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Posts posted by Cornguy

  1. 6 hours ago, ThalGeno said:

    got a new bug for you. this ones a game breaker. i'm not sure if its just green unit ross as a staff user that does this but... after about ten minutes I knew it was a lost cause. Erika was at full HP and ross just decided to heal her as a green unit the result is an infinite heal.

    Screenshot 2018-04-08 at 5.21.30 PM.png

    Yeah, saw this one on Turning Traitor. Dussel's crew got randomized to troubadours.

  2. Kind of a death quote in a way, but always been one of my favorites.


    Bryce: So you’re the enemy general, eh? You’re much younger than I had imagined.

    Ike: My age matters not. The palace will be ours this day.

    Bryce: We will not relinquish it so easily. But allow me to introduce myself as befits a warrior. I am Bryce of Daein.

    Ike: And I am Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. Now… Let us begin!

    (Bryce defeated)

    Ike: Your name was Bryce, was it not? You fought…a good fight.

    Bryce: As…did you…Ike. I…commend you… Your style of fencing…is unique… Who was your teacher?

    Ike: My father. Greil.

    Bryce: I thought…I recognized that style. You truly are Gawain’s… I see it…now… The resemblance…is strong…

    Ike: Farewell, knight.


  3. Sifted through a little bit of this topic, so if I repeat some stuff, I'm sorry I missed it.

    Anybody else kinda hoping BotW Link is his own character, separate from Link? Wild Link, with remote bombs, Rivali's gale for up-b, maybe an alt weapon for a neutral-b, spear, greatsword, whatever. Should probably still have a bow. Maybe a way to use the bow with Rivali's gale? I know, three Links and all. But ever since Melee they seem to be in some sort of refusal to give us an actual new character for the Zelda side. Ganondorf, Link, Zelda, alt Zelda/Sheik, and alt Link. Not to mention, Stasis would be an awesome Final Smash. Not a global FS, but one you can still catch multiple characters if they're close enough to each other.

    Also hoping we'll get some assist trophy upgrades. There's definitely a few assist trophy characters that could use the upgrade to playable status, but the three I really want are Lyn(shocker), Isaac and Waluigi. Takamaru is also one I'd like to see. We didn't really get any new characters from the retro-era. Meaning characters without long-running series and/or a reboot.

    As far as being a port or not, I'm expecting it to have enough new features/content to be considered a new game, but still use a lot, if not most of the assets from Smash 4. So not exactly a port, but still kind of in the grey area for new game status. Probably a little more changes than say, the latest version of a fighting game. 

    Mechanics... I'm a huge Melee nerd, I still play Melee, do the tournament thing every rare once in a while, so of course I want increased hitstun, decreased ledge-snap, and that sort of thing. Smash 4 was at least going in the right direction from Brawl as far as hitstun goes, but ledge-snap just kind of reduces off-stage play a bit too much for my liking. While I think wavedashing is super fun, I don't see too much hope of it returning, but one thing I would take in it's place, would be a way to stop running outside of jump-cancelling, so we can do a move other than a dash attack, side-b, or up move out of a dash. So much of movement in Smash 4 is in the air, because you have way more options than on the ground, so I just think they need to work on a way to make the ground game stronger.

    Now, another unlikely thing that I personally would love, would be a dipswitch menu, similar to console ports of arcade fighters. Being able to select mechanics from every game in the series, or something similar. I'd love to play with N64 hitstun, Melee movement and Smash 4 knockback/general mechanics.

    On the subject of 3rd parties, I'd expect most of them to be safe, if not all of them. The most questionable of the bunch is of course Cloud, followed by the Capcom boys. But I'm pretty sure the 3rd party companies get royalties, so they'll probably both want their characters to stick around, despite the obviously larger presence they have on competitors' consoles. As far as new 3rd parties go, personally I'd weep if they simultaneously announced Soul Calibur VI for the Switch, alongside a SC character for Smash, and a Nintendo character for SC. But that's quite the longshot.

