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Posts posted by Cornguy

  1. On 9/5/2017 at 2:38 AM, TheLem said:

    That's a possibility, however, I would prefer to have a main character from FE7 so that I have to put less of them in the creature Campaign.


    I didn't realise that I hadn't put him in there. I'm not sure on who to replace with Eliwood. 

    I don't think that I would be able to edit the portraits to make them look better. I don't have much experience with things like that.

    I know this was posted a while ago, so you may have come up with a solution already, but on the topic of Myrrh, could you use Ninian, and make Nils replace Tethys? Or vice-versa. Making a sprite for an ice-dragon might be tricky, but doable.

    Looks fun though, I'll give it a try, probably on your next update. 

  2. I know they're a bit subjective by nature, but I really enjoyed reading the character ratings in the FE3 page, and would enjoy seeing a ratings section for other games in the series.

    Perhaps a user-submitted format could work for this? Let other users rate the pages and stuff.

    Kind of a frivolous suggestion I know, but I'd love to see something like this in the future if it's possible. 

    Btw, I was unsure whether this belonged here or under Member Feedback, so if it needs to be moved, sorry bout that. 

  3. Had +1 Fjorm and Lancina, along with Gunthra, so I've been breezing through this TT. Thanks to the last TT Lancina was a part of, she's decked out with Renewal 3 and Reciprocal Aid.

    Got both Marisa's, promoted and merged already. 

    I have too much free time, which is why I always end up sad that I have nothing to do in this game.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    I don't remember reading that convo between Subaki and Hinoka...

    I really hope they don't decide to make Fates the exception and have them as all female classes again in future games >.<

    I like having male Pegasus riders. Gender locked classes are a stupid idea to me.

    Bring on the male troubadour, next! (Or w/e the name of the class will be called xD )

    Was the male troubadour not Forrest and Dwyer's classes in Fates? I don't remember what they called them, but they promoted to Strategists.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


    From the Hasha no Tsurugi manga- if you want to count it as canon here that is. A little Fabio, but handsome and determined.

    And this is the group pict for Eight Legends/Divine Generals:

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    And just to toss it in while I'm at it for anyone interested, Ashera's Three Heroes, minus the "fourth" hero Lehran who is Ashera's highest servant and basically part of the group:

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    If they let Hartmut and Altina dual wield their weapons, I'd be so happy. The name of the weapon wouldn't look great in that little box, but it'd be worth it.

  6. 1 minute ago, Glennstavos said:

    Athos packing Forblaze as the Fire Hero? I dig it. There seems to be a shortage of candidates for colorless units. So I'd propose flying staff wielder Elincia and Archer Alm.

    Also Captain Fargus packing a Water Blessing. And his special activation quote is "What Moonclaves!"


    If we go full-on legends, Elimine and Rausten(?) would make good ones, as well as Hannon or any other legendary bow users.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


    Also, can I ask for Iote? I want to see what this slave cum wyvern rider of legend looks like. Heim would be one mean old man too. The Crusaders look really good.

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    Aw yeah, any of those would be cool too. If they used any SS legends, I wonder how well they could make them up from scratch, since we never see them. Hartmut as well, I could be remembering wrong, but I think he was the only Elibe hero with no picture. 

  8. Probably pulling everything but grey, nothing I really need there.

    I want the new Ike most of all, Sanaki would be okay. Already have Bert, but atk tactic is awesome, and I love my Bert so maybe he'd get merges.

    Already have Gunthra, but getting another wouldn't be bad. S!Xander doesn't interest me much, but I missed PAzura last time around. 

    Have B!Lucina and Fjorm already. Copies would be okay. S!Robin for shameless waifu material. I missed her last time. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, your choice. :P

    I don't mind Sanaki, personally. but I admit I don't care for Siegbert. If I wind up with him, I guess it'll depend on what skills and IVs he has if I keep him or not. I'm not gonna pass up this Ike for ANYTHING!

    Seigbert has atk tactic if nothing else, which I love because I like using mixed teams.

    He's crazy offensive though. I have one sitting on 41 speed, and he's got darting blow along with the free swift sparrow attached to his sword. He starts with death blow, but personally I thought the speed was more useful.

  10. 1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

    On the subject of racial representation, on the other hand, there have been plenty of missed opportunities and perhaps it's a bit unfortunate that the world of Gaiden with its two homogenous countries was the one where they attempted to retrofit the issue some degree. Regna Ferox in Awakening was a bit of a halfhearted attempt at representing different peoples - on the one hand you had Basilio and Flavia, but it pretty much began and ended with that.

    I'm still disappointed they didn't make Lon'qu black. He's from Regna Ferox, two black people was the limit or something? 

    I'm not an advocate of forcing diversity into games, but right here, everything was lined up for them to make the coolest black FE character(sorry Devdan), and they just decided to make Samuel Jackson and a waifu, and say "that's enough of that". You wouldn't even have to change his portrait aside from his skin-tone.

    Sorry for going a little off-topic.

  11. I will agree that male pegasus knights are kind of strange after 20 years of them being female exclusive, but before it was a thing, I always found it strange that the pegasi just hate the feeling of balls on their saddle, but it's perfectly fine with them if the guy is riding in the bitch seat, ala rescue?

