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Posts posted by Cornguy

  1. Personally, I'm just speaking hypothetically. I hope FE4 comes next, possibly tied in with FE5. Followed by FE6, which would be really awesome if it was tied to FE7. 

    But if Echoes is our magical sub-series of remakes, I would still want them to get to FE8 eventually. Because then 9 and 10 have a shot at being on handheld.

  2. On 2/6/2017 at 3:00 PM, den_konig said:

    To divide the army, I think that there would be a need for more characters. It would never happen, and I too would probably be annoyed by this, if they introduced children to the game. That way, the support system would get an update (which I think it would need), and then Ephraim and Eirika could split up, and have their own separate lines in one play through.

    But then the question rises, how would Tethys, Gerik, and Ewan be introduced? They are found in both routes. But honestly, they are important to Eirika's route so they would get thrown in there.

    No children please. I'm all for new characters though. We missed a female thief and shaman for the second time in a row with this game, and the trend continued into FE9, FE10 for shamans.

    Personally I think Gerik's team belongs on Eirika's route. I feel like Innes and Gerik's support kinda comes outta nowhere if you take Ephraim's route. If stories were being played simultaneously, I can see Gerik sending Marisa to Ephraim's side however.

    Edit: On second thought, Gerik does mention being sent by Innes in Ephraim's path. Still think they make more sense on Eirika's path. If anything, just send Marisa and Ewan since Eirika's side already has a myrm and a mage.

  3. Personally, her and Eliwood always felt like Marth in a different setting to me. And I'm not a big fan of Marth. Corrin also fits this bill, but more like Marth being written into a story that makes no sense.

    I wouldn't particularly say I dislike any of the three, but they just aren't my cup of tea.

    I guess I could elaborate a little. But all of them kinda blend into that "I feel so bad for everyone and everything, oh the horrors of war". 

  4. Personally I would've liked Lyn to start with bows in addition to Eliwood starting with lances. Then you tie all the lords together by giving them swords on promotion.

    Either that or let them all start with their secondary weapon in their 1st tiers. Not sure what FE has against dual weapons on non-cavalier 1st tier classes. 

    Durandal would be usable by all three, and you'd still get the other three weapons.

  5. Does anyone know if its possible to add chapters to FE8? I titled it with Gaiden chapters because I figured that'd be the simplest method considering the FE8 map events are still tough(?).

    I don't necessarily need to know how to do it right away, but I'm in the planning stages and would like to know what's possible and what isn't before I get ahead of myself.

    But for example, say after chapter 10, chapter 10x would load up without taking you back to the map, and upon being cleared, the map events would continue as normal.

    I did use the search bar, but if the information's here and I missed it, I'm sorry for my senility.

  6. Ike's Lord outfit gets no love, I'd really like to see him in it.

    If we get characters wearing each other's outfits, I'd love to see Lyn in Karla or Aira's outfit. Roy in Leaf's, Chrom in Sigurd's to name a few. Lucina in Eirika's if she doesn't make it.

  7. OCs, I'm saying 3. A boy and a girl, and a female villain. Would actually love it if the playable OCs are customizable with FE themed outfits and weapons.

    As far as slanting, I think they will, but not "significantly". I think IS is aware that FE has gained a lot of female fans in the last few years, and I don't think they'll let the game be waifu-palooza.

    I think people forget sometimes, but KT just enjoys sex-appeal. Of course its a little more apparent on female characters, but they sex up pretty much any character under the age of 40.

    Anyways, I'm still more concerned with different games/eras getting proper representation than I am with what gender ends up being the majority.

    I am an FE fan first, and a shameless waifu-lover second.

  8. If Echoes is indeed a sub-series for remakes, we have a good shot at seeing a little bit of everything in Warriors. If not, I would expect the usual 4, 5 and 8 don't exist, most of the cast is the same as Smash plus lots of 3DS and Archanea. Which at least 3DS should include SoV this time around.

    But yeah, my hopes for the cast pretty much mirror my hopes for Echoes/remakes.

    Still, even if we get a little bit of everything, I don't expect much more than the main characters plus a few favorites from 3DS and Archanea.

  9. Bummer, Zihark made it, but no Nephenee or Mia? If single-weapon units are gonna be used, at least use waifus. Too late now though, at least Zihark can support Brom and use that earth affinity.

    Love PoR, but I never understood the point of single-weapon units with no crit bonus. Also bizarre that Halberdiers missed this amendment in the US release. Its strange in general that these units are mostly locked to a single range and weapon, no horse, while mages get full triangle access, and get staves later. Fighters only add to this mystery by getting bows on promotion. 

    Anyways, aside from my saltiness on Zihark weasling his way in over hotter characters who are just as handicapped, love this playthrough so far. My gal and I are both subscribed, but we tend to watch these together, so I apologize that it kinda bilks you on the likes we leave on the videos.

