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  1. CT075's post in Adding Custom Weapon Types? was marked as the answer   
    nobody in particular has seen fit to port that patch to fe7, but you might find it useful to reverse-engineer the fe8 source if you want to try porting it yourself
  2. CT075's post in Modifying Existing Maps was marked as the answer   
    A long, long time ago, BwdYeti had a png to map converter. I do not know what came of it, but you can try to find it somewhere
  3. CT075's post in Is this possible? was marked as the answer   
    there isn't really any sort of unified "tutorial" on assembly hacking as it pertains to modding (yet). personally, I would recommend this lecture as a primer, although it can be a little dense/intimidating if you don't have any experience with it
    wrt general notes you'd just have to scour FEU for various people's collections; i'm not sure anybody has attempted anybody like this (due to, as everyone has said, how annoying and difficult it would be)
    if it were my project, i would probably modify the routine that scans inventory for usable weapons to check magic as well (which some helper functions to create the "item" used to attack). depending on how many spells you have, though, you might need to do some graphics hacking as well
  4. CT075's post in Map Graphical Glitch was marked as the answer   
    go into chapter data editor and change the "tile animations" property
  5. CT075's post in Changing Seth's Class was marked as the answer   
    if you're using the chapter data editor try scrolling down a bit and finding another seth entry
  6. CT075's post in Uploading screenshots was marked as the answer   
    use an image hosting site
    imgur is a good one
  7. CT075's post in Inserting foreign letters (Þ, Ð & Ø) into the text? was marked as the answer   
    You would have to insert that into the font image and then encode the text yourself
  8. CT075's post in Help with Fedtior Battle Animations was marked as the answer   
    the offsets he's using are 100% definitely free; that's expanded space
    at least for FEditor battle animations, have you tried just increasing the "max index" in the battle animation viewer?
    also, you're not reversing right
    to change offset 0x0107B0E0 into a pointer, first you add 0x08000000 to it, giving you 0x0907B0E0.
    Next, you split it into chunks of two digits each:
    09 07 B0 E0
    Finally, you flip the order of each of these chunks
    E0 B0 07 09
    Make sense? you missed the first step
  9. CT075's post in animation glitch was marked as the answer   
  10. CT075's post in Lyn Mode Questions was marked as the answer   
    the command LYN_END should do all of the above
  11. CT075's post in Inserting Map Sprite was marked as the answer   
    to insert a compressed graphic into free space, go to the offset of the original (compressed) graphic first.
    when you click on the "insert bitmap", there should be a button that reads "target offset" or "write graphics to?" or something of the sort. change that to, well, change where the graphics are written to. in this case, you'd change that from the offset of your old graphic to the offset of your free space
    the reason it does this (although i disagree with the reasoning) is that images can be compressed in a variety of different ways between games; within a single ROM things are usually consistent but as GBAGE is meant to be a general graphic utility it has no way of knowing ahead of time what compression format to use when you want to insert a "compressed" graphic. to remedy that, it only allows you to compress->insert a graphic while looking at an image that is similarly compressed (as then you can infer the format)
  12. CT075's post in [FE7] What is the maximum file size or hex value for a ROM? was marked as the answer   
    the GBA can't handle anything bigger than 32 MB because its internal memory can't address beyond that
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