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Posts posted by Cornguy

  1. 5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Eh. Nintendo will spoil anything on accident.

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    Did you know that the Xenoblade Chronicles character Fiora, who is originally thought dead but later turns out to have been mechanized, has a trophy of her mechanized self in the game Super Smash Bros for Wii U that reveals that plot detail? It's not like that's a minor plot detail either.


    I remember that. They went so far as to not "spoil" Mr L's identity on his trophy, but Xenoblade? Ehhh, no one'll play it anyway.

  2. I gotta side with the anti-spoiler people of this one. Yeah, it'd be great if every one started with FE7 and played every game after, or if Nintendo had made 9 and 10 more available, be it through higher production or VC. But they didn't, and Nintendo also didn't. 

    I doubt any of us were expecting a remake of either of these games, but a rerelease has been something most of us have been waiting on for a while now. And even though most of us who played and/or own 9 and 10 would still love a rerelease, it does hurt the experience for any newer fans who might've wanted to try them.

    The part of this that is frustrating is that they could've easily released him in his Begnion armor and avoided all of this. 

  3. Just now, Armagon said:


    Looks like Oliver is the GHB. There's also a RD Tempest which might make Zelgius the reward. Which means.....Micaiah and Sothe are the only summonable Heroes. Huh. Interesting.

    You forgot your spoilers, though I'd like to think anyone who clicks a topic titled DATAMINE would expect spoilers.

    I am ecstatic at the idea of a GHB and a TT unit though. Means I can snipe blue and consider grey.

  4. 7 hours ago, Hilda said:

    why not. He is not that bad, granted he sucks in this one against Ephraim and Eirika, but he was Fantastic in others.

    I appreciate your opinion, but I dislike taking him into Hard BHBs enough, I'd rather not need him in Infernal.

    I'm not what you'd call a high caliber player, I'd rather not have what little rewards available to me be locked behind intense difficulty.

  5. 1/3/11/12: Garnef

    2/Echoes: Fernand, maybe Deen

    4: Ishtar or Julius

    5: Galzus

    6: Brunja, maybe Murdock

    7: Limstella or Denning. Linus as a close second.

    8: Lyon. Selena or Caellach would also be acceptable. 

    9: Petrine. Ashnard or Bertram could also be good.

    10: Pelleas? He could maybe get in through standard means though. Deghinsea, Levail or Oliver. Any of them could be good.

    13: AVERSA. Gangrel could be good too. Never Validar. Keep him away. 

    14: Arete. No one else really fits other than Garon, but I don't care for Garon.

  6. If the gothic theme is true, lances and dark sound pretty cool. Even without the gothic theme, I'd still enjoy that combo.

    If it is an avatar and you get to choose a weapon, I just hope their prf is tied to what you pick. Was always a bummer that the Yato was a sword. I finally get a chance to play as a lance specialist, and its kind of neutered to play as a class that can't use swords. 

  7. I think I'd want the Tellius triangle. Standard melee, but fire, thunder and wind. Dark magic could belong to mages that don't get staves, would probably be best left outside the triangle with maybe an exception or two along the lines of dark fire ect. Similar for light magic, except they'd get staves and less access to non-light magic.

    I'm open to bows getting a buff, whether its more range or an advantageous position in the triangle. There should be a reason to use them over magic and hand-axes. It doesn't have to be Echoes bows, but they need something. 

    I want knives to return, but I'd prefer them to be more of a secondary weapon, outside the triangle. I don't want them to be quite as weak as Tellius knives, but still weaker than standard weapons. 

  8. If anyone has the time, I have a +res -spd Fjorm. Would I be better using her over the neutral one, or should I merge the new one into the neutral one? I play with the default kit on Fjorm.

    Also, more of a vague question, but I summoned a second S!Lucina, and just want an opinion on whether I should merge them or use the new one for swift sparrow? I don't necessarily have anyone begging for swift sparrow, but I know its super good, so I'd find someone eventually. She's not a staple or anything, but she gets some love in AA, as well as specific quests ect.

  9. Not sure about the iconic replays. Not dismissing them altogether, just doesn't jump out at me right away. 

    The rougelike idea you suggested on the other hand sounds really fun to me. Give some of my baddies some time in the spotlight, and it could be a good way to build HM on weaker/non-5* units without just dragging them behind a group of killers.

    If I think of a good idea I'll be back to share it.

  10. After a small amount of experimentation, my TT team is Seigbert, Genny, W!Chrom, and Nowi.

    As a result, I have a better answer whenever I see "the box". Genny has the dazzle upgrade on her gravity, as well as already having WS. On top of this, she has SB3, and a second SB3 on a seal. So she just nukes the box while Seigbert repositions her, and Nowi and Chrom get ready to pick apart the stragglers.

    So far we've been hitting double A for our score, so I'm happy with it. I'll be bummed when Seig inevitably hits max HM before we're done.

  11. Spoiler

    Wow, I was just bitching about IS not doing shared banners for Hoshido and Nohr. It's a little late to start now, isn't it!?

    I think the worst part is that now the NEXT seasonal banner no one wants will be Fates again. Who the hell over there hates Hinoka and Ryoma? I don't love them or anything, but this is beginning to be pretty damn blatant. I didn't think I'd say this about Fates characters, but they deserve better than this. Azura and Camilla, while decent enough characters, already have alts. Please IS, get it together. 


