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Everything posted by leopoldstotch711

  1. Here's my newest favorite video "FE:RD Sigrun 1RKOes Deghinsea (easy mode)": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hPPTNVyxys By Vykan, of course. That's gonna be one sexy 4-E(5)! :) At the rate you're moving, it would be impossible for me to catch up to your 4-5 1 turn strat.
  2. LOL. Vykan already suggested that one to me a while back! I'll see what I can to with it.
  3. Happy holidays everbody!!! Here’s the link to my newest video, “FE:RD 4-E-5 One Turned”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vovAA3u70N8 Some relevant information (as it is easy to miss some of these details): 16 out of 17 maximum units are deployed. Marcia has Pass. All Nihils are assigned, but do not affect the outcome. Tanith, Sigrun, and Marcia all share the Wishblade, so no Brave or forged Silver Lance. Tibarn and Soren have C-Level support.
  4. I found a way to 1 turn 4-E-5 using my triangle team. In fact, I pulled off a successful attempt, deploying only 16 out of 17 max characters. I also didn't need to use my forged Silver Lance through trading the Wishblade. It's taking a while to record in a single attempt because Oscar keeps missing (Boyd misses a little also :(). I'll try to upload it as soon as possible. :)
  5. I'd like to you give you an extensive answer, but I'm falling asleep. (BED TINE) Bascically it's the anitithesis to my mutliple KO's on Ashera videos. Lets' talk more tomorrow.

  6. I just executed 11 triangles on Ashera without KOing her, but I don't like how it worked out, so I have to rework it a little. I want to reduce her HP as close as possible to zero.

  7. Hey man! I'm working on a new vid right now. Gonna bring more destruction and doom on Ashera :)

  8. Any chapter involving the CRKs because I hate being forced to use Paladins.
  9. Aran needs to be moved down. Interesting, I never thought of Aran in those specific terms. But it does make sense. I can't see Aran and Nephenee being in the same tier section. Her one speed point higher than his can make a lot of difference in the Endgame. I've never used Aran whatsover; he's not crucial at all to the DBs.
  10. I just uploaded a modified attempt on my "FE:RD 4-E-5 Triangle Attacks Only" video. Here is the link to it: I have modified my first post on this topic with the new link and youtube description. Other notes: I have cut down the total move count by 2 moves, bringing the total down to 39 moves, instead of 41. Soren has not been deployed. Caineghis and Tibarn's shoving order have been swapped, and Caineghis now has Smite (instead of Tibarn). Instead of shoving a spirit, Sothe rescues Rafiel on the 2nd turn, saving me one use of the Rescue Staff. It is 35 seconds shorter!!!
  11. I'm not sure how much more I have planned for my Triangle videos. Right now, I've only got one more in mind, 11 Triangles on Ashera, without KOing her, then killing her with Ike. It would be a similar concept to my "10 Triangles on Lehran" video. This time, all the Seraphs would use bronze lances, except Elincia, who would require a bronze sword and a blood tide. Oscar and Rolf would have bronze bows, and Boyd would have the Arbalest. I would love to hear some video suggestions. However, as far as a Levail triangle is concerned, it's way too easy; he could be triangled on the first turn, but then, you'd have to sit through mounds of pointless enemy attacks. As far as routing is concerned, Vykan is the expert, by a longshot. I don't want to touch that stuff whatsoever. I'm going to start a second playthrough pretty soon, so I'm trying to brainstorm ideas for that. Any suggestions would be most welcome :)
  12. Hey Guys From now on, I will post my new videos on this topic. To start it off, here's my newest video: The youtube description: The premise of this set up is to take down 4-E-5, only using triangle attacks. I did it in two turns, with 16 out of 17 maximum units deployed. The only other permitted moves are non-attack moves, then killing Ashera with Ike. This team is the same specific team I used for my “Ashera Has 13 Lives” video, so the blessed weapons and support set up are exactly the same. The first turn contains 3 triangle attacks, and second turn contains 8 triangle attacks. Here are the relevant specs: Relavant Weapons Ike- Ragnell Micaiah- Rescue Staff Oscar- Iron Longbow Boyd- Arbalest Rolf- Double Bow Elincia- Amiti Tanith- Wishblade Marcia- Brave Lance Sigrun- Forged silver lance (using a Twin Sword card) with 21Mt, 105Hit, 15 Crit Relevant supports (all A-Level) Sigrun-Marcia Tanith-Boyd Used Skills All four Seraphs have Nihil. Boyd and Gareth have Pass. Caineghis has Smite. Rafiel has Celerity.
  13. I just figured out how to use the comments feature! Thanks for the wonderful welcome and support.

  14. Great idea. I am such a forum noob. I'll eventually create one ongoing Megatopic. Thanks.
  15. Thank you so much man! It makes me so happy when other people enjoy my work :)
  16. Hey Again I've been doing so more work with my triangle team. Here's my latest video: One again, I hope you enjoy it! :) Here's the youtube description: So here’s the idea, kill Lehran on the first turn, without him being able to counter, and without killing any other spirits. Before I go into any further description, I want to mention that the spirit shoving idea is completely borrowed from Vykan12. Yoink, and thank you man!!! Watch his speedrun if you want to see the original concept of it. (I suggest you do so!) I should also explain that Lehran has a hidden Guard skill. The way it works is that if he is attacked and the attack is a fatal one, he will redirect the attack to any spirit directly adjacent to him. Therefore, all adjacent spirits must either be displaced or killed. Notes: Ike has the boots. Oscar has the Brave Bow and Pass. Rolf has the Double Bow and C-level support with Boyd Boyd has the Arbalest (and obviously C-level support with Rolf). Soren has the Rescue Staff. Tibarn has Pass and Smite. Rafiel has Celerity. The auto-critical of the Triangle attack has a 100% hit and critical rate, so yes, Lehran stands 0% chance of surviving or countering.
  17. Dheginsea, by a long shot. It's so obvious that VA is faking his own voice to make it sound more macho.
  18. Thanks, the Rescue Staff is a hidden treasure on chapter 3-F. It's hard to describe the location, so check this link: http://serenesforest.net/fe10/treasure.html It shows the coordinates :)
  19. Hey Vykan! Can't possibly congratulate you enough times on this speedrun; that would take eternity. Anyway, I may as well point out on this board, that Vykan12 is THE inspiration for all my Radiant Dawn videos. The man is brilliant :)
  20. Thanks! That Rescue Staff is wonderful. Transportation with movement allowed afterwards!
  21. Thank you. I'm brand new to this site, so I'm really happy about the warm welcome I've been receiving. And thank YOU for creating that wonderful topic the other day.
  22. Hey All I just uploaded a new video earlier today; I've titled it "Dheginsea Double Triangle" Here's the link: I hope you enjoy it, as I had a quite a fun time making it. Here's the youtube description: "Two Triangles on Dheginsea on the first turn. Same team as my Ashera videos. The point of this video is to kill Dheginsea on the first turn, without him being able to counter. Notes: Rolf has the Double Bow. Boyd has the Arbalest. Oscar has the Brave Bow and Dragonfoe. Soren has the Rescue Staff. Rafiel has Celerity. Caineghis has Smite."
  23. To everybody on this board: Thank you guys so much for all the wonderful feedback and support. You guys here, are alone, responsible for over 10% of the total views on my "Ashera has 13 Lives" video!!! That really means a lot to me. :) I've got some other projects lined up right now, all involving Radiant Dawn, and more Triangle attacks. Also, I would like to thank the creator of this sight, as I cannot quantify how helpful it has been to my success with Radiant Dawn. This sight was THE reference point for my planning out of the video.
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