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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Do you have any concept of how not to make a baity, old man-like post? Nostalgia is the worst. It blinds people to hideous faults and makes them look down on modern games. Guess what SNESers out there: Xenoblade Chronicles > FFVI, Wind Waker > aLttP, and Galaxy > wait World is still amazing. Never the less, stuff like abhorrent OoT nostalgia has lead to Twilght Princess's lack identity. And about the first part? Awakening saved the series whether you feel like whining about it or not. SD and 12 may have met the mark, but they still wouldn't inspire confidence. Your favorite is Shadow Dragon so I think something's messed up here also it's atrociously condescending to imply that casual mode is a bad thing. Elitists like that kill the series. And "an anime you can live in" is a terrible descriptor. It means pretty much nothing. You are probably actually the worst type of Fire Emblem fan. One who accepts no change and is so stuck in their ways that they'd rather others suffer so we can go back to boring FE7 land.
  2. Pretty much exactly like this. I have no problems with Awakening or Fates so I'm cool with this.
  3. EarthBound. I love the Mother series with all my heart. While I enjoy, VI Advance and V Advance, that's the key point. Their rerelease a are the strong points. EarthBound stays great all without a remake or whatever.
  4. FE7 because it's boring and I've never played 1/2. All the characters but Canas are terrible. Also lol at Awakening winning Hype backlash at its finest wait nevermind this
  5. Did anyone else's sirens just go blaring? Pretty sure mine did. Letting nostalgia blind you is the worst thing you could ever do. It's like those who trash Wind Waker because it doesn't match their nostalgic view of Zelda or something like that. Spoilers: FE7 isn't the cornerstone of the series. It's actually really my least favorite even though I played it first.
  6. Best: Seth obviously. He beats Franz and makes Kyle and Forde look like compete jokes. No contest. Worst: Gunter because lol his growths and some other stuff. Arran and Jeigan can at least do something. Favorite: Frederick. I mean, he's Frederick. Not much else to it. Least: Arran. Who even chose Arran over Samson in the first place?
  7. just lolokay then guy just remember, that's some terribly stifling elitism to say you're better than someone else. But anyway, Kiria's pretty obviously a Mage and I don't see why a Myrmidon would ever be her Mirage. Good though, because Awakening has the best cast in the series.
  8. I love the direction the series is going in for a lot of ways. I've played almost every FE and still prefer Awakening. It's the one that has me hooked and Kozaki's my favorite designer by far. His designs just pop and flow and look great. I don't care for skin shipping, but I won't throw a tantrum because the game isn't a 100% morally upstanding thing or something. I mean, complaining about fan service and not stuff like arenas only giving you materials and My Castle's material systems seems childish. You aren't forced at gunpoint to caress Felicia's face or anything. Edit: Also these poll options are horrifically biased. Just because we enjoy the games doesn't mean we "ship anime characters" together, and nowhere does anything say that it's a dating sim. I think the stuck in their ways veterans are the real problems here.
  9. I count Tsubasa, Kiria, and some optional swimsuits that even the males have. Minami, Tiki, Meiko and Eleanora look fine. Toma shows more skin than Minami does. Tharja got more conservative. Meiko wears something that's not even uncommon. Really, all I see is some people making mountains out of molehills. Marvel comics show more than this game looks to.
  10. Could you have put that any worse? Some skimpy outfits = LCD? Okay then. How about you find some eroge and then come back? Ironically, the character choice is amazing to me. Tharja and Virion are two of my favorite FE characters ever. Caeda and Cain established their archetypes. Chrom is the best Lord. Draug is something but I really couldn't care less about Gilliam or Bors. Guess I get my perfect game and get to be happy while everyone else misses out. That's a perfectly fine reality for me.
  11. Best: Sara for lolelitewrath Worst: Nino. She comes too late to do anything. Unlike Kurth who has 4-E-3, she has Cog of Destiny? Possibly? Favorite: Miranda. She comes completely outclassed by Olwen and Eyrios but she's still cool. Least: Nino for aforementioned reasons and general badness.
  12. The members of the losing team will all send votes to the hosts. The host will tally votes and then make a flavor text about it. Contestants only have to answer questions in the various challenges and vote. There'll probably be team swaps and a day where an elimination could actually result in a team member hand over. Hosts would likely have to do a lot. Write flavor text, create challenges, tally votes, blah blah blah. I'd host but that'd mean I could compete. This was the first thing I planned. I wasn't the host, but it was whatever. http://forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=82336
  13. I made a topic in Forum Games, and I'm wondering if it's actually a game or should be in the actual FftF. I mean, it's like a mixture of a game show and something. What do you think?

  14. A little backstory here: On this Spyro fansite I once created this Survivor style general trivia challenge game. Didn't host but it was still really fun to do. Even after I left that site, I loved the idea. Here's my proposal: This game is based on the honor system. That means that looking up answers is not incouraged, but no one could really stop you. The game operates on Days. There will be 12 or so Days where a member from the losing team is eliminated until the merge occurs. Then it shall be one large team with individual invincibility. People will be voted off each day, except for possibly one or so non-elimination days. Contestants will send their votes by PM to the hosts. This of course means any hosts will probably need a good inbox or something. Looking to have around 10-12 competitors. Also would like to have a host, but it'd probably be a pretty difficult job. They'd get all the credit if this goes well. I know I've had this go well before, but it was never thanks to me. Teams will be randomized I guess. Contestants: 1. Franziska 2. Power Master 3. Draco 4. Glaceon Mage 5. Icemario 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 and 12 to be added if space is needed. Host: Baldrick Teams: Team *host choice #1*: Team *host choice #2*:
  15. >implying Brittany isn't the best captain ever >implying starfy and advance wars aren't superb get gud for everyone else's sake and stop liking awful characters
  16. Nintendo villains are hideously boring though Give us characters like Andy, Starfy, and Brittany always

  18. Since K. Rool and Inklings aren't dis confirmed by the ballot, that means Isabelle, Akira, and Dunban confirmed!!! that's literally how it sounds it's a horrible slippery slope that since they win the ballot or something that means that all Mii costumes are invalidated. Why buy them if they could be DLC after all? Also since with them and hopefully Wolf out of the way, Mr. 4th in Japan Bandana Dee and like 3rd in US Shovel Knight can take hold. Complete with Dixie as a worldwide choice or Chibi-Robo just because.
  19. While Dark Pit, Dedede, and Meta Knight are not villains, I couldn't really care about villains. Many Nintendo IPs have no characters, and if that means a ton of main protagonists or deuteronigists, I'd be fine with that.
  20. I know, but unlike the rule of only two FE characters, which Roy was planned for Brawl so I don't know why that was even a rule or rule of only one character per third party, which was a mistranslation, this isn't a pattern so much as good business practice. I don't think Nintendo's scummy enough yet to do something like this, unlike Capcom. It's be unfair to those who bought the costume if K. Rool came right behind italso I dislike k Rool so hopefully it'll stick to this rule
  21. Do you actually believe this or do you just have Inkling bias? Because there's zero chance that Inklings will be DLC.
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