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  1. For some reason, when I tried to join in on your Mario Kart 8 online races today, it went all glitchy and disconnected. I'm glad you joined in on mine, though. I hope racing with people in the 3000-4000 range wasn't too intimidating for you.

    1. IceBrand


      Being honest, it kinda was. I thought I was pretty good with my current kart setup. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it and had fun. I enjoy racing against you and people who are better than me. I get to learn new setups and tricks.

    2. Randoman


      Glad you focused on the bright side of it. Learning setups that the experts use (people in the 4000-6000 range) is always interesting. I was especially suprised to see a Lemmy and Mach 8 user in the 4500 range, since in my experience that worked out horribly due to being knocked off the road constantly easily into the dirt/off the road with Lakitu picking me up. That's the main reason why I stick with Bowser and full weight/top speed equipment. I hope you'll participate in the MK8 SF...

    3. Randoman


      tournament this weekend (it's 1:30 PM PST). Us SF members are trying to get people participating in it again, since there was very few people participating in it last weekend (if at all, since when I checked at the tournament time, no one was there).

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