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  1. Since you asked about SSB4 Challenges, I actually have all the 3DS Challenges done except for the top right one on the 3rd page (getting all hats is a real nightmare). As for the Wii U, I think I'm at 115/140 or something.

    1. IceBrand


      I'm having extreme trouble with completing the upper left section of the Wii U challenges. Hats are ridiculous. I tried with trophy rush and occasionally find one.

    2. Randoman


      For the 8 Cruel Smash KOs with Lucina Challenge, there's a Gamexplain video showing that by clinging to the right edge of battlefield, dropping and jumping in the corner and Dolphin Slashing, you can stay relatively safe and slowly deal damage to the Miis, eventually KOing some of them. As for hats, the RNG for new hats is supposedly really bad in both versions, especially in Classic Mode.

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