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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Amazon STILL hasn't shipped my copy. I'm getting really annoyed... :/ Also, question about Mii Fighter costumes. What kinds are there? Is there, like, a ninja costume? Cyborg? Regular everyday clothes?
  2. I have I like the looks of the Star Fox stage, even though I'm really not a huge fan of Assault. And sadly, I won't get my copy of Smash 3DS until between the 8th and 10th of October. I pre-ordered from Amazon and they predict it won't be here until then...*sigh* the wait will be torture. But worth it.
  3. The Super Smash Bros. series is responsible for getting me into Metroid, Fire Emblem, Star Fox, F-Zero, Golden Sun, Pokemon, AND Earthbound. I also want to try out Sin & Punishment eventually...all because of Smash Bros. EDIT: Also Kid Icarus and Ice Climber.
  4. I would also disagree that items have no place in competitive play. There is luck involved, that's undeniable, but it takes just as much skill to use and/or avoid an item...I'd say it would show off some skill if you avoided a Pokeball or Assist Trophy. I don't think it would disrupt the flow at all, I'd say it adds flow...
  5. Tournaments sound complicated... I'd need to know the dates and times before committing, found out I have family things going on for the first half of October
  6. I'd bet there's a Lyn trophy since she's an Assist Trophy.
  7. I'm just gonna start out with my personal Mii, and make it a Brawler. After that? Not sure.
  8. If I could add three more characters to the demo, I'd add Bowser, Marth, and Wii Fit Trainer. Bowser and Marth because of bias, Wii Fit Trainer because she was one of the first three newcomers revealed, the first two being Mega Man and Villager, both of which are already in the demo. If I could add a stage, then Arena Ferox.
  9. There aren't too many characters I know that well, unfortunately. The Ice Climbers were one, but they're gone now. Maybe Bowser, Link, and possibly Marth and Fox. Dunno though lol. Also, after seeing every Final Smash...I am pleased. The Mii Brawler's FS looks awesome (all the Mii FS's do, but especially that one.) I also like how you can nail multiple opponents with Marth's (and now Lucina's) Critical Hit. Could you do that in Brawl?
  10. I've never played competitively or in tournaments or anything. I don't think I'd be good enough lol...
  11. Mother Brain was the second Assist Trophy I got, after Lyn. It was awesome. I also like the little Galaga ship item, it was neat.
  12. I would definitely recommend trying everyone else, they all played well.
  13. Yeah, sorry to the third messenger, wish I could have helped ya out :/ Oh yeah, each character only had 5 alternate costumes/colors. I was hoping to be Fierce Deity Link, buuuut he wasn't in the demo lol. EDIT: There's no need to repay anything lol, it was no problem.
  14. Glad I could help lol. So, my impressions from the demo...I loved it. Mario, Link, AND Pikachu all felt improved. The gameplay was smooth and awesome. Mega Man and Villager were both fun to use. I think I like Villager a little more than Mega Man.
  15. Holy schnikes. I got three messages in a row. I have now given out the last of my spare codes, I have no more!
  16. I got the codes for the demo. Guess what happened? The very first Assist Trophy that was summoned was Lyn. And I'm sure most people here know Lyn is my favorite Fire Emblem character. It was amazing, she nabbed me two K.O.'s! DOUBLE HIT. Also, I still have two extra codes if anyone wants them, just message me.
  17. I say Lyn, but I'm alone for the most part on that.
  18. My roster thoughts: Positives: Robin, Lucina, Palutena, Duck Hunt Dog, Little Mac, Greninja, Shulk, Mii Fighters. No newcomers I really dislike or wish weren't there, I'm neutral on all the newcomers I didn't list above. Some of the alternate colors and costumes are cool! New Final Smashes? Not for everyone, but that's okay. Certain characters get buffs? Awesome. Negatives: Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Lucas...all cut. That's upsetting. Lucina is a clone. I am excited for her and count her as a positive, but she's a clone. There was potential! Yeah yeah, I know, "she disguised herself as Marth, it makes sense!" True. But there was potential. Dark Pit falls into the same boat. With Uprising...there was potential. Lyn is still an Assist Trophy. I'm happy she's in the game in some form and I guess I never really expected her to be playable, but I still wish she was. Not only does Golden Sun not have a playable character, but now it appears that Isaac isn't even an AT anymore! What? Things that are neither positive or negative, but confusing to me: Dr. Mario gets his own slot, but Alph doesn't? Okay... Ridley and Mewtwo, two of the most requested characters ever, are not playable? Weird. Overall: Despite the negatives, I am very pleased. Two thumbs up.
  19. I just have to say...Duck Hunt Dog looks amazingly awesome.
  20. I dunno if anyone else has mentioned this, but one of Bowser's alts looks like King Koopa from the old Super Mario cartoon. I mean, he isn't wearing a crown and he still has his hair and stuff, but it still resembles King Koopa.
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