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JSND Alter Dragon Boner

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Posts posted by JSND Alter Dragon Boner

  1. Being Iron+ is a sweet spot i like for them. Its not like you'd immediately main them over Iron anyway and Iron being the "basic" makes it easy to plan the numbers around them


    Fates trying to overcomplicate shit is dumb

  2. 26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

     Maybe it fell too easily once Marth got back from Anri's Way, discordant with the threat it had been up to Khadein. Not helping is Macedon and Grust being trounced about a year prior, the potential rivals to contemporary Archanea are no longer at full power, barring Altea that gets backstabbed and Aurelis which is allied. -Course I suppose you could argue Daein and Crimea are both weakened as well in RD, that's fine. Personally, it didn't feel the same, but you do you.



    No bias 100% but Hardin!Archanea definitely didn't fall too fast outside of probably chapter count. Even ignoring the herculean achievement that Anri's Way are supposed to be perceived as(for all intent and purpose Anri's way was essentially a Shonen training arc), to win WOH Marth had to notice an opening in the formation of the entire nation, and even after that works he had to make a desperate rush against Hardin's throne before he got overrun after the message about Marth's ambush spreads around, both in game and in lore. And even beyond all that the only reason the strategy even work in the first place is because Aurelis effectively betrayed Hardin

    Hardin!Archanea was definitely the juggernaut that showcases the hype about it being the strongest Archanea have ever been completely, lore wise.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    You know I think this is all perfectly possible to do in the game's engine. That is to say Seliph's growth rates and holy blood is not pregenerated, it is based on who his parents are. Deirdre is just hardcoded to be Sigurd's lover. So in theory you could change who their lovers are. Though I think Seliph might actually be attached to Deirdre rather than Sigurd, like all the other children. So...how about Seliph with Deirdre paired with all the men?

    Nihil does let him beat Julius without receive a crit to the face.

    I might remember it wrong but iirc Seliph is indeed tied to Deidre as a solo child. Mechanically speaking Julia isn't Deidre's child. As you mentioned it kinda make sense if its the case since Seliph, just like every daughter character in the game, is a pallete swap of Deidre


    but i dont exactly know the game mechanic inside out lol, its just what i thought based on my interpretation on Nightmare module usages lol

  4. 47 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Just like security through obscurity, it's not forever.  Sooner or later something's gonna give, whether it be Talys getting screwed over by imports (I'm assuming trade is A Thing), some asshat letting Medeus know where Marth is, or perhaps a greater lust for power.

    In other words, assuming that Marth could live out his life in peace makes no sense.  And if Marth's life is in danger, then raising an army to take out that threat is arguably self-defense.  So the entire argument falls apart.

    Its actually somewhat mentioned in story that the entire reason Marth managed to stay in Talys for as long as he did and then some is basically because Hardin is genuinely that much of a problem against Dohlr's invasion attempts so thats a very likely "something" that can give

  5. To be honest it might as well say "FE12/FE11 and pretty much the rest of the series" even then FE12/FE11 had their enemy phase stuff. Just SIGNIFICANTLY less than other games.


    Its based on how due to a lot of factors, the most effective way to tackle most things in New Mystery is to set up  a good enemy phase with strong player phase - this honestly is all FE, but you can notice it if you have played 12. Trying to enemy phase in FE12 the way you did in other games would just get you fucking killed, most of the time(stuff like Swordmaster in some stages of the game works, and Nosfeatu is super super broken in this game so EP with them is sometimes your answer)

  6. 9 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Neither, it's bases followed by what the map requires.

    Growths and caps imply that I'm going to use the character.  They're equally irrelevant if their bases and the situation put them on the bench.  But if they do get invoked, then it's growths against caps - or "I don't know who designed FE6's HM growth system, but hi Zeiss".

    Whats the deal with Zeiss again?

    A bit related though it still kinda kills me to remember how if you consider ONLY growth in the context of FE6, excluding deliberate overpowered growth(thieves, Karel, Fae) the top character would probably be along the lines of.... Miledy, Shin, Dorothy, Wendy, Roy, Allance. It kinda showcases how messed up it is that one of the BASED GODDESS of FE(Miledy) also contends for havings one of the best growth in the game

  7. On 12/14/2020 at 2:53 AM, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    She has only slightly less looping potential than Achilles.  If you have MLB Scope, they both can tri-loop when using 2004 or Mage MCs, or you can use plugsuit+Waver and any scope.  Both have some capability using certain 50% CEs plus plugsuit+Waver, but only against Casters.  The one loop set up Achilles is capable of that she's not is vs Casters using plugsuit+Waver and Holy Night Supper.

