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Is this possible?


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While thinking of some lore for my FE8 hack, I wondering, is it possible to add Gaiden-styled magic to the GBA games or FEXP/FEXNE?

This is what I mean: *Lore and boring stuff no one wants to hear* and that's why I want a menu based Magic system in which you select spells and they drain your HP and stuff. So um, is this possible or no? Also, should I work with the GBA or the FEXP family? I really like the cuteness that the small screen and limits of the GBA ones give them (I'm weird), but FEXP/FEXNE offer way more diversity...

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I don't think you could get exactly what you want in GBA, but there's probably workarounds. For instance, you could have an infinite-use tome, bind it to a certain class with weapon locks, and then add in some assembly that checks if the user's level is higher than a certain level.

(I've never played FE2, but I asked a few people who have what exactly you meant and this is what I came up with).

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The idea is that the whole idea was to remove the idea of tomes and making magic a thing that comes from the user's life force, AKA, not a physical object.

Edited by Floral Pattern
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The idea is that the whole idea was to remove the idea of tomes and making magic a thing that comes from the user's life force, AKA, not a physical object.

Well, in that case, no.

EDIT: I take that back. Theoretically, it's possibly. Practically, it's almost certainly far more trouble than it's worth.

Edited by Tequila
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Possibly; I'd try to rig it up based on Dance if I wanted to do this, personally.

Or maybe copy the attack routine but skip the equip menu or feed it fake data or something *shrug*.

Yes it's possible but it'd be a pain in the butt.

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there isn't really any sort of unified "tutorial" on assembly hacking as it pertains to modding (yet). personally, I would recommend this lecture as a primer, although it can be a little dense/intimidating if you don't have any experience with it

wrt general notes you'd just have to scour FEU for various people's collections; i'm not sure anybody has attempted anybody like this (due to, as everyone has said, how annoying and difficult it would be)

if it were my project, i would probably modify the routine that scans inventory for usable weapons to check magic as well (which some helper functions to create the "item" used to attack). depending on how many spells you have, though, you might need to do some graphics hacking as well

Edited by CT075
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I just took a quick glance at the lecture and I already want to quit, I was the worst in my C++ class, I can't do this.

But thanks for the support and info, those were really helpful!

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