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Posts posted by Shahrivar

  1. Hydra isn't bad on trundle, and with Q he gets like 2 auto resets basically so he can do a lot of damage, but I prefer Bork. It's up to preference since Hydra can help with clear, but Bork is better for dueling with Trundle which he already is good at with his kit so it makes it harder to be fought. It makes him even harder to escape too.

    Hydra doesn't reset the auto-attack timer. The active uses the auto attack animation, but that's it.

    It's not bad on Trundle, but SV, Randuin and BotRK are way more important. IMO - unless you need the lifesteal or waveclear - TF is the better choice as second damage item.

  2. The LAG. Is real. But that was a bot game, and the two guys that were dishing damage (read: not me and not me) didn't over and out, so we won.

    Would REALLY like to know why my ping is approaching EUW levels.

    That's because EUW is working fine for once =P

    Because Riot would rather piss everyone off by making all the lore not-canon rather than actually fixing their servers

    Don't remind me, I hate this so much.

  3. smash 4 i think is gonna be a better purchase in the long run.

    FE13 only kept my attention for a measly 2 playthoughs

    I did only one FE13 playthrough, but ~180 hours (in my case) is plenty of playtime for a singleplayer game. I'd still buy SSB first for the multiplayer aspect - assuming it's working, you'll meet more players at the start than later.

  4. Voted not sure, but 1 or 2 are fine. 3 or more would be nonsense.

    As OP I'm not too fond of using the stylus or touching the bot screen, but 2 screens are fitting for games like FE or Pokemon.

  5. Did they improve the display resolution? This bothers me the most, I'd hope 3DS LL only games would feature a better resolution.

    i'm buying it. my og 3ds hurts my hands. i want to play icarus, but simply can't. i've owned it for 3 years now and have gotten through half of it.

    i'm thinking that the accelerated hardware games are gonna be scarce, given how shitty the dsi only games were. xenoblade will be available, yeah, but i don't think very many good games will be after that.

    all in all, i'm super hyped for this product. nintendo is still the only company that has ever gotten handhelds right.

    IMO the ps vita is a great handheld aswell, but it's more tailored for a Japanese audience (at least most of the games are jp only).

  6. Isn't that a good thing? Personally, I like it when my games last long. I don't get that "sugary gum" feeling out of most SMT games, if you know what I mean.

    Normally I'd say yes, but P4G doesn't have enough variety for me. I'm not saying it's bad but I'm stuck around 70-80 hours in January since months.

  7. I've used them before. They reduce your defense by a bit and they raise your elemental damage depending on the weapon you're using. They're kinda weird and I'm not really sure how they work exactly. You might have to consult Google.

    The damage increases up to 38, depending on weapon and infuse. Too bad they're only worth it if you use the corresponding magic type.

  8. Did anyone test the Clutch Rings? At 42 Int + 40 Faith the Red Rust Scimitar does 4 less damage than fire infused and 9 less than dark infused (476, 480 and 485). Since I'm squishy as hell anyways, I consider using it to boost my damage.


    No, seriously, NG+ Iron Passage is so hilariously annoying, but that's probably because I was using dual-claws.

    EDIT: Tryhard, any weapon is good in PvE. It's in a PvP setting where things become outclassed or useless or extremely good.

    Nah, I can assure you that it's always annoying as hell.

  9. I hate the short role distance, I prefer to have below 40% or even below 30% equip burden.

    finally beat the rest of dlc2. blue smelter kicked my ass like a million times before i finally got him with the fuckoff club the big guy outside drops, which i don't think i've used since. he killed me enough that everything en route to him stopped respawning, rip me ;~;

    Smelter demon's route made me so mad, I wiped the whole area out before trying him seriously. There are way too many enemies there in NG+.

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