    And as far as Snake is concerned, I'm pretty sure he was absent because of Sakurai being buddies with Kojima. Konami did Kojima dirty, so Sakurai's probably hesitant to do business with Konami, out of respect for his friend. So I don't think that'll change, which is somewhat unfortunate, since Snake was a pretty cool character. But it is what it is.

    Sorry for the mountain of text, hope I didn't regurgitate too much of what's already been said.

  4. If I had a ludicrous amount of money with no actual job, I can picture a Batman-scenario. I don't know what crime-rich, wealthy area I'd reside, so amount of crime to stop may vary.

    Super-powers, ehhh, I'd still need money, but I'd probably do some heroic stuff if the opportunity was right in front of me. But I'd have a job, so I'd be less involved than I would in a Batman situation. If I had money, I'd already have all the benefits of my wealth. With super-powers, I feel I'd be just a little more selfish.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

    I frankly wish they just went all the way with gay characters. What about actual romance?

    I still feel like they're a little held back and sometimes cling to clichés a little too much.

    (I do still love Leon)


    We didn't get too much in the way of options when it comes to romances either. Well, we got no choices I guess. You don't need to give him the ability to turn any man in Valentia gay, but you could've at least picked one/one more who reciprocated his feelings/had feelings for him. Doesn't have to turn another character gay necessarily either, people can be bi.

  6. Personally, I like them. Prefer seeing original characters of course, but I like seeing characters in new outfits. If I have a complaint, it's availability and favoritism towards the 3DS games. Although it looks like they may have taken some constructive criticism in regards to the 3DS characters, given Love Abounds and our current Spring Festival. I would never advocate that they leave 3DS characters out of seasonal banners, I just want them to mix their banners a little, like they did with Bridal and the 2nd Spring Festival.

    As far as availability goes, while it wouldn't be much, it'd be nice if previous seasonals could be included as off-focus summons in other seasonal banners. You still probably wouldn't see them much, if at all, but it'd be nice if they were at least floating around in some form.

  7. 1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

    His side special is a nice recovery move if double jumping+aether doesn't work. You even have a chance to do some damage!

    The upside of him being open open is that nearly all of his attacks are chargeable, meaning that a he can really attack at any time, and as I said, one can use. His counter helps with combos.

    As not to derail this thread, I'll just say that despite being pretty good at smash (I can beat some friends who practice with level nines in a one-on-one fight pretty easily), I play the game purely for fun, and I don't go into as much depth or technicalities as many high-level players do.

    I forget sometimes that not everyone who plays Smash is a turbo-nerd who plays in tournaments. I clung to Ike's low-tier ass up until I stopped playing Brawl. Smash 4 I just play casually, so I can enjoy clubbing people with Ragnell.

  8. The sounds of human breathing. Snoring, nose-whistling, mouth-breathing. I feel like a lunatic for being so bothered by these noises, but they make me so irritable. It's not a "can't sleep through the noise", it's more of a "please turn off that drill/tv static/car alarm".

    Taking yourself too seriously. The inability to take a joke at one's own expense, whether the reaction is flat denial, or taking offense. Some jokes go too far, for sure, but some are just jokes. Similarly, being unable to set aside your own beliefs and opinions when carrying on a conversation with other people. You believe this and/or are doing this good thing, that's swell, please don't constantly tell me why I should be doing exactly the same thing.

    In a similar vein as my above complaint, people who get offended for other people. If someone says something nasty or insensitive, you can be a good friend/person to the potentially offended party by talking to them first. By talking to either person first to be honest, the offender or the offendee. Rather than immediately jumping to defense, potentially drawing a lot of unwanted attention to the offended/potentially offended. 

    Letting politics, religion, ect determine who is and is not a good person. 

    "SMALL things that have gotten on your nerves" Maybe need to dial it back a little after the last one. Or last three maybe.

    Inability to use turn-signals. I would have been able to turn into that parking lot if I knew you were turning all the way up there, now I have to wait for this ocean of vehicles to pass, thanks.

