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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Okay. So. After cooling down a bit, I would like to make an apology. I had no ill-intent and I did not mean for my actions to cause any kind of disagreement or argument. I am sorry if I caused things to become uncomfortable. This is just a game, it's supposed to be fun, so I'm not going to let one very rude person upset me nor am I going to complain about the outcome of the game. So if you would let me, I would like to continue voting.
  2. That was highly uncalled for, as was the rest of your post. I wasn't being a baby, I was just trying to give a fair game. I never said anyone else objected either, I objected multiple times, hence "objections" (plural) used in my post, rather than "objection" (singular). Thanks for being a arsehole and making me feel like crap. Screw you, I'm gone. Have fun with the rest of the contest, jerkwad. Edited for foul language...
  3. Did you see what happened, though? There were objections to using a "tomorrow's vote today."
  4. I dunno if the objections were considered, I'll just assume so since no one's said otherwise...? So my votes for the day... EDIT: Ninja'd. But still unsure if the objections were considered. Need some word from the rule makers here... Celica 11 Sigurd 17 Celice 16 Leaf 16 Lyn 5 Eliwood 4 Ephraim 16 Elincia 8 Micaiah 8
  5. I don't even know how I'd rank every single lord lol, I just know like my top 5, beyond that it's like..."hmm do I put him/her here, or here?"
  6. The only reason she's been downvoted is because of buzzards, at least that's how it's seemed for the most part. "Oh one person voted against her, let's follow the train!" And it hasn't been just her either...there really has been a downer on the contest for me because of this. I said "like" every ending she has, meaning "basically all." Not "completely" all. But I apologize, I always forget that my meanings are not clear on the internet like they are in real life. When Lyn and company arrive at the port, in the level you recruit Canas, she outright refuses to associate with the Fargus and his crew. And when she does, she's still pretty cold towards them. Roy is in contention with Marth and Leif for my third-favorite lord, actually. The quickdraw is one reason :P
  7. Wait, one more thing. Just remembered. Marth was my first lord, not Lyn. I got Shadow Dragon before FE7. Lyn was my SECOND lord. So yeah. Anyway.
  8. I don't think any character is universally hated :3 but from what I've seen on this particular website, she's not very well liked. I think her personality is just fine, I just don't like her as a unit. She ALWAYS hinders me more than helps. Lyn was my first lord, and while she may have that "good through-and-through" thing going--for the most part anyway--I like how she's still more unique than other lords in that she has no interest in ruling (as shown in, like, every ending she has), she has a clear hatred for all pirates and bandits (you don't really see outright hate among the lords that much, but luckily for the good pirates her hate subsides a bit), and her swordplay is more unique in that it's more of a quickdraw-style. Those are just some examples, there are other things too, but I won't go into them here :3 Ephraim is actually my second-favorite lord. But anyway. I'm derailing the topic, I apologize for that :3 I object to using tomorrow's vote today (back to topic), I'll just say that for now.
  9. We'll have to agree to disagree :P I do like Eliwood and Roy, don't get me wrong. I just don't like them as much as Lyn. I'm shocked to see any love for Micaiah though, pretty much everyone I've seen on these forum boards hates her.
  10. I disagree, I think she's a fantastic Lord. Plus there are still worse lords remaining than her, like Micaiah and Eliwood, and Elincia isn't even really a lord. And still, she'd at least still be around for another round or two longer. So again, I object to the "using tomorrow's vote today" thing. I think that's what was meant, yeah. And I agree, too many buzzards. It honestly kinda puts a downer on the whole contest, for me anyway.
  11. I object to this. I, and I suspect "Just Call Me AL", are putting a point (or two, since multiple people seem to be?) into Lyn for my/our votes tomorrow. Object object object.
  12. After today, should we go back to voting for one character (one +1 one -2)?
  13. Celica 13 Sigurd 12 Celice 15 Leaf 15 Lyn 9 Eliwood 7 Ephraim 14 Eirika 4 Elincia 12 Micaiah 16
  14. Marth 8 Alm 8 Celica 11 Sigurd 11 Celice 12 Leaf 11 Roy 7 Lyn 15 Eliwood 10 Ephraim 14 Eirika 9 Elincia 10 Micaiah 15 Lucina 5
  15. Marth 8 Alm 10 Celica 10 Sigurd 11 Seliph 11 Leif 12 Roy 12 Lyn 13 Hector 6 Eliwood 11 Ephraim 12 Eirika 9 Ike 4 Elincia 10 Micaiah 14 Lucina 11
  16. I think Lucina needs to be added to this, especially if you're adding Elincia. Otherwise, I think everyone listed is fine. Also, I'm fairly certain the FE12 Avatar's default name is Chris? Marth 10 Alm 10 Celica 10 Sigurd 10 Celice 10 Leaf 10 Roy 10 Lyn 11 Hector 8 Eliwood 10 Ephraim 11 Eirika 11 Ike 8 Elincia 10 Micaiah 10 FE12 avatar 10 Chrom 8 Robin 10
  17. Inigo 22 Owain 17 Given the choice between Inigo and Owain, I think I like Inigo more. Although neither deserves to win.
  18. Dang it, Lucina is gone. She's my favorite character in Awakening, followed closely by Gregor. I'm disappointed that neither of them won. Oh well. Don't get me wrong, I like Inigo, and I like Owain, but I think both of them are overrated when compared to other characters. I suppose I'll have to choose between them now for the final round. The question is...which to pick?
  19. Lucina 18 Owain 19 Inigo 18 Eh, I probably wouldn't participate in another one.
  20. Again, you can only vote ONE +1 and ONE -2 each day now. That rule has been in effect for two days now.
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