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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Basically this, except I'd make a Lyn Amiibo in her pose from the Awakening artwork, and it'd let you add her to your roster in FE if :3 Completely agreed on the Daisy Amiibo, too. Other than that...eh, I dunno, I'm not too imaginative lol. Maybe a Zael Amiibo, but I have no idea what it would do or what games it could be compatible with.
  2. Good luck getting her when she's announced But seriously I'm betting she'll be one of those ones that's sold out in pre-orders within the first ten minutes...
  3. This has been discussed, addressed, and closed. I am fully aware. And as I tried stating, that wasn't really my point.
  4. I didn't even get the chance to pre-order Ike. By the time I got to a computer to pre-order him...he was gone everywhere.
  5. I'm not saying there's no justification to give him a sword. I had never noticed the sword in his OoT artwork, I never noticed it in any of the cutscenes (if you can call it those) in the actual game, either. I also have no idea what the Space World Demo is. My original point was that giving Chrom a lance over a sword would be silly, sorry I used Ganondorf as an example, I'll refrain from debating from now on.
  6. I'm fairly certain Ganondorf never had a sword in Ocarina of Time until you fought his final beast form. And since he was put into Smash around OoT, it made sense that he didn't have a sword.
  7. No. If any lance-using FE character got in, it should be Ephraim. It would be silly to put Chrom in without his sword...he may have the option to use a lance in gameplay, but really, he's always shown in art and cutscenes...with a sword. EDIT: Sorta ninja'd, I suppose.
  8. I'm pretty convinced that the Gematsu leak was from someone who saw very, very early data, like very beginning stages of development. Makes sense if you ask me.
  9. I'm being serious now. I want Lyn promoted to playable, and I want Lucas, Wolf, and the Ice Climbers to come back. And also, serious again, I got the Bowser Amiibo and the Toon Link Amiibo from Toys "R" Us on Friday night...I thought they didn't come out until February. Well anyway, I got my Bowser to level 50 and now I have an extremely hard time beating him. I guess that means I trained him well lol.
  10. I'd have to go with Roy's. I really like the design and the effects and bonuses it gives.
  11. Fire Emblem is the only other series I can see working for this. I can't imagine a Kirby one, or Mario, Pokemon, Earthbound, etc. I guess I'd have to see what they'd be like.
  12. I could go either way. If they're there, then cool. If not, then cool. Eh.
  13. I didn't even put that together. Historical parallels could make it even more interesting, if it has them! Probably E3, unless Nintendo has another Direct before then, which they very well could. I could definitely see a "Spring Direct" before E3. Heeey my username is a testament of how unoriginal I am when it comes to picking a username.
  14. As soon as I heard/saw the announcement for the new Fire Emblem, I got really, really excited! So excited I couldn't think straight enough to share my excitement on these forums or anywhere else. But now that I've calmed down...I'm excited! And, these are my thoughts so far: Looks very feudal-Japan-ish to me, which I really like. I think that kind of setting will make for an interesting story, and an interesting world, which brings me to... ...I think the world it's set it looks like a brand new one. I don't really see much that connects it to any other game. Which is cool. But, I'd also be totally fine if it was connected to one (or more) of the other games. Either way is completely fine by me. What in the world was that rock-giant thing? That was one of the most interesting parts of the teaser to me. Maybe monsters like from Sacred Stones are making a comeback? I find myself wondering if this one will have an Avatar character. I do apologize if this has already been said or discussed in another topic. I haven't really read any of the other topics yet. But yeah, those are my most prominent thoughts. EDIT: Also, dragons. I'm wondering how this one will handle dragons.
  15. Bowser, Sonic, Toon Link, Charizard, and MAYBE King Dedede and Sheik have chances of being at least decently stocked, I think. Otherwise, they'll all be rare...unfortunately.
  16. I finally unlocked all the characters in the Wii U version. I wasn't really trying before, I was mostly just doing Classic and stuff. But I finally did it. I do have some nitpicks with this game, though. I hate how you have to pay to do higher difficulties in Classic mode, and I hate how it bumps your difficulty down and won't let you go back up if you lose, and getting only two lives is terrible on higher difficulties. I also still think some of these dumb challenges are idiotic. Way too stupidly hard...same for some of the reward conditions for some of the Events. Otherwise, I love it. I got a bag from Best Buy last week. It can hold 9 Amiibo, but you can put multiple Amiibo (3 I think) in the same space so it can actually hold like 27. It's gonna be full by the time I get all the Amiibo lol.
  17. If I had to rate my favorites from favorite to least favorite, then it'd be like 7>8>Tactics>undecided, don't know if I like 13 more than 1 and 2 or 2 more than 1 and 13 or...
  18. I've played 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, and Tactics. 7 is my favorite.
  19. All right, I'll keep up practicing and viewing more videos like that for tips. Right now though I can't get past 6.0 with most characters yet. Thanks for the tips!
  20. Things like "survive this-long on Cruel Smash" and "beat Intensity 9 Classic with no lives lost" and all that crap. Doesn't matter who I try it with, doesn't matter what custom stuff I put on, doesn't matter what I do at all...these challenges are, for me, completely un-winnable.
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