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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Light Lord


    Here are mine: 1.- Bon Jovi 2.- Linkin Park 3.- Nickelback 4.- The Beatles 5.- Bryan Adams 6.- The Eagles 7.- Greenday 8.- Metallica 9.- Iron Maiden 10.- The Police
  2. Caeda: Well, there is Ogma, Navarre, Castor. And the other girls and members of our army too. Marth: That's pretty specific Caeda. Seth, Oiffey and Titania, how does it feel to be pretty cool Jeigans?
  3. *imagine italian accent when Mario and Luigi speak* Eliwood: Umm, guys, what are those things? Mario: This? This is a Yoshi, a friend of ours that offered us a ride. Luigi: They can be really helpful, tey can jump pretty high you know? Hector: Okay, so, what can you guys do? Mario: I'm pretty skilled with a sword. Luigi: I'm better with lances. Lyn: They sound a bit funny hehe. What if was reborn in Tellius, during the Mad King's War?
  4. Pent is the Saleh of Blazing Sword, pretty cool, but I prefer units that are not prepromote and I can arena abuse Mmmm, Edward?
  5. Hello and welcome! Hope you enjoy Serenes Forest a lot.
  6. I'm not really sure if Jill should be my delivery girl...unless it involves pizza for both of us Mmmm, you using Balmung!Astra and Seth using Gradivus!Sol sweeping the floor with Medeus?
  7. I would like to KO him in 1 turn, but it would be almost impossible (unless Aether existed) Mmmm, Largo?
  8. Suddenly everyone started receiving massages of their favorite characters haha, tha means of course! Mmmm, Seth class changing to Silver Knight class to protect you from Valter and Caellach?
  9. Nino: I will use Forblaze to destroy that evil doer! He killed my family, he stole my life! I will get revenge! Nergal:...*runs to the end of the world* Skrimir, why so impatient when the war began?
  10. Tinny giving you a massage? She's ok. Quite useful in RD.
  11. Lilina: Unfortunately, they are physical powers, but I'm a magical unit so you know, I lost them Lloyd, why do some fans pair you with Ursula (as if you guys were married)?
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