if I am the only one, but the trailer theme alone was enough to keep me looping the trailer after E3. Hyped as I was, I immediately jumped at the first chance I got to cover the song. I was a bit hesitant to post it here though, as I'm honestly not sure if people would actually be interested in listening ahaha. But I figured that I would at least be able to share the link to the off vocal I used, if anyone else happens to want to make a cover of their own...! I love singing a lot, even though I am nowhere close to being a pro. Seeing music bring people together just makes me really happy aaah! So if there are any other fellow singers over here, don't be shy! (Slightly ironic since I feel like I'm pretty shy as well--) Link to off vocal, courtesy of Jairus C. Music (he shared the off vocal for everyone to use with proper crediting!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZGVRKSnqpc My attempt at a cover is below:
  7. I'm loving Edelgard's design. There's just something very graceful about it, and her voice is really nice as well. I'm totally up for another female lord! As for the art style, I actually like it so far. It looks clean and it suits the more serious mood I felt from the trailer. I can understand if some people might feel that it lacks details though. Something I wasn't too fond of however was some of the portraits we got small glimpses of. The archer guy who appeared when they showed the detailed battle view looks a bit generic (of course, we only got to see a small part of his face, so it might be unfair to judge it only based on that), and I'm not liking Hilda's design that much either. That being said, I think the three main lords (I assume they take on main character roles) all look really good!
  8. I'd assume that the player character is going to be customizable as that's, at least for me, the charm of an "Avatar" type of character. If they take a more passive role in the story this time around, I see no reason for them not to be customizable. (Or maybe it's wishful thinking from me hehe) I hope for more information soon as well!
  9. I've been listening at different slowed down speeds, and also tried to use vocal removal and vocal reduction in Audacity to get rid of the backing track. The voiceover and sound effects were still present though. What I ended up with was basically this: Reach for my hand I soar away Into the dawn Oh, I wish I could stay Herein cherished halls In peaceful days I fear the edge of dawn Born as mine each day It was actually pretty different from what I heard on my first listen. I thought it was something like this first: Reach for my hand I soar away Into the dawn Oh, I wish I could stay Herein cherish all New peaceful days I fear the end of dawn Born as I'm here today I'm really unsure about the last line. I somehow doubt that they would try rhyming on the same word (day/days or day/today), and it could also be "born as my". I just seem to hear either an m or n sound right after "my", but it could also be the start of the next word. Or just something else entirely. It was quite difficult to try making out the last few lines, and at some points it felt like I just heard whatever I wanted to hear/thought it was. It definitely sounds like "end of dawn" to me in the trailer at normal speed, but when slowed down I can hear what I think is the dg sound in edge. Both words would make sense so..
  10. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  11. Has anyone tested if the NA and EU versions of the game can streetpass without getting generated teams? ^^
  12. I know that it's quite hard to test, but I was wondering if someone knows if a North America game can streetpass a Europe one without getting a generic team?
  13. Amazon sent my copy today! I'll probably have to wait until Thursday next week though...
  14. Oh yay, someone else from Sweden! I thought about pre-ordering from Webbhallen, but well... it was around 100 SEK cheaper at amazon.co.uk... but if I'm unlucky, there will be a shortage of games here too. Ireallyhopethatdoesn'thappenhere. Otherwise, I'll still have to wait for one-two weeks. Argh, maybe I should've pre-ordered from Webbhallen or Elgiganten (They don't seem to have it though) or something.
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