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Posts posted by Errorik

  1. 10 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

    Yeah, I'm wondering a bit about the teachers.

    For reference, this was Shamir when I got her at level 11:

    HP: 34

    Strength: 20

    Mag: 8

    Dex: 22

    Speed: 17

    Luck: 17

    Def: 13

    Res: 8

    Cha: 13

    That was about the same as Edelgard, who was level 18, just with less defense and more Dex. Unless her growth rates are absolute garbage or she gets totally RNG screwed, she'll lap every other student I have.

    Are teachers/knights just objectively better than all other units, or is there some penalty for them?

    Since everyone learns different spells, the spell casting tiering is pretty easy. Dorothea, for example, learns both Meteor and Agnaea's arrow. She's the only one to learn both. Only Hanneman can learn Meteor, and only Ignatz and Rhea can learn agnaea's arrow.

    Lystheia in particular is interesting. Although she learns Hades and Abraxas (one of only two to learn it), she doesn't get meteor, bolting, mire, thoron, death, or bohr... basically all the things that would keep her out of harms way. All her spells are limited to 2 range max.

    Lys learns warp at B and has a high mag growth and base (for a student). Already S tier.

  2. 2 hours ago, Flere210 said:

    Killing the DK on the first encounter wasn't too bad but at least it was a challenge. For a boss you are not supposed to beat he was a pushover 

    Beating him is the only way to get dark seals, so you're definitely supposed to be able to beat him if you come prepared (aka high str Lance user with knightkneeler and some good gambits).

  3. Having finished BL on hard, my "under leveled" units were doing just fine compared to my "over leveled". Dimitri was rocking lvl 50 while Annette was still 35 or something. Both made major contributions. Annette is low-key amazing (Rally str and spd from authority, plus major magic dmg). She didn't need levels though. Dimitri was very over leveled. Critting bosses for 250+ on one hit was huge overkill.


    Edit: TL;DR: Once benchmarks are hit, levels/growth rates are no longer relevant. Extra movement is always good.

  4. 5 hours ago, Kujja said:

    im on BL chapter 18 or 19 after the time skip the game got harder also i dont like to warp and kill commander i usualy rout unless the bad guys are endless yeah hard stuff some times

    I gave up on that with the chapter that had those golem things with aegis and pavis. I noped over the wall and blipped the commander in 2 or 3 turns.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

    What does that thing at the bottom mean? I made Catherine into a Falcon Knight, but I wanted to switch her back to swordmaster, and I just noticed it. Also is it best to leave her as a swordmaster or keep her as a falcon knight? Thanks!


    My Catherine was a sword master all game and did her job just fine for me. She blew things up when I needed her to. She'll lose class abilities of swordmaster, but extra movement is always a big plus.

  6. I'm not sure giving them battalions would be a healthy choice. Enemies consistently being able to attack with little to no downside would be a huge drag on many units/classes. It would turn into spamming avoid skills and rolling the dice every turn to see if you live. I think having more/different skills along with more enemies at higher stats would be better. Also give enemy commanders a big buff. They're a joke right now to blip with warp skipping.

  7. I never found beasts troubling. Hit them with 1 battalion then pound their shields. They're an easy kill after that. Monster combat abilities, blessed weapons, and paying attention to what their weakness is ends them quickly. You don't need to kill a stunned beast to deal with another one coming at you. Just keep them crowd controlled and unable to counter attack. I found their attacks to be less and less of a problem as the game went on.

  8. 5 hours ago, dragonlordsd said:

    Catherine likes the Four-... something blend. The one that costs 1,500 and is for mature tastes. I don't have the game in front of me.

    Tea is really expensive, so a chart like this is handy.

    No expense is too high for Catherine

  9. I don't know if statue costs change. Probably not. Everything else increases by 500 each upgrade. E.g. getting someone who starts at D Lances to D+ costs 500g and someone at E to E+ also costs 500g. Supports are handled the same way. You'll need to have unlocked the support levels in your previous file on order to grab them though. E.g. I can only unlock to B with Gilbert because I only got to B in my first playthrough.

  10. We'll need to see what lunatic has to offer. I'd guess they'll use online connection data to tool lunatic around what seems to be the best strats. Maybe giving commanders a mdg reduction if you don't go clear out a section of the map. Maybe multiple health pools for commanders so warp skipping is less viable (I did warp killing a lot). I think they really want the data, which is why the rewards for having it online are so big.

  11. 55 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I'd like to know this too. Also,  one question of my own:

    Does giving the right answers when it comes to choices regarding Jeralt, Rhea, and Sothis affect anything later on down the line?

    Last map comes when it comes. There are only so many weeks to do things. Maybe dlc allows for endless grinding? I don't have it. I didn't feel that rushed, though I didn't finish all my builds due to being crazy inefficient, so you'd probably have enough time. Master classes didn't feel required, especially for units like byleth, Dimitr, and dancer.

  12. 7 hours ago, Rewind said:

    Are the later maps bigger with less room for error and more side objectives to complete? Will female mages benefit a lot more from the movement and canto from a mounted class over the additional spell uses of the gremory? I'm torn between making a bunch of holy/dark knights and gremories since stride is a thing but only good for 2 uses in battle.

    Depends on playstyle, I suppose. I didn't find gremory that much better than mounted mages, except for not having to learn riding. That made it possible for my Mercedes to hit gremory very early. If you like getting through maps fast, mounted is probably best, otherwise it wouldn't matter but would be inconvenient (was for me, but I play fast). Canto is just so so good.

  13. Some maps are kinda hard. 2/3 of the maps are EZPZ. Later in the game for BL, the win condition is kill the commander on most maps. This makes it super super ez. Reclass Dimitri to paladin, rally the Boar King, warp the Boar King, Boar King kills commander with 250+ dmg atrocity crits. All that's left is to laugh at the weak fools who think Dimitri won't crush every single one of them under his boot!

  14. 1 hour ago, Armchair General said:

    What about the final battle against Edelgard?

    I saw a video with someone soloing her with Byleth armed with regular swords and you wouldn't how long that took.

    On hard it wasn't that difficult. The map itself was more difficult than the boss. One Gambit and then bringing up my thwompers took her out in one turn. My Dimitri was critting for 250+ by the end of the game (atrocity).

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