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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. I thought few people here used Dueling Network, seems I was wrong (or maybe gone for a long time...).

    Anyways, my deck got hurt with the banlist, I've been recommended Junk Doppel, has anyone tested it and has any suggestions?

    In a side note, a new deck apparently is coming, something to do with Sea Serpents, more Water support it seems.

  2. Hi there, welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay here, make friends, all that stuff.

    Memes are sometimes interesting, but pretty annoying when you hear/see them all day long.

    Anyways, hope you have a nice stay here, see you around!

  3. What's funny is there's always one dick who asks "you okay man?" while you're rolling on the floor folded over like a deck chair writhing in pain.


    Actually, I got hit twice in the same day (not the best day of my life), one with a soccer ball, it wasn't really that hurtful, but then when I had recovered from the previous one I got hit by an american one, this one was painful.

    And then the question "Are you okay?!"

  4. There's a chance Hector would have remained the same as he was, then again it was the journey with Eliwood to stop Nergal which made him mature, so he could also help his brother to rule Lycia.

    What if:

    Shiharam had surrendered in the battle he had against Ike and company?

  5. Your Username: Light Lord.

    Your Real Name: Rafael.

    Favorite Series: Any, but I haven't tried Zexal.

    Favorite In-show Character: Sherry LeBlanc.

    Favorite Card (in all): Junk Synchron.

    Favorite Card (to use in your deck): Stardust Dragon.

    Least Favorite In-Show Character: Lazar, hate him a lot.

    Least Favorite Card or Cards (to battle against): Macro Cosmos/Dimmensional Fissure, anything that removes from play.

    Your Main Deck's Theme (if any): Quickdraw (yeah, antique now and almost useless), I wish I could runa Lightsworn. Sometimes I run a HERO deck, mixing Elemental and Evil heroes.

    Highlight Card(s) in your Deck: In Quickdraw, Stardust Dragon and Chevalier de Fleur; in HERO deck, Great Tornado and Absolute Zero.

    Rarest Card(s) you own: Ultra Rare Cyberdark Dragon (my brother pulled it and gave it to me since he never got the other Cyberdarks :XD:)

    Year Playing: When it all began, with Kaiba's starter deck

    Anything Else: I love trolling with Self Destruct Button :XD:

  6. Mmmm, on one side it would be nice to see it coming back. Aether has been one of my favorite skills in the FE universe. Seeing Krom as the main lord and his armor/equipment resembles Ike's, he could perhaps. If it does come back, then it could be for Merc/Heroes and the main lord, as it did in Path of Radiance.

    On the other hand, the only Mastery Skill that has returned is Astra. I only wish that the skills list is far longer than the one we've seen so far, maybe with new Mastery Skills or newer normal skills.

  7. Umm, not really sure if it applies with writting but not for hacks?

    I'm no hacker, but I do write every now and then. I tend to get blocks pretty often, so I'm not sure if I should be asking for assistance on that specific matter.

    Sorry if it's not the place or what you expected to hear.

  8. He put the pick up because it's the same voicer, not because it meant Inferno Divider.

    ...That's what CV means is it? x.x Oh derp, that's a NAME is it?

    My bad, didn't see that part.

    Mmmm, I'm curious, how many characters of other games will there be available? It would be cool to see a good number (I want to say all of them, butwon't happen).

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