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Everything posted by leopoldstotch711

  1. I just uploaded another save file. Here's the link: http://www.wiisave.com/index.php?dlid=3164 I was initially hesitant to upload this file, as it's only at chapter 1-8. However, it does give a nice little boost. Anyway, here is the description for it: This is as far as I made it, chapter 1-8, and it’s a great file if you are having trouble with the Dawn Brigade. The save file is from my second playthrough, with my transfer bonuses, and contains save files for chapters 1-6 to 1-8. I’ve heavily trained Micaiah, Edward, Leonardo, Nolan, Sothe, Laura, Ilyana, Jill, Zihark, and Fiona. They are all in second tier, with extremely good stats, except for Micaiah, who is still first tier and has amazing stats. Of note, Jill is 20/14 and has capped every stat, and Nolan is 20/13 and is right next door to capping all his stats. My Fiona and Leonardo are awesome, so you may want to consider keeping and continuing training them. It’s a good head start, and will leave you with enough room to train the other upcoming teams.
  2. If anybody's interested, here’s one of my FE10 Save Files. http://www.wiisave.com/index.php?dlid=3067 It’s for a second PT with massive transfer bonuses from a PoR playthrough on hard mode. The first save slot is the Prologue File, the second slot is a backup of the same file, and the third slot is the Epilogue save file. I know there are better (hacked) files out there, but this is for anybody interested in starting a game with my specific transfer bonuses. Here are they are: Stats 1) Ike- all but luck 2) Soren- all but HP, Str, and Luck 3) Rhys- all but HP, Str, and Luck 4) Titania- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 5) Oscar- all but Mag and Luck 6) Shinon- Str, Skill, Sp, Def, Res 7) Mist- Mag and Sp 8) Stefan- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 9) Tanith- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 1) Volke- all but HP, Mag, and Luck 11) Jill- all but Mag and Luck 12) Haar- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 13) Reyson- Mag, Skill, Sp 14) Sothe- 37 HP, Str, 4 Mag, Skill, Sp, 26 Luck, 18 Def, 18 Res 15) Elincia- all but HP and Luck 16) Tibarn- HP, Str, Skill, Def Support Bonds Ike-Elincia Soren-Stefan Oscar-Tanith 13 Coins I hope you enjoy it!
  3. You finally finished and uploaded it. Definitely worth the wait!
  4. This topic needs more Haar. He rides a wyvern, has an eye patch, and ****s his boss's daughter. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned him yet.
  5. Congrats buddy! I've been waiting forever to see when SDA would finally publish it :) Edit: And thanks for the mention. I've thoroughly enjoyed watching and learning from all the tricks and manuveurs you used in it.
  6. Congrats on beating HM. As far as Ashera, her strength is 8 and Judge has a weight of 16, which reduces her AS to 32. Therefore, any character with 36 AS or above can double her, without White Pool.
  7. I don't have any problem with the animation being on or off. That is merely a style aspect, so opinions on that matter go in both directions. While my style is to turn them off, I enjoyed watching some of the animations, especially seeing Astrid KO that Aura. Edit: BTW Goldie, I didn't know you had a serenesforest account. If you want to, please use this topic to post links to your upcoming videos :)
  8. Thanks. Anyway, I don't know anything about hacking, at least not past the Super Nintendo. She's the only one capable on making that video.
  9. Here's the link to the goldieX39's video "VS A Maxed Ashera: Special Edition": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkCMTPFj0ZI
  10. Hey everybody. GoldieX39 just completed my video request, so it should be uploaded any time soon. Anyway, this video will be a one turning of a maxed out Ashera, using a legitimate party. While the Auras stats remain untouched, Ashera will be at FULL POWER!!! Also, she will be one turned without sacrificing a single character. Keep an eye Goldie's channel, and I will post a link once the video is up :)
  11. What's up bud? Glad to see you've made it to serenes.

  12. I am not surprised whatsover :P I wanted to say this on gfaqs, but I was afraid that it would contribute to topic modding: "Fence is a ****!" I lost interest in that sight and have, once again, lost interest in it.
  13. No, support bonds don't work if characters are enemies. I've specifically tested the Dheg/Kurth bond.
  14. The most I unlocked is Oliver. There's no way I'm playing this game 15 times just to unlock Ashnard.
  15. Here's my newest video "Ashera One Turned and Then Some": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opsnkMzNTbo I am working on my second PT, but came up with this idea in the meantime. It's an improvement of my now deleted original one turn video. Here's the youtube description: Ashera not only one turned, but triangled once and KO’d twice on the first turn!!! Weapons: Ike: Ragnell Micaiah: Rexaura Oscar: Brave Bow Rolf: Double Bow Boyd: Brave Axe, with Arbalest in inventory Elincia: Amiti Tanith: Wisblade Marcia: Forged silver lance (21Mt) Sigrun: nothing Sothe: Peshkatz Caineghis, Tibarn, Kurthnaga, Nasir, Gareth, and Ena all have SS-Level strikes Necessary Skills: Wildheart: Nasir and Gareth Parity: Tibarn and Caineghis
  16. Not necessarily. It is very possible to level up characters without getting any kills. For example, I levelled up Ike on 4-1 from 20/20/1 to 20/20/20 without him killing a single character. I gave him Paragon, petrified a Bishop with a Physic staff, had Ike rescue another character, and abused the Bishop from 2 range. This way, he was able to cap every single stat. Of course, it takes quite a while, but methods like this allow you to build up a beastly army. Speaking of which, I just finished 1-4 earlier today and have Micaiah at 20, Sothe at 20/9, Edward at 20/7, Leonardo at 20/7, Nolan at 20/11, Laura at 14, and Ilyana at 20/1. I also remember reading that some person even got some characters to 3rd tier on 1-4. Most watchers don't even understand what's going on half the time. There's a ton you "you hacked" comments on Rsteube's vid. Vika's growth rates are insane. I think I'll try abusing her on my current PT.
  17. Here are some "new" videos. Well, they're not completely new, but instead, re-recordings of my old videos (pre-DVD recorder), now that I have better equipment :) Rushing Dheginsea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPZJJxsYcCY Lehran/Sephiran: From a Distance: Tibarn vs Ashnard (sorry, not Radiant Dawn, but anyway...): As usual, I hope you enjoy them. By the way, I just started my next RD playthrough, so I will have new material in time.
  18. Wiimote horizontal. Prevents other people from tripping over the wires. :P On another note, I do have a wireless gamecube controller, but for some reason, my Wii seems to respond a bit more slowly to the gamecube controller (both wired and wireless).
  19. Haar has a 38 Str cap, which would bring his damage total to 10 per round and 20 with vigor. Your damage total before Gatrie would then be 96, which would allow even Jill to perform the kill. Jill 35 + 15 + 2 = 52 (7 damage) I'm not sure what your set up is, but her extra superior movement might make her a better candidate than Gatrie.
  20. That video was freakin awesome, and you still killed her in the minimum attacks possible :)
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