    More driving ones, but honking your horn in a parking lot. With the exception of actually using your horn to stop a collision, there's no other excuse for this. It's a parking lot, the speed limit is basically 5, just let me out of my space. And don't honk your horn to get someone out of a store. Everyone has a phone, stop doing that.

    Excessive lying, and/or preparing excuses in advance. If you're not going to show up, just tell me now, stop trying to build up a plot as to why you won't make it. "Remember when I said my dog was coughing 4 days ago? Something about that means I'm not showing up today".

  9. Lyn, you have the worst promotion of the three lords. As much as I will always talk you up over Eliwood, you really get more out raising Eliwood over Lyn. Bows? Yeah, and? Oh, you pretty much share the same promotion as the fighter, possibly the worst class in the GBA games. Nice. You probably should've just been a semi-plot important myrmidon instead of trying to wedge into a lord position.

    Ike...you're not great in Smash. And I hear you're shit in Codename Steam. Also, why are you holding onto that single sleeve? Just do short sleeves, it's way easier than getting a new sleeve. I just don't agree with any other complaints about you though, so you're getting off easy here.

    Black Knight, your plan was kind of dumb. Also, where did all of your knightly honor go when you were threatening to torture Mist and kill Ike? Your double-life was also somewhat unnecessary. You didn't really get anything done as *****. Heroes already spoiled everything about you, which I suppose is it's own complaint, but for whatever reason I hold onto the notion that I shouldn't spoil your identity.

    Catria. Why couldn't you just speak up, or get over it? You might've been able to steal Marth away, but if not, Archanea is still full of good dudes. I have nothing to say about your gameplay however. NOTHING.

    Ayra, whooooo, Ayra. Not exactly your fault, but nonetheless, you remain unforgiven for your appearance in FE Heroes. Also you have no horse and this game is gigantic. 

    Fin, who uhhh, who's Nanna's dad? You also got a mullet. Hard to defend that.

    Perceval. How do I complain about you Percy? What do you actually do wrong? You're too perfect, so you're probably a rip-off of some other character. 

    La'Rachel. You're definitely not helpful when you join. Thankfully I can grind in this game, so you can usually be justified eventually. Also, quit trying to one-up Innes. Innes is kind of a jerk, don't stoop to his level.

    Lucina. To be honest, I'm not totally sure what it is I like about you exactly, but clearly I do, since I have all of your alts in Heroes and bought your Figma. I wish you had your own game.

    Kaze. You're in Fates, so your writing is bound to be spotty in some places. You too Charlotte. 

    Catria again. Genny, why couldn't you have more interesting supports? I want to complain about "I'm ready to roll", but I actually love it.

  10. On 3/28/2018 at 5:39 PM, Chconroy said:

    A third Elibe game is probably one of my most wanted Fire Emblem games. I'd love to see the continent before the Scouring, getting to see humans and dragons living together and how the situation deteriorated into a complete war. It'd also give us a chance to see the Eight Legends before they became legends and how they interacted with each other; I want to see them meet first time, maybe clash with each other over differing personalities and ideologies, and how they rise to win the war.

    I'd enjoy seeing any prequel that focuses on the original users of holy weapons, but I feel like it just won't happen. They've gone 15+ games in and they've never done a single one. No Anri, no Crusaders, no Eight Legends. I dunno, I guess it could be hard to tell a story about legends because they have no history to fall back on?

    Even though I complain about Awakening all the time, I'd actually really like a game about Lucina's timeline. It seemed like a much more interesting plot then "Go back in time and fix it before it happens." 

