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  1. For some reason, when I tried to join in on your Mario Kart 8 online races today, it went all glitchy and disconnected. I'm glad you joined in on mine, though. I hope racing with people in the 3000-4000 range wasn't too intimidating for you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IceBrand


      I'll join this week. Also, out of curiosity, are heavyweights better than lightweight do to the fact that they can't be knock into off-road so easily? I saw a good amount of Bowsers, Metal Marios, PG Peachs, and DKs.

    3. Randoman


      A lot of people use medium/heavy weights online from what I've seen as well. And as someone who used heavyweights in Mario Kart Wii quite a bit, I can definitely say they're a lot easier to use in Mario Kart 8. I mean, I have a much easier time using Bowser/Circuit Special/Slick Tires/Neutral Glider in MK8 than I do with using Bowser in the Jetsetter in MKWii, even though they're generally the same in terms of stat distribution.

    4. Randoman


      Despite that MK8 setup I listed above having really bad acceleration and handling, it's nowhere near as bad as the Jetsetter since the acceleration and handling of the above setup is probably 2 or 3 times better than the Jetsetter. Also, I've personally gotten knocked into the dirt and off the track quite a bit as Larry and Toadette, though using weight boosting karts and tires alleviate that problem somewhat. Mediumweights are generally safe from getting knocked off the road from wha...

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