    So she's capable, but not particularly outstanding.


    On 12/13/2020 at 5:42 AM, Water Mage said:

    For someone with such a...unique NP, Bradamante is so forgetable and unremarkable. Her kit isn’t particularly good or particularly bad. She’s perfectly average and there’s nothing unique about her playstyle.

    Brada actually have one extremely super specific but rather unique niche


    Being able to use Chan Gong set up without MLB Scope

    That said it IS true that shes kinda average - part of it is because her specs are weaker than Fionn in a meta where Fionn is the checkmark for viability.


    Shes also competing with Parvati who is basically a Monarch

  8. 32 minutes ago, Whisky said:

    I think Anonymous and Dark Holy Elf both gave very good answers. I agree with them. I think that tier lists are pretty worthless actually, unless they thoroughly explain what the metric is and why each unit is placed where they are. I think the information of what each units' strengths and weaknesses are, and what they are capable of at different points in the game is far more important than "unit is x good". The important part is to convey factual information bout units and let people decide for themselves how much they want to weigh certain things. "Saying FE6 Marcus is a great unit" would be a pretty worthless statement on its own. You would need to explain that he is great for the early game but not so much for the later game.

    I don't think Alance are nearly as good as Percival when he joins.

    I was talking a stupidly highly invested Alance. The most extreme version is something like Irysa's giga rig run where Alan is almost as good as Percival when the chapter count isnt even half of the chapter when Perci joined.

  9. I think this is down to how you specifically want to measure in your tier list. Mekkah's old FE5 character rating is quite a good reference point in that regard where he rated Sety a 10, simply because "theres no real reason not to use him" but on the same time on a tier list set up

    Ultimately its down to how you want to measure it in your tier list. Tier list ultimately is just how you convey your opinion on how several characters stack up to each other - whether you want to use "how good are they when theyre around" vs "overall contribution to the game" is your guess

    For whatever its worth, Pent's late alvailability have been used as a point to hit against him: specifcially there i believe was a time when people experimented using Canas/Lucius(?) as their bootleg Pent and works it out on LTC esque context, so alvailability being "a big thing that swallows everything" have been a thing that hits even a unit that good that just happen to not be alvailable. The fact of the matter about alvailability is when a unit is alvailable you can start to tilt the advantage on that unit's favor earlier


    Alance vs Percival would be an example where this works in that if you funnel enough stuff to Alance, by the time Percival appears he'd be either slightly worse or only slightly better. Miledy vs Shanna is where it "doesnt" since Miledy arrives rather early probably right before a heavy duty combat flier is big, amongst generic characters Miledy arguably have THE best growth in the game by far, and have a base so ridiculous that a Robed mildly rng abused Shanna had issues competing against her


    I guess what i want to say is ultimately stuff isnt black and white and there really isnt an objective one true way to make Tier list >_> The general fire emblem community uses the overall approach but if you look at it differently its kinda ok lol. Like personally speaking i think Niime is the real best character in FE6


  10. Reines only "100%" beat Waver in super meme mega optimized 3TK setting where you only push 1 servant damage and flood yourself with resource. Anywhere outside that Waver is still stronger. Its something a lot of people kinda dismiss, but frankly for example i consider the best farming set up in the game to be the AA Arash Waver Skadi set up* and Waver is better than Reines by miles for that due to his ATK being AOE, and anywhere lower than that(when you can't simply flex bomb waves casually so had to go 2 DPS 1 support route) the flex of buffing multiples can get value


    *Super advanced version would be Merlin AA Arash Skadi but its much harder to enable properly

  11. They outright says during like ch 8 or something that Eliwood got better and handles the situation back in Lycia. Its why Roy can make a trip to other places without giving a fuck about the situation on the Alliance back home


    Also they mentioned Bern is busy fighting against Etruria in a stalemate. IIRC Roy pretty much arrived right when Bern started to get advantage idk been a whie

  12. 6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    But aren’t there Berserker enemies that focus on Divine Servants?

    Im taking this based on my experience playing it with shit account

    No, that thing is SPECIFICALLY why you want to run Divine Servant over everything else because thanks for giving me free taunt game. Also its a mob so not that big of an issue if it ever were one


    Its not until Surtr that it even comes close to being an issue, and the general idea of LB2 is "use archers" either way since the fight are jokes except for one that requires you to use Archers

  13. 1 hour ago, Water Mage said:

    Is two or three Brides really better as an Arts support than the Bride and Tamamo duo? Bride’s support is great but the problem is that they are all the same while Tamamo offers Art supports and NP strength UP after her Rank Up. Remember that Arts Up, Atk UP and NP UP buffs adds multiplicative and the 3 Atk UP buffs adds additively. So 3 Brides would be Atk+Atk+Atk while Bride and Tamamo would be ArtsxNPxAtk. In that case, Bride&Tamamo would deal more damage.

