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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Judging by the date you joined, I'm pretty late, but welcome to Serenes Forest anyways!

    Hope you enjoy it.

  2. Mmmm, I guess that would be The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Favorite FE Tearring Saga character?
  3. I haven't even heard of it, what is it? Least favorite villain?
  4. I'd say the Spy, maybe the Sniper too. Favorite anime character?
  5. Maybe...PriscillaxHeath/Guy because they don't get to be together (on second thought, maybe RoyxCecilia too). Favorite TF character?
  6. Mmmm, hottest huh? I guess I go for MiaxRhys Yours?
  7. Okay, then count me in pal, I'll make sure to take part.
  8. Sadly, I haven't heard any of those Favorite Elite Four member of any region?
  9. When will this exactly take place? Just wondering, since I may end up joining, but I need to double check since my college schedule keeps me at bay for most of teh day, save for mornings and nights (from 2 pm through 8 pm I'm in college).
  10. I go for...Ganondorf. I would say Wolf O'Donnel, but he's more of an anti-hero, not villain. Favorite boss in Smash Bros Brawl?
  11. Sorry pal, I'm not following the thread at its full, I miss a lot of things quickly. As for the answer, that would be Trollface Favorite song ever?
  12. Nope, but a few friends try to make me play it. Not really. Favorite FE class?
  13. Heath. He ends up being quite useful and more when supporting Priscilla. Sorry crashman Favorite super hero?
  14. Pretty much like everyone, but not sure if its just one sided or mutual. Favorite laguz unit that is not a Royal Laguz?
  15. I haven't played many, just one and its Megaman Zero, so far I've liked it a lot, but I plan to play the Megaman Starforce and maybe Legends too. Yours?
  16. Not really. It stays cool but not that much, nor that hot. Favorite boss from any video game?
  17. I don't know...having more wishes nah, maybe something like live as if life was an anime? I don't know, a hard question. Favorite canon pairing in FE?
  18. Hello there and welcome to Serenes Forest. Hope you enjoy your stay around here and make friends, have a nice stay!
  19. Explorer (yes, I'm retro XD) and Google Chrome. If FE 4 had a remake, would you want it to have an alternate ending (like FE 10) where Ishtar could be recruited?
  20. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest. Hope you enjoy your time around, make friends and like the forums, welcome aboard! By the way, nice avatar XD
  21. Hello there, welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you have a nice time here, enjoy your stay, and make friends around here! Welcome aboard.
  22. Hi there, welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your stay here and make friends around, enjoy the forums.
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