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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Gordin: *starts crying and decides to jump from a bridge* Celice, if Julia wasn't around, who would be your choice?
  2. She'd be a swordmaster (you mean this, right? Eyvel?), probably. And with some cool stats, but failing a bit in strength and defense maybe. Eyvel:...Lord LEaf, there's something you must know. Leaf: What is it, miss Eyvel? Eyvel: I think my memories came back. My name is Briggid, and I accompanied the father of Lord Celice years ago. Nanna: Is that so? Mother never said that. Fin: Lord Celice, he leads the army north of here. Leaf: Then let's get going, we must first stop Blume before joining forces. What if Mareeta never left and accompanied Leaf for Gen2 of FE 4?
  3. Bartre: As long as I don't get dizzy. That's my resistance gained by training. Petrine, what kind of laguz blood runs through your veins? You're a Branded after all.
  4. Didn't you said Eliwood a few posts before? Mmmm, Vika raven kicking bot Micaiah and Sothe at the same time.
  5. Patty: Hey big bro, look what I've got! *shows 4000 gold she stole from a boss* *boss stares angrily at them, readying his weapon* Faval: I'd wish I knew. Patty, get out of the way, I will take down that guy. Hey Ike and Marth, how does it feel to fight the best fighters/heroes/villains of Nintendo?
  6. Lakche: Master Sword, of course! With that sword, I'll be unstoppable with my overkills! Marth, if you had the chance to promote, what class would you promote to?
  7. Lyn: Farina! I'm surprised to see you here! Farina: Traitor. Lyn: What? Farina: I heard you left the plains to travel around the continent. When did you expected to tell me?! You know I could be f help! Lyn: Sorry Farina, but I needed to do this on my own. Farina: By the way, who are these good-looking knights? Sain: Glad you ask, madame. The name's Sain. You just sit and wait for me to act. Farina: No way! I'm better off by myself. And you over there? Kent: I'm Kent, a knight serving house Caelin in Lycia. Nice to meet you, lady Farina. Lady Lyndis, we shoudl be going. Lyn: Yes Kent, I know. Farina: Lady Lyndis? What's going on Lyn? Lyn: A long story Farina. Would you mind coming with us? Farina: Nah, I have time for it. Let's get going now then. Sain: Yeah! You two be careful and let us do the fighting. Wil: I think I should go with you guys too. Just in case you need a bowman. Farina: Excellent! The Lyndis Legion is growing! What if Camus was recruited right after defeating him?
  8. Zephiel: Humans are still humans. Even I doubt if I should still be around when manaketes come back. Black Knight, who is the responsible of your armor's and Ashnard's one blessing?
  9. Hector: I-i-i saw things...and also smelled something horible...I needed a psychologist to forget that and now you made me remember it! Roy, if your mother is really a manakete (similar to laguz) does it mean you're a Branded?
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