    JP wise Tamamo lacks kickstart from battery. If its NA, her value isn't even much better than Bride who affects all card which can come into play rather often(do note nutcase didn't specifically mention just arts but general and even on arts theres times when your still using other card when making Brave Chain)

    Also multip scaling isn't THAT big of a deal since the value disparity isn't big enough. Lets use Kagetora(moreso because she have fair split). Tamamo(NA) is 1.5 Arts, Bride is 1.45 ATK


    Solo - 1.2 x 1.3 = 1.56

    2 Tama - 1.2 x 2.3 = 2.76

    2 Bride - 2.1 x 1.3 = 2.73

    1 Tama 1 Bride - 1.65 x 1.8 =2.97


    So at best its 10% difference

    Another thing to note here is if you want to finish stuff right there, Bride with Kscope can NP for 30% more debuff while Tama is CD recursion. Theres situation where an extra instant NP damage can be really useful since at the end of the day the win con is to kill stuff lol

  14. 10 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    Speaking of Caeser and Okita, do you think if Okita got a NP interlude she wouldn´t have to compete with Caesar so much? It feels like it's hard to justify using Okita over Caesar since he offers team support and has a lower cost. I mean Okita has a star gather skill and a evade but a support can easily do that as well, plus her evade is tied to her crit buff which makes it akward to use. Man, Okita really needs a buff.

    Okita didn't need a buff at least not in a sense that "this servant is weak and requires help. She's still arguably the best Saber simply because of Skadi looping, her np debuffs defense which is neat + having defense ignoire

    if anything Caesar being the (way bigger) damage with consistency issue vs Okita being much more consistent is how the variety should have been


  15. On 6/5/2020 at 11:01 AM, DehNutCase said:

    The Welfare has significantly better NP gen and refund. If you're doing low turn count stuff that doesn't matter, though, and Li's better NP and Crit damage should carry him.

    Mind this is just me looking at the numbers, I don't use Li and I don't play on JAP.


    Different Topic:

    After using Achilles for a bit I feel like 4 hits on the Quick card is about where I'd be happy with a Quick card even if it's NP gen is low. (And, of course, its damage is shit because it's a quick card.) I'm not sure I'd be happy if it's utter garbage NP gen like 1% from Beserker Vlad or Lancelot, but 2% base with some natural modifiers (Quick Up in Achille's case, and occasionally his Golden Rule) feels alright.

    I already felt that way a little from using Eresh, but her Arts card is so absurd that she can probably have a 4 Buster deck and still be fine on NP generation.

    Li have better damage but from my experience Kenshin looping is hilariously trivial but JP looping meme usually assumes being able to secure kill with NP alone
    thing is Kenshin NP is nuclear bomb already so lol.


    I agree 4 hitcount is where Quick feels fine since thats where card 3 quick averages 6 stars AKA producing more than instinct with full card set threshold and considering the crit threshold is arguably 25(2 card crit, 5 to buffer bad distribution).... yeah

    Not sure about 2.0 though. Modified 2.0 is along the lines of 1.5 card BASE >_>(2.0 x 2.3 = 4.6/3 = 1.5). I personally feel 3.0 is the sweetspot for NP gen on card but this is very ymmv anyway

    At least for ST imo 3.0 is when it feels comfortable. The most common looper used in JP meme meta goes from "Kintoki Rider and Kama" for most consistent, and drops to "MHX and MHXA" which are both 3.0 with Caesar NP for least consistent. Melt i think is essentially Caesar NP with 3.0 but i remember Melt NP being significantly worse than Caesar/MHX/MHXA trio

    Funny enough Caesar is surprisingly common because his NP refill makes him much better than he looks, its the single best refill in the entire game, so despite 2.0 card he could triloop surprisingly well(its the same concept as Astolfo - his card sucks and his NP sucks but he have the 20% regen acting as a buffer). If you love consistency so much you'd still use Okita over him although of course Okita's damage is much lower unless you invest on her a lot(GGPG boys represents)

  16. Parvati is a perfect example why "everyone get interlude" can be a damning move too

    Shes the most powerful AOE Lancer in the entrie game atm in terms of damage output on NP. Despite having lower ATK at L100 than Lancer Alter at L80

    Have fun trying to sell something with that around


    an overarching interlude would also force them to do full game overhaul and it would simply reset things to square one

  17. 15 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

    I mean, Sigurd's kit is basically comparable to a launch servant's kit, or a 4*'s. 50% extra damage on your NP from dragon effectiveness doesn't really matter when you're missing an interlude (about a 20% damage difference at NP5, assuming the interlude doesn't give anything but extra damage on the NP) and your kit is a bad joke.