  10. 11 hours ago, WinterMidnight said:

    Can character recruitment order not be randomized until after Lyn's story in FE7? I randomized it, but everyone is showing up in their usual places.

    Lyn's mode is kinda weird. All characters in Lyn's mode actually have two slots in the game, one for Lyn's and one for the rest of the game. I can't speak for the creator, but I would assume Lyn's story is left out to avoid giving you double Wils, ect.

    You can still play through Lyn's mode, but the characters classes and/or growths will be randomized again, and if you randomized recruitment, their stats will carry over to their replacements in the main story, rather than their own.

    Not sure if their weapon-levels are affected, or possibly their classes as well, but I recommend you just skip Lyn's mode.

  11. So I've got two PSPs that have hit the same dead-end.

    Now, I haven't quite narrowed down what went wrong yet. But essentially, the PSPs will not turn on if they're not plugged into the charger. The orange charge light is on when I plug it in, implying that its charging, but it immediately turns off if I unplug it. This wouldn't be that much of an issue, as I don't mind playing it on the couch, but it will eventually kick itself off the charger anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes.

    I don't know if this is the trouble, but both times this happened after using the gbsp kai emulator. I've formatted the memory stick, re-done the custom firmware song and dance, bought a new battery from batteries+, though I'm pretty sure its a 3rd party battery, if that makes a difference. Worked for a little while, hit the same bump eventually. Didn't save any emulators onto the stick that time.

    So I guess what I'm asking, is if anyone with knowledge on the subject knows if my trouble lies in the PSP or the battery. I know there are better places to ask, but I like it here. Even on internet forums, I have my comfort zone.

    One thing I did see while looking up similar issues, someone said that the PSP has an internal measure against 3rd party batteries, and supposedly batteries that have the Pandora mod can be suspect as well. They supposedly charge to capacity, and the PSP stops acknowledging(?) the battery. The solution is to drain the battery to empty by hooking it up to a light or something. Then charge it, and its supposed to work. 

    It sounded like a temporary fix, and I'll have to look up how to properly rig the battery to a light bulb, so I don't blow it up or anything. But it'd be better than nothing if it works. If I get a chance to try it before anyone else has a solution, I'll let you all know how it goes.

    Anything helps, if you know its the PSP or the battery, or if you know a fix to keep it from booting me off the charger. I would rather not get a third PSP, but if its definitely the PSP, then that's that.

    And I know, custom firmware, modding, all that noise, I run these risks.

    Apologies in advance if this isn't the place to ask.

    EDIT: Not important enough to warrant a double-post, but I switched charger cords, and now it will stay on if its plugged in. So I guess I had a bum cord in tandem with my bad batteries.

    My PSP situation is no longer so dire, but still, if anyone has any ideas, I'd still like to hear them.

  12. 7 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    I would give the player more options to work around permadeath rather than just resetting. Such as:

    - When a PC's HP drops to 0, they collapse. They can't move or act, and will disappear unless you protect/stabilise them.

    - A unit has three "lives". They don't permanently disappear until they die in three separate chapters.

    I actually had a very similar idea when my friends and I were putting together a table-top FE game. But instead of the 3 lives thing, we were going to have the player roll for a stat to go down, with different parameters depending on how much damage they took over their final HP value.

    Also, Florete and Locke087, you reminded me of one of the cool things FE9 did. A lot of the early dialogue changes if you lose certain characters, in particular Boyd and Oscar. Makalov's support with Astrid is also a little bit different if Marcia died. I think there may have been more, but I've never read them in my own playthroughs.

    This is pretty good stuff so far, puttin' a bit down in my notes(that I may or may not use one day >.>).

  13. 3 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Wrt RD's balance, I fail to see how it's the worst balanced FE game when Genealogy and Sword of Seals are even worse off in that department IMO (the weapon balance in the former in particular is an outright train wreck (it's nice that it implemented the weapon triangle, but fire magic being so heavy that its theoretical advantage over wind magic doesn't manifest in actual practice? Seriously?), to say nothing of how stupidly unbalanced the holy weapons are (30 might and insane stat boosts, especially Holsety and Balmung... What were the developers smoking to think that was even a remotely good idea?!), the maps overly favouring mounted units due to being so large, and Pursuit being needed to double enemies further skews unit balance).

    I  would not call RD the worst balance-wise, and though its a little unfair, FE4 has the excuse of being old.

    When RD was rolling around, they had 9 games worth of experience to fall back on. It was just a bummer they hadn't tested it a little further. There were a few things that could've used work, they feel obvious to most of us after playing the game, and that's what's disappointing. Either they didn't test it enough, or they started testing too late to adjust everything they needed to.

  14. I like the idea of a sort of ironman mode as NekoKnight said. Or at the very least, something along the lines of a different ending, or extra chapters if you don't restart chapters.

    The save deletion sounds a little harsh, even though I personally would enjoy something similar.

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