    I just wonder how an entire species of domesticated animals could unanimously reject male riders. 

  12. Would it be too much to give Odin an exclusive tome that negated %20 resistance? He's so bad already I feel it'd be okay, but it's a really slippery slope if ANY other unit got a similar weapon. 

    Would also like to see Sully and Stahl get some unique sapphire/ ruby weapons. 

    I'm glad Felicia is getting something, but really all of the dagger users need something to make them relevant. 

  13. @Cute Chao

    I am a big waifu-lover, and I was still disappointed to not see Cormag on the SS banner. I know he's not the most popular character, but I still thought this would be his time. 

    And on the subject of Haar, he's ridiculously popular among people who played RD, I'm surprised they passed up an opportunity to add him in. I'm hoping they're just saving him to try and sell a couple lesser units alongside him.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    Bartre isn't that bad actually, he's basically infantry Cherche.  Give him +Atk nature, a brave axe +, bonfire, and Death blow, maybe Desperation +BA seal, and he can wreck.  

    Raigh though is bad.  I like Tsunshota a lot as a character, but he did get a bit shafted statwise.   He's very... average at everything but defense, but a lot of launch units, male and female alike, had wonky spreads.  Maybe they'll give him prf Apocalypse or something now that we have precedent for giving old units new stuff.

    I don't think male units having good art is that rare.  I consider the art quality pretty even on the whole.  

    Still holding out for a Binding Blade refine.  

    Honestly the only two male characters I dislike the artwork on are Lloyd and Eliwood. Even Eliwood's I don't hate, it's just a little jarring. Lloyd on the other hand...

    But all the art for the other male characters has been pretty good, or at least good enough that nothing sticks out as being bad in memory.

  15. Lachesis, Naesala and Canas, repeated once, Lachesis gets the leftover vote for three. Canas and Naesala are personal favorites who I hope can squeeze in soon.

    Lachesis is also a personal favorite who I think was butchered in Heroes, both by being weak and having moe-blob art. I don't actually hate that art style, I just think it was really unfitting for her. 

    Well, I don't expect any of them to make it far, but hopefully they'll see that they have fans and toss them a bone down the line sometime. 

  16. Assuming Camilla's still on top, do you think she'll be on a wyvern again? She's got two seasonals and IS seems unwilling to let her off of that thing. Not much of a compromise, but I think it'd be pretty cool to make her a pegasus knight with a lance, since she could do that in Revelations with a Hinoka A+ support. 

    I hope Celica, again, assuming no upsets have occurred, is wearing either her outfit from Awakening or her old-timey Gaiden dress, rather than something kind of random. I guess you could use her 3rd tier class from Echoes, but it would seem like a missed opportunity for the throwback outfit. To me anyway.

    Someone's gotta be a colorless unit, I wonder who it'll be. Celica would make sense as a staff user, and I suppose anyone could have a bow if they really felt like it. It'd be a little disappointing if Camilla was the first flying bow-user when we have potential Kinshi Knights waiting to fill that niche, though I suppose Lyn did the same thing to Rath, Sue, Shin and all the other canon mounted bow-users.

  17. 2 hours ago, Astellius said:

    I am definitely looking forward to Swordmaster Owain, and it brings trembles to my sword-hand and aching blood. As for the others, Severa is the more likely bow-knight, since that was sort of her canon form in Fates, and Inigo already has 2 forms in Heroes... But, all the same, I do want more of them, they're terribly fun!

    I know bow-knight Severa and hero Inigo is more likely, just my personal preference that it be the other way around. I think the female hero looks better than the male, and vice-versa on the bow-knight.

    We've already gone pretty off-topic, but do you think they'd change their hair colors, or leave them with the default blonde, red and grey?

  18. 31 minutes ago, C. Turtle said:

    The results from halfway through the poll were released on the FE Heroes Twitter. We don't have the current, up-to-date, standings, however.


    Thanks friendo, was wondering where the info was coming from. I'll try to overcome my old-man syndrome and use twitter eventually, but that's all I needed for now. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Astellius said:

    Yeah, if there's going to be a Missiletainn tome, it'll be for Ophelia. I don't think that Odin should really get an upgrade, and, instead, they just bring in Owain. When I think about it, it's hard to contain my sword hand's excitement!

    As much as I'm tired of Awakening and Fates taking up a lot of real estate, I totally agree. Swordmaster Owain, Axe-Hero Severa, and Bow-Knight Inigo should be the next Awakening banner.

  20. Bout 60ish orbs in? Pulled +res/-spd Myrrh, almost perfect. 

    Along the way, because this banner's gotta be that way I guess, pulled +def/-hp Lyn, and Lute with some awful IVs I already forgot. Lyn's IVs aren't great, but I didn't have her yet, so we'll make do. Merged the Lute into my +spd/-def Lute.

    I really wanna pull on the legendary banner, but I'm probably gonna dump more into this. Horse mages are in short supply in my box, and as far as I can tell, Eirika's the best red horse mage(stiff competition).

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