    50% Buster Up and 100% Crit Damage aren't bad, but if they're all you have your kit is pretty damn sad. It's also unintentionally hilarious that he has pretty much exact buffs Merlin gives too, so you even scale a bit worse in a Merlin comp since Sigurd's trying to look for Atk Ups which is Merlin's weakest buff. (Aside from NP Damage Up, which Merlin doesn't have---but Black Grail gives so much that Np Damage Up on skills isn't really interesting unless you give outrageous amounts of it.)


    Dude feels like a (average level, not hilariously good like Chloe or Kintoki) free servant trapped in a 5*'s body.

    Sigurd is pretty weak i agree, its just that Double Merlin Sigurd is a level of damage power that you don't normally get from a servant, and the fact that Caesar is able to be stronger than that speaks volumes to how ridiculous he is

  18. 5 hours ago, QKumber said:

    Just out of curiosity, this is if you not count SSR sabers right? yeah must be

    And if you don`t mind, as someone who doesn`t play nor even follows jp too much, why was Medb not considered so strong? Or why it took so long for jp to realize it? Just giving a quick look her kit seems fairly decent no?

    Charisma + crit dmg  / battery (20% x 3) and extra stars are always nice / charm + arts resist down on AoE

    Currently in JP "meta" at least if were talking min max shit(TM) the meta is completely dominated by Quick memes, and Monarch abuse. This is because Skadi's skillset is extremely strong  in the right way - she boost NP damage by 95%, her critical boosting can add supplement to simple NP nuking, and she have 50% battery.


    Arts generally did not have anything that can contend to that power level, and stalling is not THAT effective of an option because Tamamo's skillset are generally limited in what she can do.
    Medb actually still isn't considered so strong, if you ask majority of people they'd tell you she sucks, and objectively speaking she's not that good, but recently we calced her numbers and turns out she have enough of a powerful traits that she's genuinely a pretty insane servant all things considered

    - Loop specs on the level of Archuria - at 4.3 NP mod and 20 Regeneration, Medb is able to refill 32.9% of her NP without any buff outside of overkill. Arhcuria is 39%

    - Lame turn 1 damage, but Nice Shot can potentially proc multiple times allowing her damage to snowball

    - Fairly fine buffset of 20% Arts and 20% atk which is alvailable for full 3 turns

    When considering her nice shot build up being ATK buff bracket, it stacks really well with atk buff-light pool that is arts. The key with her is to enable her to loop her NP, and do nice shot stack do the rest. Fairly weak first NP, but past that she picks up

    People heavilly sleeps on her as early as they look at her 8000 atk cap and thinks her damage sucks. In reality her NP damage is only slightly lower than Saber Lancelot, and due to how arts are set up shes capable of hitting far above her weight


    That being said investing on Saber Medb is not  a bad thing but its moreso because Summer BB is one of the most powerful tools to have and they share banner(its kinda like Ash, while hes much more solid overall than Saber Medb, you get a chance of him when your trying to get Asclepius and Arjuna Alter anyway)


    Gonna add, I have Benienma, shes really good but the problem with her is her kit is not something that you can use for pure damage chasing, lack of critical consistency while not having powerful loop specs. Shes used when you want to have stally utility, her team battery is amazing, and her anti shenanigans gives her a lot of place to shine though so i'd easilly reccomend her as a very good servant. Shes easilly top 5 arts saber when were looking at overall value instead of damage output potential(Bride, Beni, Disocuri,


    1 hour ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    Dioscuri (aka Twins) is an SSR.  It's specifically a comparison of ST Arts Sabers, regardless of rarity. 

    Caesar being 'ranked' is a riff on the fact that Caesar is basically one of the best ST Sabers in general for JP right now, and is extremely accessible, so why bother with any of the Arts Sabers.

    Yeah Caesar is so powerful that its actually completely out of mind

    In a completely optimized state, Caesar is currently either the strongest or the second strongest Quick servant for damage,  provided he gets the right amount of stack(and non 5 stack Caesar is already pretty strong as is). Lets put it this way, Caesar is so powerful that his optimized damage is fairly close to NP5 Sigurd hitting Dragon


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