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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Happy birthday pal! Hope you're doing great over there, take care!

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Thank you a ton. :)

  2. From the designe'rs perspective, it is best to re-use the same engine, because it's already there, you just need to change things and test them with whatever they might want to try as a new thing, it just wouldn't be possible to change or build a completely new one; now, the good part of this is, they can work on editing the actual 3D models, textures, and make them look even better and add their feets perhaps lol In the end, it's a work that has already been made and spares them time that hopefully will be used on improving on other areas of the game. And I agree with those saying that the Hero class needs to be updated in their looks and design XD though not sure how haha
  3. This video might help seeing the mechanic from a different perspective (as a future game designer, I also have been thinking on many mechanics of games, and this is quite an issue, balancing them; sorry, forgot how to add a video from youtube in here lol been ages since I posted on the forums) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EitZRLt2G3w&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5BkTruCmaBBZ8z6cP9KzPiX&index=32 Anyways, it is clear the mechanic was introduced to allow players new to the series to have a chance to adapt to what Fire Emblem offers itself: support system, offering occasional guards to avoid damage when you didn't see some movements coming, and extra power to defeat enemies that could be a problem to handle or could pose a challenge you were not really sure if you could handle when you're barely beginning (pretty much like the casual game mode was meant for newcomers to the series when introduced); including it again could be for many reasons, but I want to think it stays the same, attract new fans to Fire Emblem. Sure, it needs balancing, but the thing is, that we're given the choice to use it or not when the option of pairing up is given; at first, it is very tempting to rely a lot on the Pair Up mechanic, it makes the first missions a bit easier, but as it is mentioned in the video, the game itself never says or suggests players 'Hey, there are other ways you can work around this map besides Pairing Up' because all we had to do was Route or Defeat the Commander, easiest way to do it? Pair Up, there was no need to actually try another road. I'm also supposing the mechanic was made to speed up the game a bit, since nowadays most games nowadays are multi, or have things to unlock. Still, it's just my opinion on this xD Pair Up was nice, I admit I overused it and it also made the game very lineal in a fashion to a point I got bored of playing the maps, like most say in here, it could be fixed to be more versatile, but then again it would need more hours programming or re-designing it, and the choice will be made by IS, so let's see how it fares in the future.
  4. From this, I wonder what other changes could they bring up in the game? And here I thought I would go to sleep after seeing this, now I can't haha. What picks my curiosity a bit more, we'll be getting new kinds of monsters/creatures in this game? Based on the stone head creature and the strange beast in the last bit of gameplay. It would be very amazing to see new monsters, like in Sacred Stones.
  5. When I watched the first few moments of the first video in the Nintendo Direct I was doubtful, but it seemed rather familiar, then the art and finally the gameplay, it took me by surprise, but I'm happy that IS won't be giving up with the franchise. Well, given that it was announced on an International Direct, like some here have said already, and with Awakening's success, an international release of this one could be announced anytime soon. And it reminds me a lot of feudal japan this time around.
  6. NEW FIRE EMBLEM!!!!! FOR 2015 :D *hype mode*

  7. Aaaaannnd my 3DS seems to have passed away...or fainted...can't turn it on for quite some time now :|

  8. Finally back! After a VERY LONG absence xD happy holidays everyone.

  9. Mmm, I think the tome I would make would be this one: Ravager; Dark tome, A Rank, Mt 10, Hit 70, Crit 25, Rng 1-2, Uses 25. Grants Wrath skill, halve opponent's Resistance.
  10. I know, it's my fault, I was just handing over that xD sorry if it seemed like me ranting
  11. Wow, this is still running up? Cool xD And well played Sir shadowofchaos, not that I can do anything about the claim so that's ok.
  12. And back in action again, just had a very deep moment of thought but I'm finally back here.

  13. Security issues over, I am back and I hope to be more active now around here.

  14. Hey there, thanks for the profile visit, hope you're doing fine here!

  15. Had a security issue with my Hotmail account, won't be logging in for a while. Ignore anything I post after this until it is solved.

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Ah... I'm sorry to hear that. :<

  16. Let's give it a try then! Great, I shall conquer the world! Too bad that's not my name Why in the world would I use that phrase? Let's try with my real now. ...Brilliant.
  17. Hi Freohr,thank you!

  18. Hi man, thanks alot!

  19. Thanks Crash, I appreciate it!

  20. Thanks Phoenix!

  21. Hi pal, thank you very much!

  22. Thank you Pariah!

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