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Status Updates posted by Malexis

  1. Ahhhhhhn~! It's you! I don't know why I remember you but I dooo! And you're a Global Moderator! Heehee. *glomp*

  2. Aww, thanks! A friend made it for me~ I love it XD.

  3. Boo, Thunderman, And Sirius.

  4. Do you even know that I've been secretly watching you for the past 3 years, only stopping long enough to sleep?

  5. does not want a stupid status.

    1. Parrhesia


      Well, as long as you have a status, I can comment blandly here! Hah!

  6. Hahaha, yeah. Oifaye looks really stupid in gen 1, but sooo manly in 2... So, you watch any kind of anime? /randomboredomtopicchange

  7. Happy Birthday dude who I barely know~

  8. Happy birthday! Matt says so too.

  9. He deleted his account, that's what he did. He said to tell you he was sorry, and that he'd miss you... D:

  10. Hey Matt/Sothe says "Hey, dickhead, start logging onto MSN more because you're cool and Pie sucks."

  11. Hmm, Contra III... Heard of it, but haven't played it. I was more into Genesis than S/NES, so I haven't had too much experience with those games. Maybe I'll download it sometime though.

  12. Hmm... My favorite saga? It would have to be the Dark World Tournament Saga. I liked Shinobu, but Toguro was incredible. He was actually somewhat sympathetic... Though I didn't quite understand why he was so hated for wanting to be immortal. Betraying anyone and everyone, maybe.

  13. I don' recognize the name! But you has to be Faxy Waxy! I cans tell!

  14. I just finished eating me some spaghetti, and I'm plottin' world domination.

  15. I post to serve. *adds*

  16. I tend to watch a lot of anime... I don't have a lot to do on a regular basis, since I don't have school, so that occupies my time, I guess. XD. I liked Yu Yu Hakusho... Currently watching Champloo. I mainly watch shoujo/romance/whatever though. /stereotypical wimmin

  17. I'm Matty's real life friend, Alexis, and a slightly new member.

  18. I'm one of the very few who actually wants a stronger story in a game... I guess that's 'cuz I have some kind of writing obsession, so plot/characters seem more important to me... Weird.

  19. internet in ghostland[/s]

  20. is feeling like laughing hysterically.

  21. Matty also told me to ask you if you'd get MSN, although he somehow doubts you will... But he thought it was worth it to ask anyway. :\

  22. Matty wanted me to tell you he'll miss you. ;_;

  23. Mugen~ He's so badass, with his jewfro. And Yusuke and his punky hair. And Kuwabara too! Haha yeah. I like Kurama too... All graceful and whatnot.

  24. Oh, good. That'll make ridding you of this mosquito infestation much easier. However it may damage your complexion.

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