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Everything posted by Elli

  1. Jude Mathis 50 Milla Maxwell 48 Alvin 48 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 16 Elle Mel Marta 25
  2. Also if this is to do with injuries besides scars I have also broken my arm twice & gotten a black eye twice, broke my toe once, nearly broke my ankle another time, had 2 bad push bike accidents one which wrecked my teeth have had a nail stuck in the bottom of my foot and I am sure there might be more I cant remember (though not as bad, I think...) Yeah I was known as the accident prone kid Oh yes there was also the time my mums cat clawed my face that was pretty messy... And once I had my ear torn from my ear ring My broken arm I got from falling from a bed and another from falling off play equipment, my broken toe I got (well its embarrassing) I got out of bed and fell over and broke it... My black eye one I got from my brother when he accidentally hit me with a beer bottle when we were kids we were sliding it to each other under a table but I stopped and he didn't and BANG... and the other I walked into a door. The nearly broken ankle, was at my parents work, I was walking in there factory, and a big heavy sheet came crashing down, which I was under, I was seconds away from death, luckily I out ran it but my foot didn't... my 2 bike accidents... well that's from me going down hill, and only using my front brakes and landing face first... and the nail in the foot was me walking outside barefoot... Thankfully this past year I have been mostly injury free
  3. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 47 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 21 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 22 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25
  4. Jude Mathis 50 Milla Maxwell 48 Alvin 47 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Muzet 0 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25
  5. just about everyone here played Pokemon as a kid XD (I expected as much)
  6. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 46 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 21 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Forcystus 0
  7. Jude Mathis 50 Milla Maxwell 48 Alvin 46 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Muzet 1 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25
  8. Nope not yet, I want to remake my list again soon though. The list I had made was actually RPG's I have already got and then ones I researched and wanted to get, I thought I saved it to my external hard drive but I couldn't find it anywhere on there, along with a lot of other stuff I tried to save... All this talk I been hearing of Golden sun lately really makes me want to play it, I wish I could.
  9. My last 2 played games now is Bravely Default & The 4 Heroes Of Light... Umm I am not exactly sure what the result would be..
  10. That's okay you are entitled to your own opinion, though I know many who do like them
  11. Lemme check... "Dying for a cause I don't believe in... So stupid..." this one won so I think so
  12. I hear lots of people always talking about how good Golden sun is but I never got a chance to play it, I have played Dark Dawn a bit but everyone says its pretty bad and no were near as good as the others
  13. Well I'm talking about the FE games the one that had Roy in it and shadow dragon Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn, I use to see all these in the shops but never wanted to buy any cause I thought I wouldn't like it, now I regret not getting them (Though I did get PoR & RD later off eBay after playing SS)
  14. I didn't even start playing FE till a few years ago... when I first saw it in the shops back in the day I didn't want to touch it because I saw the game play and thought eww no I'm not touching that, I didn't want to touch any strategy games... then when I got Sacred stones on my 3ds that changed everything and I realized how stupid I was, I could have even gotten a few of the FE games in the shops which now I cant find anywhere >_>
  15. Thanks if only everyone did this! I keep having to check through the pages to see if anyone has made edits XD I just realized I missed Knights Quotes woops better do his tomorrow...
  16. I have breathe of fire III on my psp never got around to playing it yet though, but dang you sure played a lot back in the day, I totally missed the Nes, Snes & Ps1 era...
  17. Nails on a Chalkboard just the thought of it makes me want to cringe
  18. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 45 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 21 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Forcystus 1
  19. Jude Mathis 50 Milla Maxwell 48 Alvin 45 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Muzet 4 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25
  20. Sorry! but nearly every kid has played Pokemon its like so popular so that's why I don't want to count it though technically it is lots of peoples first but yeah XD Yeah I know.... I had a list made out of all the RPG's I wanted to get on my laptop before it died then I lost the whole list and haven't bothered to make a new one yet, sigh my main stream RPG's are generally games by Square Enix, & Namco
  21. Gosh I started late with RPG's compared to all of you (not counting Pokemon), and I missed out on so many.... I'm going to need to get all the ones I missed :/
  22. I finally get to try this game next month!!
  23. Well pretty much everyone has played Pokemon so Im not counting that for the general RPG's cause even I played that as a kid(And its not scary XD) My first ever game console actually was a yellow game boy color with Pokemon yellow when I was 8yrs old, at that time I thought it was the best thing EVER
  24. Hmm I never even knew it existed lol I might have played games a lot when I was younger but it was generally always the same stuff my family was very poor so we didn't have much, though I could have played Zelda Ocarina of time when I was heaps younger but it scared me XD So I watched my brother play...Same with Mario 64, Honestly the games I really played as a kid was Tails in the sonic with my brother (I was never the lead ) And Animal crossing, and the really old Mario games that were black & white, I was 11yrs old when AC first came out, I remember screaming and crying in the store for my mum to buy it for me XD
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