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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Don't see how other is "why did you even vote" as I voted Chibi-Robo and he has plenty of chance. I also put in a Bandana Dee vote as well.
  2. My favorite is Fir. Design wise, pallet wise, and gameplay wise.
  3. We are the Crystal Gems. We'll always save the day. And if you think we can't, we'll always find a way! That's why the people of the world believe in: Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl! And Steven!

  4. Two factors saved the ice cream shop. 1. Better advertising budget. Signs all over town 2. Vanilla Even with the advertisement, many new people might have come and not liked the chocolate as much as they think, so they go spend business else. Then the ice cream shop dies. That's why it's bothersome. This series could have died because of people's elite attitudes toward permadeath.
  5. Uh, I'm pretty sure there are people here who wish Casual never existed so... I don't even play Casual, but I have a friend who got into FE through me and Smash Bros and my brother both play on Casual. Would there be any reason to alienate them?
  6. literally why are people getting upset over how some people choose to play the game it's like getting upset that an ice cream shop only ever sold chocolate for years, but one day it started selling vanilla and yet kept the chocolate why do the vanilla people bother you chocolate people
  7. How To Balance Galeforce: remove Galeforce
  8. Elitist is a position just so you know. Wanting everything to be your way and looking down on people who don't do that IS elitist.
  9. Think about this for a second: It literally dampens your enjoyment of something because other people do it differently than you do. You can't stand to see choice. "integrity of the game?" What even? How more elitist can you get?
  10. Xenoblade Chronicles X Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Yoshi's Woolly World Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Persona 5 Fire Emblem If The inevitable Pokemon game that I have no doubt will show up after annual Pokemon games since like 2009. Zelda Wii U
  11. I'm so upset by amiibo that I can hardly stand it. I'D JUST LIKE TO REITERATE I'LL LIKELY NEVER GET MY FAVORITE SMASH CHARACTER EVER SHULK I'll probably never get Pit, Meta Knight, the FE characters that aren't Marth (have Marth), Dark Pit, Ness, or Lucario. At least I can get Charizard and Sheik. Also, does anyone else think that Xenoblade NEEDS more remixes? Maybe shake up Mechonis Field or something. Even without remixes, I want Zanza, Eryth Sea, Mechonis Field, Tragic Decision, The Night Before the Decisive Battle, and more. I also would want Timbre of the City and Toberu Mono from The Last Story but I digress.
  12. Recently, with the special King of the Railway, the head writer shifted from Sharon Miller to Andrew Brenner and animation went to Arc Productions. Since then, tons of old engines, such as Duck, Bill, Ben, and Oliver, have returned and the episodes got more intelligent. Your thoughts on this? I think it's a great change and I'm looking forward to both The Adventure Begins for the 70th anniversary of the Railway Series and Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure.
  13. SHULK! DO IT NOW~ Shulk is the best character anyway.
  14. Melee elitists are terrible people, but meh. Not all people who like Melee do that. Although I would have screamed for Brawl to be at Apex if i had been in the crowd playing Melee in the ear of anyone who brushed ZeRo aside.
  15. Lyn. Statwise she just didn't do it for me. I don't care for meatlug Ike either, but PoR is fine. My favorites are Micaiah for her saviorness and great stats for me (yue please inhabit ike instead), and Chrom and Lucina for the feels and their personality and man does Mercer do a hot voice.
  16. I think Tingle totally deserved it. I mean, he's Tingle. Kind of hard to believe he actually surprised people. Young Link is meh, but the Keaton Mask is cool I guess. Although people complainin' over Twili Midna can shut the door. Right now, Twili Midna, Cia, and Ilia!Zelda with the Dominion Rod are probably my favorites to play as.
  17. Yeah, I can't even find any info on B2W2 on Bulbapedia. There's more on XY actually. One of my favorite parts of the manga is how they have such interesting teams, and Foongus girl (isn't Whi-Two her name?) doesn't seem to have that.
  18. I just got this with Valkryia Chronicles and this game twas glorious. Right now I've been 'roiding Lana and it's really fun crushing all as mah moeblob queen.
  19. Serperior is like the best Pokemon ever, but I love Lilligant too... Anyway, I'm hoping the Blastoise I've been working on for a week will be good here. I'm still breeding, but when it's ready, I'm thinking Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, and Dragon Pulse.
  20. Her music is godly, so there's that (as well as Wally's), but I'm not there yet. I can't really decide yet.
  21. I'm trying to use Wii Fit Trainer and it's just please why. Those hitboxes. Those tilts. *shutter* also this song is notably missing just fyi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weI9vjly1IU
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