    • Villains that are blatantly villains. It's mostly their appearance that bothers me, but their actions and dialogue aren't much better. Not every villain needs to be sympathetic, but it'd be nice if you stopped giving them off-color skin, black sclera, and making them disregard all appearances in front of their peers because they need to execute that PoW with no trial right NOW.
    • Female myrmidons who join later than their male counterparts, at a lower level, with nothing to offer over their male counterpart. Any non-Est character in a similar situation fits this role, but Marisa always stands out as the biggest offender. Especially considering the dialogue tries to set up Marisa as an established mercenary, but she joins ludicrously under-leveled, after you've gotten another myrm a billion years ago who joined with better stats than her.
    • Making every character support every other character. I appreciate how much effort this takes, but the writing just suffers as a result. I definitely want more than we had in SoV, but I don't want every conversation watered down/spread to thin. It also makes a lot of character development seem trivial. Yarne supports Severa and gets over his fear! Oh, but now he's supporting Brady and being a big coward again?
    • Being an archer with no benefits. SoV had super overpowered archers, Fates gave them thief utility, so this complaint has mostly been addressed. I just don't want to see anymore Wil, Wolt or Neimi situations. If you're gonna be locked to a player-phase only weapon(not in SoV), some benefit should come with that.
    • Player praise. I actually enjoy the concept of avatar characters, I just don't like how the rest of the cast interacts with them. I have many, many other complaints about avatars, but I just want it done better, not removed altogether.

    I can forgive most of these sins though. My least favorite FE game is still an FE game, and I still love it.

  11. He really should've had a ranged attack in Smash 4. When they corrected Ike's flame colors from Brawl to 4, I thought "Oh, they care!" Then Lucina ends up a Marth clone, despite knowing Aether, and sharing a fighting style with Chrom, who is regarded as a bit of a power>finesse fighter. So she probably should've been an Ike clone, and a quicker, weaker Ike would've been more interesting than a slightly different Marth. And I know she was originally planned as an alt costume for Marth, but you either should've stuck to that or gone in another direction entirely.

    Anyway, when Roy was announced, the thought logically was "We already have a Marth clone, so Roy should either have his own moves, or at least be pretty tweaked from Marth's moveset." Nah. He got some unique A-moves, but all of his B-moves were left alone. You couldn't have just given us a small fire shockwave off of his neutral B? Ah well, complaining won't get me anything.

    Hopefully the weapon refinery can finally give him some justice.

  12. While spending way too many orbs on the legendary banner, I've pulled three Vanguard Ikes, no HNowi or Zelgius, or any of the colorless units I was trying for.

    I just wanted to ask who might be a good candidate(s) for Warding Breath. Off the top of my head I've got ATiki, Nowi, and both Morgans who I was considering, but I also have a boatload of other units, so if you know of a unit I didn't think of, I might have them. 

    Also, am I correct to assume +atk/-spd is pretty good for LIke? Since he's not too fast to begin with, and I kind of want him to get hit to charge RAether.

    I'm reasonably sure someone's asked a similar question by now, but this topic's 400+pages, I'm sorry.

  13. 13 hours ago, blah the Prussian said:

    I will say that it's important for tragic villain backstories to be tragic in a way that makes sense. An example of a tragic backstory being handled poorly is in FE6; Zephiel's generic bad childhood gives him a hatred for humanity. The fuck did that come from? It's expected that, because he had a bad childhood, he turned out bad; no further explanation is required. A well done tragic backstory serves to explain the villains actions, and is linked to their worldview and choices. An example of this is Joffrey Baratheon; everything he does can ultimately be traced back to his toxic upbringing giving him a worldview that violence is the only solution.

    I feel this. The Zephiel stuff was really weak in my opinion as well. He still had Guinevere, he still had Murdock, his mom isn't explored in detail in FE6, but she's implied to have learned her lesson and care for him now, and apparently those people remained close to him after his entire incident(maybe not his mom, it seems like she wasn't around at all in FE6). But none of that mattered to him in the big picture. I'd respect it a little more if Guinevere turned on him, if Desmond had Murdock executed, or something. Zephiel knows Desmond hates him, and sure, you could probably explain his actions through some form of complex, but aside from how utterly shitty Desmond was, Zephiel still had a lot of good, caring people to turn to.