  12. My only beef is that I wish they'd chill with the Royals and Awakening. It had to be this way since Takumi, Ryoma, and Hinoka are all lacking an alt when compared to their Nohrian counterparts, so I'm not complaining that Hoshido's getting the banner, I'm moreso annoyed that they've worked the whole set in a way that they would need to be dragged out here.

    Hoshido and Nohr could have, and should have, shared a few of these seasonals.

    Anyway, not too pumped for Takumi, and kind of dreading male Corrin, but the rest should be fun. Just wish it wasn't right on top of the damn legendary banner.

  13. 1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

    I’m getting bored of this TT. Although I have 2 40% bonus units (using C!Robin in my team atm) I’m considering taking him out. I’m not sure if the 40% instead of 20% worth it when your speed score decrease and sometimes your team can’t clear Lunatic 5 without needing a second team :/


    It’s not like if using 20% units were a problem, I collected all the rewards in previous TT without having a 40% unit so...let’s see


    Also, I’m not sure if they could put worse maps for Armor Emblem xd

    A flier with the guidance seal eases a little bit of the armor slog. But it takes up another unit slot, you need at least one decent flier who can match up with whichever armor you might've been lucky enough to pull, ect ect.

    But yeah, the Easter box in particular has been frustrating to see, along with a couple others. 

  14. 19 minutes ago, Florete said:

    -A free daily summon for low rarity units. I imagine something like 50% 1*, 45% 2*, 4% 3*, 0.7% 4*, 0.3% 5*, with the 1-2* pool being everyone who can normally be summoned at 3. So every unit is technically available, but it's mostly for low rarity skill fodder.

    Daaaaaaamn, I love that idea. I wish I hadn't taken the survey already, I would've parroted that suggestion for sure. We ran out of those little freebie units so early I never considered it.

  15. I said yes to Town build/attack, yes to co-op, and probably not to real time versus.

    The first two sound enjoyable enough to me, but real time versus would only be fun if they had some way to prevent turtling. And even if they did, I feel like SRPG versus modes get cheesed pretty easy.

    Also said no to a mode that advances only when not in the app. I'd be fine with things advancing in the background while doing something else, but having to straight up not play sounds pretty opposite of why I play games.

  16. 45 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    And the most annoying map award this TT goes to.... the Spring Paralogue map with the closed walls. It really helps if you have ranged units plus a dancer, because the danger area isn't as clear cut as other maps.

    Also goofed my first go in my main account because my team was split up and the trees make it annoying for my horsies. I was running Elise, Frederick, Masked Marth and Azura, but I was boxed in in my effort to try and split the enemies up.

    I decided to drop Marth in the end and just go horse emblem with Reinhardt. Ranged cavalry really helps, especially with some of the bride paralogue maps. Besides, Elise was healing more efficiently than Masked Marth anyway.

    I was about to bring this map up as well. Every bonus unit other than Tharja is close range. Absolutely hate this map.

  17. On 12/12/2017 at 8:18 AM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Brom is the one I'm waiting for more than any other. But he's unfortunately not likely to be added any time soon...

    We have so many green armors already, but I'd enjoy him anyway. He can be blue if he wants though, anything but red is A-okay. Blue is still faithful enough. Unlike a certain green wyvern lord.

    He could also have a new skill, Disarm, which would be the same effect as Candlelight. 

  18. 40 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    I never said he was anything incredible, I am just saying he is not totally useless, just religate him to sword killer and probably give him healer support and he should be fully capable of dealing with most swords anyone but arden, clive also likes his defense so he probably wouldn't hate fortress def. I understand why clive and tobin get overlooked, their speed is trash for them both but compensating for that they can find a place in AA and CC where they can find great situational use. Though I can admit, he could get relegated to benchwarmer if I ever get a sudden influx of blue units. he makes seven five star blue units help all my favorites are red and I have like a hundred five star reds.

    My red 5* units also massively outnumber every other color. I would probably benefit from sacrificing a few of them for SI, but none of the truly hopeless ones have anything amazing to pass on, or they're named Alphonse.

  19. 2 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    Tobin and clive are still fairly useable, I wouldn't recommend them for your arena core, but for something like arena assault, tobin has a very usable base kit being the hector slayer =, and clive is not a terrible lance user, he can do a perfectly fine swordbreaker if you don't have an enormous number of lance users to pick from. they are both good if you are FtP and could use something extra or specific to pad out your numbers for AA and CC for that matter.

    My Clive was bustin' heads left and right when he had his TT buffs. I still use him in AA on occasion, but I can probably build him better.

  20. 1 hour ago, Kaden said:

    This is weird and dumb, but I wonder if Arthur, Asugi, Fuga, and Say'ri would make sense. All of them along with Gaius who I excluded because he already had a recent seasonal variant share one common thing: a birthday near the New Year's with Arthur's being the furthest, on the 14th of January. At the very least we'd get three new characters.

    I think I said before I'd rather not see too much more 3DS, but I'd be down with this. It'd be a nice novelty in between all the Awakening/Fates Royals.

  21. I'm probably gonna dump at least one more chunk of orbs in the winter banner. I'm glad I got Chrom, but I really wanted any of the bunch who had Armor March to make it less of a slog. I have no Henry to speak of from ToD despite my efforts, and never managed to pull Amelia the two times she's been on a banner.

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