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Posts posted by Shahrivar

  1. Got to go to that boss now - I skipped it at first since the way was tiring as hell (and I failed at my first try). How does he fail that often? Is there even any difference between blue and the normal smelder demon? I guess DSP is still mad about the miracle nerfs.

    The fume knight wasn't too hard, but seriously - what is wrong with his hp? Strike weapons did fine, but with rapiers or spears I'd need about 100 strikes to take him down.

  2. Oh god, the Majestic Greatsword is in a steel chest? I don't want to enter another NG+ to enter it ;_;

    Edit: Oh well, I don't need a second one, I just have to wield it in the lefthand? Sadly it doesn't do the old Artorias jumpattack, but the new isn't any worse.

  3. No problem, I'm around level 300 or something, at least 35 in every stat. And I won't start a new one unitl all DLC are released.

    Actually I was surprised how much damage the DLC enemies did until I realized it's NG+3 >_>.

  4. "Majestic Greatsword". Literally Artorias' Greatsword. Not even joking, it has the spinny-flippy-badass moveset that it did in the first Dark Souls. The catch to this sword is that it only has the unique moveset when you wield it in your left hand.


  5. If I have to name only one, it would have to be Schopenhauer (I actually have a hard time picking a second place out of Descartes, Hobbes, John Austin, al-Farabi, al-Ghazālī and Kant).

    The least favorite is easier - I dislike Husserl. I'd never recommend to read "The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology: An Introduction to Phenomenological Philosophy", it gave me nightmares.

    The guy invented stoicism. I don't remember his name atm.


  6. While Zed is playable, his counter items got too many buffs to make him a good champ. Zhonya's and Scimitar are way too strong and destroy his late - which obviously doesn't matter if you decide the game early. His laning and early ganks are strong, but I really wouldn't recommend to pick him up just because of no incoming immediate nerfs.

    The only assassins that live in this meta pretty well are Akali, and Rengar afaik.

    The other assassins were either nerfed pretty harshly or outclassed by these two alongside the tankiness meta. (Akali gives 0 fuck about tank's hp as she can peel herself off and go on her priority again. while Rengar blow up someone and glues himself on.)

    I'd disagree about that - Kassadin and Eve are two of the strongest champs right now and outdo both greatly (well, Eve is played as a tank/bruiser, but Kassadin is an assassin for sure) - Rengar is great though, while Akali is imo one of the weaker assassins. Katarina is also fine.

  7. Lately I'm starting to feel I'd rather ban Yasuo than Kassadin. There's a lot of good counterplay to Kassadin, and he no longer has a silence.

    Kassadin is still just an extremely annoying champion to play against, so I think it's legitimate. So is Eve, for that matter.

    Maokai doesn't need to be good, really. Just needs to be there. If the person knows how to initiate and peel, he's amazingly disruptive, and Twisted Advance laughs at Flash.

    IMO Kassadin lost a lot of counterplay since his mobility got increased and his resource got trivialized (who cares about mana when you get several hundred from one W ~~) - he doesn't have to build tear anymore and is able to counterbuild ad as easily as he counters ap. Gauntlet + Hourglass and so on. The rework was a total fail in my eyes.

    Yasuo got great counters and is easy to gank - still strong as I've said but I see counterplay. Eve is just retarded, perma stealth is op, impossible to balance and has no place in league (at least or especially after the ward rework).

    I know Mao is annoying and I won't call him a bad top lane, I just haven't seen one making the game. That's why I won't ban him for now.

    I kind of wish it would be Irelia or Talon, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Yasuo given the hype surrounding him.

    Oh god, please no - Talon's concept is so onesided and has almost no counterplay (as Kassadin), I don't want to see him played. Don't get me wrong, I like the champ appearance, the idea and even enjoy to play him, but his concept is bad. He just jumps on you and spams all his spells, there is hardly counterplay or skill involved (you can't do anything at all after he gets a lead in lane).

  8. After reading that wall of text, I concluded that I like Fate/ series so much, I hardly care about all those flaws :'D

    You'll find flaws in (almost?) every written work. F/SN and Tsukihime can hardly be called bad because of some flaws.

    And HF best route, Rin worst girl.

  9. Updated!

    Also, I didn't know the Spider Fang had a special attack that wasn't the web sling...

    Huh, the Estoc has a shield piercing effect? I didn't know that.

    And yeah, the Spider Fang one is quite strange. You wield it in the lefthand (no powerstance), with a dagger/thrusting sword/spear (according to other, I've only tested thrusting swords) in the right one.

    Just do a normal R1 attack and press L2 afterwards for the special attack. 40 dex is probably wrong, but you need more than the minimum requirement (I guess at least enough to power stance it, 38 in this case).

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