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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Nothing outside the canon Red Gyarados ._. Well, I was so "lucky" to run into a shiny Pidgey in SoulSilver, but at the beginning of the journey. No Pokéballs on hand, imagine how I reacted to that.
  2. I'm still alive...but not active as I thought...

  3. Blaziken and Groudon should train a bit more if you want to them to help handle Steven, Gyarados also helps KOing Armaldo and Aggron if needed. The only Elites I'm not sure you can beat easily would be Drake and Glacia. Sydney will bow down against Groudon and Blaziken.
  4. That took me by surprise when I started reading about it. But well, GameFreak must have a reason for that. I don't mind it, I thought it funny until I saw her team. It will be a good challenge.
  5. If we can re challenge gym leaders, other key characters, and the other regions leaders, I'll be fine with that. As for the difficulty change, it will make running through the Elite Four quite interesting, especially the new champion. The Pokédex also looks pretty fine by now.
  6. Personally, I've liked the games I've played, but a little more character development would have been great. Having some plot twists is cool also, but if used in moderation or justified. I know it would be quite difficult, but for me a good story line would be having some insight in what other characters (aside from the main ones and the plotwise) feel, see, pursue, or want to do. This counts for the rivals, enemies, things of the sort.
  7. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your time around here, good luck!
  8. Happy birthday Cam, may you enjoy it!
  9. Hi and welcome to Serenes Forest, hope you enjoy the forums and your stay around here. Which FE and Pokémon games have you played? Anyways, hope you like this place.
  10. Oh joy, I won't be able to watch the E3

    1. Zak Something
    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Projects, too many to spare some time :

  11. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your time here and people around as well.
  12. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy your day the most.

  13. Hello! Welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your time here, enjoy the site and everything it offers.
  14. Amazing is the simplest thing I can say at the moment!!! Now I'm sure I will get this one. Too many things new to this and the Plasmas think they are like Team Rockett now, anyways this will be amazing! Can't wait to play it.
  15. Olivia's is two days before mine, while Frederick's is four days later, but Olivia's the closest one (yeah, a Leo unit )
  16. Welcome to Serenes Forest, hope you have a nice time around here! You should give a try to any other of the Fire Emblem games, 7 or 8 where the ones that got me interested in the series, there's also Holy War or Thracia if you want good challenges; anyways, welcome aboard!
  17. Hi Freohr, Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy your day the most you can!

  18. Happy Birthday! A tad late, my bad (no connection in college and I was all day there).

  19. I'd REALLY want to see Jill but it won't happen. As for characters, I think its clear that only plot important character would hit SSB4; personally, Krom would be the first choice since he's the star of FE13 (maybe tied with him is you know who). Mmmm, seeing as Ganondorf and Bowser appeared in Melee (as well as Mewtwo who is not entirely a villain), then Wario and King DDD (who once again, I don't see as a villain), I hope they would include one. They have many options with this one (Black Knight, Zephiel, Gharnef, FE13 enemy cast), then the Smash cast needs more villains too.
  20. Goodbye, Feel like a Dragon Sir

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Umm, not really, I meant my last avatar of the Sir Salamance...got tired of it and decided to change it.

    3. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Ah, alright.

    4. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Sorry, maybe left it quite unspecified, my bad guys.

  21. Not sure if must be in spoiler, so I'll go for safe here. If I'm wrong let me know, because I'm not quite sure of this.
  22. Who doesn't like Trapinch dancing? It's funny Cheer up pal!
  23. Right now it's a bit hard for me, I've got a bunch of things from college, but fridays are my free day in that sense, from 7 pm onwards.
  24. Hey, can I join in too? I want to test out slight changes I made to my deck (then I'll know if I should try Junk Doppel, but meh I play for fun).
  25. Apparently this deck will hit stores in Japan on June 16. The big boss of this deck resembles a creature from Monster Hunter. Here's a link to that card: Sea Emperor Dragon Poseidra
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