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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. He's way too cool, but caps restrict his skills.Maybe Samto?
  2. Here's what I do most of the time: -Save stat boosters for last chapters (last one or last two). -Boss abuse when the boss is really easy to defeat, granting some weapon exp too. -Train at least one unit of each weapon available. -Train my available units with weapon ranks of a second weapon choice. -Promote until a unit reaches level 20. -If a weapon is below half its endurance, dump it to the convoy or sell it to get some gold. -Train the Est archetype character, even if it takes more time for me. -When available, arena abuse to promoted level 20. -Have enough killing weapons for units with critical bonus. -Get a few silver weapons for the best characters. -Attack any enemy without paying mind to weapon triangle, unless hit is below 60%.
  3. [spoiler=Hurt Piplup, Heal Sabrina] Ash-25 Brock-36 Pikachu-30 Misty-28 Lyra-30 May-30 Dawn-31 Piplup-13 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-30 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-30 James-28 Meowth-30 Wobuffet-30 Butch-20 Cassidy-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Aqua-30 Team Magma-30 Team Galactic-27 Erika-30 Koga-30 Sabrina-39 Blaine-30 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Bugsy-30 Whitney-30 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-30 Pryce-30 Clair-33 Roxanne-30 Broly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-30 Norman-30 Winona-33 Liza/Tate-30 Juan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-51 Roark-30 Gardenia-30 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Byron-30 Candice-30 Volkner-28 Shirona-30 Marley-30 I woudl do this thing a bit faster NM, but my college schedule prevents me from doing so.
  4. Maybe Lance and Steven deserved to be in here. After all, Lance has dragons and appeared enough times (also, present in the games as the Champion) and Steven too. [spoiler=Hurt Lt. Surge, Heal Sabrina] Ash-25 Brock-33 Pikachu-30 Misty-28 Lyra-30 May-30 Dawn-31 Piplup-23 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-30 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-30 James-28 Meowth-30 Wobuffet-30 Butch-30 Cassidy-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Aqua-30 Team Magma-30 Team Galactic-27 Lt.Surge-15 Erika-30 Koga-30 Sabrina-36 Blaine-30 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Bugsy-30 Whitney-30 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-30 Pryce-30 Clair-33 Roxanne-30 Broly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-30 Norman-30 Winona-33 Liza/Tate-30 Juan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-36 Roark-30 Gardenia-30 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Byron-30 Candice-30 Volkner-28 Shirona-30 Marley-30
  5. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it.

  6. I can't really say for her. Sure, her animation is quite...impressive, but her stats are really low. I must say Sothe surpasses her (Volke is not in question, it's pretty obvious) and their skills are a weaker version of Volke's Lethality. Mmmm, Kieran?
  7. *pours gunpowder and places it in fire*
  8. Okay, I finally got YVD and installed it in my computer. However, I'm having problems running it in my computer, it says there's no connection. Anyone knows where can I find a booklet? The webpage is really slow and when I finally chose the topic, my Internet is gets stucked and I have to restart it.
  9. She's quite skilled and an amazing myrmidon! She's also cute. Sety training you to be a swordmaster that can use anima magic?
  10. Trabant: Heheh, it's Gungnir's doing, not my hair. I'm a powerful warrior. Arion: Maybe it's because of our individual personalities. Dean: *loks at your army members* Maybe it's the hair. There are a few with short hair. Sigrun, what are the requirements to join the Begnion Armada?
  11. He's cool in RD, in PoR he's average. Mmmm, Dean teaching you to ride a wyvern?
  12. Not quite. Since where I live there are no hawks, yeah! I forgot a new one: I would like something quick like a cheetah maybe.
  13. You know, I always thought the same between Male M!U and Katarina, but it seems they are not paired. As for classes, it depends on gender chosen. Males have mercenary, cavalier, fighter, archer, knight and mage I believe. Female has peg knight, myrmidon, cavalier, archer and mage. Backgrounds affect growth rates I believe. As for epilogue, I don't think it affects, but it would be cool. By the way, I searche for this, I haven't played the game yet.
  14. [spoiler=Hurt Piplup and Giovanni, Heal Sabrina] Ash-30 Brock-30 Pikachu-30 Misty-30 Lyra-30 May-30 Dawn-30 Piplup-28 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-30 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-30 James-30 Meowth-30 Wobuffet-30 Butch-30 Cassidy-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Aqua-30 Team Magma-30 Team Galactic-30 Lt.Surge-30 Erika-30 Koga-30 Sabrina-33 Blaine-30 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Bugsy-30 Whitney-30 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-30 Pryce-30 Clair-30 Roxanne-30 Broly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-30 Norman-30 Winona-30 Liza/Tate-30 Juan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-30 Roark-30 Gardenia-30 Maylene-30 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Byron-30 Candice-30 Volkner-30 Shirona-30 Marley-30
  15. Jeorge: I don't know why they say so. Just look at us, we're not similar! Astram: ...You're wrong Jeorge. Hey Ike, would you like to star in a new Tellius game or pass the role to another continent and hero (maybe a heroine)?
  16. Good works TheReaper! They are pretty cool. I should start spriting once again, it's been some time since last time I sprited. Keep up the good work!
  17. Mmm, I'm not really sure about what to expect now. First, a new history of Tellius telling of Ike's destiny would be cool, or a new hero in there. Then we have the remakes, I would like to see a remake of FE 4 (that would be so cool, I'm tired of playing it in my laptop). And the idea of a new game would be awesome, just to see what new things IS and Nintendo may offer.
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