    Anyway, as far as my opinion goes, I prefer sympathetic villains in FE, prefer psychos in other games/media. Most of the sympathetic villains in FE are written pretty well, but any time an FE villain isn't sympathetic, they go so far out of their way to make this villain look evil, sound evil, and only barely deliver on actually committing evil. Especially lately, it's what I dislike about Validar, Hans, Iago, Garon. Ashnard falls under this a little bit too, but he's not "black-sclera" evil. 

  14. 18 hours ago, Ninian da best said:

    Just noticed Wyvern Lords' map sprite looks kinda messy. Is that supposed to happen?

    If I'm not mistaken, that's just what the female Wyvern Lord looks like. You're referring to the one that kinda lurches forward when you scroll over it, right? I think it's a leftover from FE6. For whatever reason FE7 doesn't use it, but it managed to work it's way back into FE8.

  15. @Frenzify Why make Robin an avatar at all if you have a predetermined look and personality then? Just let my avatar be a blank slate, unimportant to the story, don't give any illusion to the idea that I have any control over Robin at all, because clearly I don't. 

    Also, I doubt people would've been upset to see Robin in their hood in Smash, a lot of people thought if Robin made it in that they'd be wearing a cloak, purely for sake of Robin being an avatar.

    But even putting aside what I said, you have tons of different hair styles and colors to choose from, in a game full of characters wearing alternate costumes. Changing their name would obviously be confusing, but it shouldn't be unreasonable to give them a different look once in a while. I just don't think avatar styled characters should have a "default" look, otherwise they aren't an avatar.

  16. 4 hours ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Because none of those are the default appearance. 

    Neither are any of the alts in the game. That's honestly been one of my biggest complaints about avatar characters. Robin's default appearance should have been the cloaked version, so when you play Smash, Warriors or Heroes, you can actually picture your avatar underneath. Not sure what you do about Corrin, but I feel they may have thought about the idea with Robin and just dropped it entirely with Corrin.

    But even without using cloaked Robin, this game should be the perfect excuse to use some random alt versions. Warriors as well with their alt costumes can and should at least use some different hair options on costumes. 

    What is actually the point of making a character an avatar if you're just going to turn them into an established character anyway? Why insinuate that the player even has any influence over this character at all?

  17. @Armagon I like all those ideas for FE4. On the subject of horses, I'd enjoy dismounting to make a comeback and toss some indoor maps in to necessitate the mechanic(let them keep their weapon levels though, kind of silly that they all use swords when dismounted, despite whatever weapon they specialize in). It makes somewhat little sense that Chagall for instance is guarding the castle gate, and there are no other soldiers within the castle to defend him and fight back. You should have to storm the castle after defeating the guard at the gate, at least for plot-important castles.

    I might be alone on this, specifically my thoughts on what should change, but I'd like RD to be reworked.

    • The balance can be spotty, and I personally don't enjoy the whole "BEXP grants 3 stats, no more no less". It makes good units better, and lower leveled units suffer. I liked BEXP a lot better as just a straight level up, and if some people want to abuse it to rig levels, let them. It's not like the system isn't abusable as it is now.
    • Stat caps and/or growths should also be reworked, it kills a little bit of the replay value for me that two units in the same class have almost the exact same stats at 20/20/20. Raise the caps, lower the growths, or both.
    • Almost every mastery skill is just a OHKO with different reasons for being a OHKO. They should definitely be toned down, that way it'd actually be reasonable to let more enemy units have them.
    • Nihil is also a bit of a mood killer for me personally. I like a bit of RNG in the game, and it's just a little lame that Ike vs BK is just the two of them clubbing each other til the BK dies. If you tone down the mastery skills, you can do away with Nihil, and have the tense, Luna/Aether fight you had in PoR.
    • Also if you're gonna cut movement for mounts on indoor maps, why not just use dismounting? It'd also be useful in the couple of swamp maps in the game, Fiona might have a chance to actually participate.
    • Lastly should be obvious, but SUPPORTS! I don't need everyone to be able to support with everyone else, just 2-8 support partners per unit. It added so much to PoR's world-building. I know they got cut for time, but a rework should have all the time in the world to work them back in.
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